Monday, October 28, 2013

GUNDAM BUILD FIGHTERS: Episode 4 - Gunpla Idol Kirara (ENG sub)

GUNDAM BUILD FIGHTERS: Episode 4 - Gunpla Idol Kirara (ENG sub)
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  1. First the Freedom got sliced by a Dijeh and now the Justice got owned by a Zaku. Sure is that director of BF hated Fukuda and Morisawa's guts that much.

    And is it me or Kiraka reminds me of Amelie from Jewelpet mixed with Akira from Valvrave the Liberator....hmm

    1. MeH everYone wilL bE cruShed bY Nu Fin FunNel in FinaL

    2. But the lead gundam is based on strike gundam, also anything related to amuro and char, are expected to be treated, in high regards.

    3. @OP so did you ever end up making that blog? u should call it the smallest violin, it would suit it perfectly since u could whine like some sort of baby and talk about pretty cure

      nobody seems to like you though

    4. When was the Freedom? Can't even find it. Episode 3?

    5. This comment has been removed by the author.

    6. @1:39 PM
      I'm only her just to comment and talk about my opinions on this series. And then, you fucking showed up George, you always made my life worse by imitating me, telling everyone that I deserve to die, telling that the series I watch is lame compared to your Universal Century and Wing shit.

      You know what? I DON'T CARE! I WATCH WHAT I WATCH! I comment what I comment and I can say anything I want without flat out stating Gundam sucks. You yourself don't even want to move on on your life because you think SEED ruined yours and now you're ruining me by FORCING ME to make a blog. I make my own decisions and my decision is I won't make my own blog because of your moronity and controlling my entire life. Do you think I'm just your puppet!

      You're no different from every 4Channer George, always trolling and doing for the lulz for what cost? Destruction of someone's life, MINE EVENTUALLY. I LIKE WHAT I LIKE, I DECIDE WHAT I CAN DO FOR MY LIFE AND YOU HAVE.NO.RIGHT.TO.MANIPULATE.MY.LIFE!!!

    7. @Gundarium

      Dude/dudett you gotta treat the internet like the washroom. You go there to poop. Do your business and be done you know? If the toilet complains, then don't give a damn. Let it complain. It's a friggin toilet. All these internet trolls are toilets. But don't ever allow a toilet to "ruin your life". You eat whatever you want to eat. And if the toilet complains. Well guess who's getting smelly poop they don't guessed it...the stupid toilet. Take it easy man/woman.People get opinions about everything. It's what they do. I have no idea who this George guy is, or what's his deal. But nothing is worth the destruction of someone's life. Especially not some internet trolling session. You get my drift? You go watch Age or Pokemon or Adventure time or even Twilight, whatever makes you happy. These shows have fans because these fans recognized the beauty in each of them. Even Twilight. Some people resonated with it and others just didn't and couldn't understand that connection. It's the connection is what matters really. Just stop playing his mind games if he's manipulating you. If this person is not just in your cyber space and is in your life, then call someone to deal with this bullying . It's 2013 you have tools people who were bullied in the 1950's dreamed of. Make use of that. But if he's just some troll on the internet. Then give him the exact same attention you give toilets.

  2. yeah. the Starring unit is an awesome Strike gundam that destroys everything in it's path. and there is at least one more major character with a Seed unit (red Astray) and the creators must reeeeaally hate Fukada and companies guts :P, still nothing has beat Wing's humiliation so far.

    had a feeling some desperate seed haters would quickly cling onto that as a big win. Sad.

    What, dont actually put the video's up anymore?

    1. It's normal, newer generation Gundam should be stronger than previous one. Otherwise no one will watch.
      Expect to see more lead gundam get chopped up unless they adapt to build fighter rules: Customized!.

  3. Lol. Is it me or are Seed haters just like the saddest, most miserable beings alive? more than 10 years later, and they are still butthurt over SEED being better and more relevant than Wing... then got butthurt more when they instantly jumped the 00 fan wagon and it bombed..

    1. Seed haters aren't the saddest and miserable beings alive. They're not butt hurt over 10 years later either. I think it's they're just bored and have too much time on their hands so they go after people who enjoy Seed hoping it'll prove their 'point' or whatever they're doing. I don't think 00 did poorly. If it did, then why would Bandai put out over 70 HGs for it and why would they even bother doing the MG Exia R2? Wing is sort of a different story I think. It has a lot of nostalgia from people in the West because a lot were exposed to Gundam series with Wing. In Japan, I think it's different because a lot of people there enjoy it and also because the Frozen Teardrop and Glory of the Losers is current as well as the 'Endless Waltz Ver." line of MGs we've been getting. People just enjoy certain series. I think it's stupid that people get "butthurt" over someone liking an anime series over another.
      And you think that Seed fans jumped to the 00 fan wagon? That's weird because most people that I talk to either like Seed or 00 and not both.

    2. I think he meant Wing fans jumping on 00 bandwagon. I'm guessing the gist is because they were desperate to quickly have Seed be dethroned and become irrelevant to a new series, so the instantly became super fans of 00. but naturally 00 bombed, and is one of the stupidest series, so Seed still stood strong, and is not more relevant than 00 as well.

    3. I don't think anybody jumped on any bandwagon. Haters will always be haters whatever the series. And 00 did not "bomb". It was successful enough to get its own movie, something Seed with all its popularity could not pull together. It also got a massive HG line as anon 6:15 pointed out.

    4. Don't get your hopes up. Fukuda's not directing this lol.

  4. seriously, just watch the show. they cannot please all the people who love gundams or the grunts unit.

    1. Some people had their head too messed up and can't enjoy even a simple show.

      Probably watching Wing, Seed, 00, Age in the past had damaged their brain beyond repair, making them incomprehensible even to animal.

    2. Those people need to pull their heads out of their asses and realise Gundam is, and will always be, a toy commercial for kids. And this show is doing a damn good job of it.

  5. I don't think the people on staff hate Fukada, they're just showing how amazing the Zaku Amazing is and it is easier for gundam fans to get the amazing-ness when you have it defeat really powerful mobile suits. If anything they are favoring custom models/kitbashes over regularly built suits.

    1. really, in this show it's Custom Gunpla units beats normal gunpla units everytime... unless you are Wing gundam, then not even the main character can save you.

    2. Red Wing beat 2 opponents in the first EP's CM, so yeah, the MC just sucks.
      And I bet that Dijeh in the first EP's customized to HGUC standards. Otherwise. movement will really suck for that unit.

  6. Final tournament match would be filled with custom kits. Because that's what this show is promoting.

    1. Custom Devil Gundam? Yes please!

    2. Devil Daishougun from Plamo Wars (1995):

      Read more about the Gunpla Battle stories that came before GBF:

  7. I think people are over-examining Build Fighters with theories that certain people hate others from Sunrise and the other animation studios. Without a doubt, Build Fighters is a Gundam anime dedicated to years of doing business between Sunrise and Bandai with the animes and OVAs as well as the related GunPla kits. The hidden intention is to get kids into buying the Build Fighter GunPla HGs and I think the idea is for the kids to get their parents to buy the Build Fighter stuff, and when the series ends, they get their parents to get them the actual GunPla that the Build Fighter versions are based off of. I'm actually surprised that we haven't gotten any SDs for Build Fighter and strictly HG. It kind of reminds me of Gunpla Builders Beginning G and how its line of GunPla was very short-lived. But that was a short OVA series and this is a new series. I guess SDs and MGs for Build Fighter will come out later. Anyway, I think people should just try to watch this series in a more simple mind set since this primarily a Gundam show for younger children. Trying to analyze the show is pointless.

    1. Um... there's nothing hidden about Build Fighter's intention to sell toys. If anything this series is refreshing HONEST about its purpose for once instead of coming up with some bullshit plot device to justify introducing new suits.

    2. yep this is just lighthearted show, just enjoy it folks, the only serious one is Mr Ramba Ral (lol).

      @anon 6:52
      there's nothing honest in gundam world dude. nothing. (lol I remember someone said that in old gundam series)

    3. I like lighthearted Gundam shows. Besides, already got my fill of grimdark from SnK.

    4. Here's my analysis, Bandai wants us to buy gunpla and customize it cause so far, only one painted build has won against modified Gunpla (an that Re-gz's only mod is a paint job).
      Plus, customization sometimes makes us buy more that one kit per build for extra parts (or cause we just messed up a mod)

    5. I'm only 'examining' the story for clues to the the mysteries like what exactly is the Arian world, what is the treasure Reiji used to come to Earth, anything more to the Plavsky particles, any possibility that Ramba Ral is a dimension slider etc.

      On the other hand, Beginning G is very much grounded, straightforward without any mystery and fantasy.

  8. Still no nude scene of China Kousaka in this episode. Gonna wait for the next one then...

    1. Doujinshi are your friends ;)

    2. Still, there's only Sei's mom available on the internet.

    3. Why do they feel the need to give the female lead the worst mobile suit in all existence? At-least the custom X gundams pilot got a better deal.

    4. What? Beargguy's awesome!

  9. Hi-tier MS from certain series can be strong in their own universe thanks to plot, but not in GPB/GBF-verse when modelling and piloting skill are key for victory, you still can defeat powerful MS just with a grunt suit. And lol for Jerrid and Kacrikon reincarnation in this series.

    1. So far it's Ramba Ral, MQuve, Jerrid and Kacrikon. Hope we see Mashymre or Chara next week

  10. No one noticed that the two controllers of the Marasai at the beginning are Jerid and Kacricon dead ringers? XD

    1. Whooop! Nevermind! Beaten to the punch! XD Shoulda refreshed the page.

    2. Well, if you're gonna use your favorite gunpla, might as well cosplay as the Anime pilot, or at least quote some lines.

      I bet Mr. Ral had some cosmetic surgery to look like that!

    3. I'm not sure "I" would go that far... but there were those Zeon cosplayers in the last episode... ^_^

  11. I hope we all agree that Kirara is very fuckable, specially with dat purple hair and casual outfit

    1. And the overly accentuated boobs over the thick overcoat. (Y)

    2. I think she is a meer camble clone

    3. damn that was fast

      tho what she did was a bitch move i would still want to fuck dem sugerwalls

  12. I don't think theirs been a gundam series I haven't enjoyed point being I love anything gundam

  13. I don't think theirs been a gundam series I haven't enjoyed point being I love anything gundam

  14. I think that we can all agree the China is going to be Iori 's love interest for this series, so does anyone what to take bet on who will be Reiji's love interest or if he will even get one. Also, here's hoping that they will explain the mystery of Reiji.

    1. I think Aila could be someone to relate to Reiji.
      From the wikia she seems similar to Reiji, perhaps someone from Arian as well?

  15. Ok, just watched ep 4.

    Right to the most important part after the credits.

    Gunpla also have 'Meijin', lol.
    The word made me think of Chihayafuru.
    Ok, actually Katsumi Kawaguchi is known as Kawaguchi Meijin.

    Give up the Yuuki name?
    Is that his father's or mother's?

    Allan, thats the young engineer from the Gunpla Works department of the PPSE Company (the company that created the Gunpla Battle tech).

    Does Tatsuya have anything to do with PPSE, Plavsky and the Gunpla Battle system?
    Reiji is mysterious, now Tatsuya has some mystery too.

    I wonder what is the group Ramba Ral is standing with in the ED.
    They look like pros.
    Most of the characters in the ED are more or less known.

    The Kirara song feels incomplete but would be fitting for a Gunpla campaign song :P

  16. I don't care if its a hot chick. If ANYBODY did that to my gunpla, I would tear them a new asshole.

    1. I can understand that but calm down man. How about turning said hot chick into your own submissive bitch craving for your dick.

      If it were a dude, by all means do whatever you want to his asshole

  17. A japanese blog comments that you can see Sei building the rifle of Build Gundam MK2 at the scene where Reiji is eating on Sei's bed and talking to Sei about Mihoshi

  18. When you think about it, it kind of makes sense that the Freedom and Justice were beaten so easily in this universe. I enjoyed SEED and all but let's be honest here, the 1/144 HG line for SEED and SEED Destiny is terrible compared to today's standards. They probably could have been beaten by a modern, unmodified HGUC kit. That's how different the quality is.
