Friday, October 25, 2013

Gundam Breaker Custom Gunplas - On Display @ Gunpla Expo Thailand 2013

Gundam Breaker Custom Gunplas - On Display @ Gunpla Expo Thailand 2013

*Thanks to for the images.*


  1. Sorry for being picky but...
    Error#1: Shoulder and arm are counted as one part, you can't have Sazabi's shoulder with Sinanju's arm.
    Error#2: Sinanju's beam rifle should have the bazooka attached.
    Not gonna count the Age-2 plates as error.

  2. Looks good for me, Just...

    If Sinanju have a gundam head ( ex : Infinite Justice ) & Unicorn have a White Sazabi GPB head, that, my friend, will be fun

  3. Ok im lost guys. For the life of me I cannot understand the appeal of this kind of building. Just putting complete unchanged parts on other models. I have seen models where someone did this and thought ; wow this guy is new, he doesn't know any better yet but he will as he gets more experience cause that looks like crap. But now there is a whole thing devoted to doing this very thing! Im not insulting, Im asking for clarification as to why this is popular.

    1. This is an advert for the game Gundam Breaker.
