Thursday, November 14, 2013


We are currently offering two types of coupon codes! 
$15 Coupon for orders in the amount of $150 and above. Just type in the coupon code 15OFF in your shopping cart.
$25 Coupon for orders in the amount to of $250 and above. Just type in the coupon code 25OFF in your shopping cart.
*** All orders made from Oct.1st - Dec.24th will enter into our HOLIDAY RANDOM DRAW CONTEST to win some really great prizes.  10 Winners will be selected for various prizes!  One of the grand prize will be the Tamashii Web Exclusive Metal Build 00 Raiser Special Marking Ver.!  More prizes will be announced in the coming month. Stay tuned! ***

- MG 1/100 RX-93 Nu Gundam Ver.ka Titanium Finish
- HG 1/144 F91 Gundam Harison Maddim Custom
- HG 1/144 LM314V21 V2 Gundam
- HGCE 1/144 GAT-X105 Aile Strike Gundam
- SD BB Nu Gundam
MG 1/100 Gundam X  
MG 1/100 Sazabi Ver. Ka
P-Bandai Exclusive: MG 1/100 Gundam Astray Noir
- P-Bandai Exclusive: MG 1/100 Gundam Astray Red Frame
P-Bandai Exclusive: PG 1/60 Gundam Astray Blue Frame
RG 1/144 Strike Freedom Gundam
P-Bandai Exclusive: RG 1/144 Strike Freedom Gundam Full Burst Effect Part
RG 1/144 Strike Freedom Gundam + Full Burst Effect Part Combo

MG 1/100 Gundam X  
P-Bandai Hobby Online Shop Exclusive: MG 1/100 Double Fin Funnel Set 
MG 1/100 Nu Gundam Ver.Ka + MG 1/100 Double Fin Funnel Set Combo
[P-Bandai Hobby Online Shop Exclusive] HGUC 1/144 GM Kai + Ball Set 

MG 1/100 Wing Gundam Proto Zero EW
- HG 1/144 Astray Gold Frame [P-Bandai Hobby Online Shop Exclusive]

P-Bandai Online Shop Exclusive: Gundam Gashapon Senshi NEXT Premium 02  
P-Bandai Online Hobby Shop Exclusive: HGUC 1/144 AMX-107R Rebawoo
- Gundam Converge EX01 Kshatriya
- Metal Build Destiny Gundam
- P-Bandai Exclusive: MG 1/100 Zaku Cannon [Unicorn Ver.]
- P-Bandai Exclusive: MG 1/100 Z'Gok [Unicorn Ver.]
- MG 1/100 Wing Gundam Proto Zero EW
- HG 1/144 Victory Gundam
- SD BB LENGEND Knight Unicorn Gundam
- Tamashii Web Shop Exclusive: Robot Damahsii Ka Signature RMS-154 Barzam
- P-Bandai Exclusive: MG 1/100 Geara Doga Rezin Schnyder Custom
- P-Bandai Exclusive: HGUC 1/144 Zogok [Jaburo Capture War Specification]
- P-Bandai Exclusive: HGUC 1/144 Eye-Zack, Gaza C & Geara Doga [Unicorn Ver.]


  1. ya already ordered my rebawoo that will be number 8 in my full frontal collection

  2. @SavviMaple: We do apologize for not being able to respond to you regarding your refund. We have had email issues for the past months. And it had been recently fixed. We are not doing our best to catch up to our backlog of emails. If you could private message us on our facebook page (, we could assist you right the way to tender your refund for your order. Thank you.

  3. I think it's good that you're at least actively checking the comment sections in case people haven't read your messages to contact them via the emails or the FaceBook page. I hope that people aren't all butt hurt about you guys having that email issue and not getting back to people quick enough (well at least to their expectations).

    People need to realize that GG Infinite is not like some of huge operation that has like 100 active employees working there. From what I understand, there's only a small group of people who handle all the order receiving, packaging, emails, warehouse management, ordering stuff, etc.

    For people who still haven't checked, please go to: read up on the explanation that GG gave on this whole fiasco.

    Anyway, I don't work for GG. I just like the company quite a bit and their product offerings is vast. It's good that they're a US based company dealing with such a niche hobby. We should continue to support them so more stores can pop up; especially if Bandai finally realizes that the Plamo hobby is actually pretty damn big outside of the Japanese market.

    And with businesses being required to be international if they want to succeed, I think it'd be smart for Bandai to fix this mentality of business. And also, Sunrise should also work on getting those Gundam BluRays localized for countries outside of the US.

    And speaking of the MG Proto Zero EW...
    I've been speaking some people and this 1 guy apparently spoke with a distributor at a convention where they informally discussed some things he heard from Bandai Hobby Division about how a lot of people requested for the Wing Zero Custom MG to get a revised release, and that he regular Wing EW is being done. Apparently they're not certain when but 2014 is apparently the likely time since that's when Frozen Teardrop/Glory of the Defeated should be debuting the Wing Zero Custom.

    1. (channeling Michael Cole's voice:)

      (channeling Mr. McMahon's voice)
      ""Don't be thinking about getting involved in what I'm doing tonight. If you do, you too could be a member of the suiton629's KISS GG INFINITE'S ASS CLUB!"

    2. People are butthurt about the e-mail issue? Try to imagine yourself as one of the customers who are affected by this problem, suiton. Your asskissing only making things worse. -_-

    3. I really don't see how suiton is asskissing or anything. I know GG personally and made several purchases with him, he's a good guy and I enjoyed the shopping experience. I believe what suiton tried to say is have some understanding, put yourself in GG's shoes and try to understand how stressing the situation might be for him. Bottom line, treat other people the way you want to be treated.

    4. @Kiramuya
      There are also people who are affected yet understands the problem, however Suiton continues to pretend to be GGI's PR guy.
      Good thing GG is replying from the customers who have e-mail issues with them.

    5. @Anonymous October 1, 2013 at 9:18 AM
      It's not like I don't understand why people are upset. There is a valid basis for them being upset. But, you have to actually have some faith in GG Infinite that they will make things right, or at least refund all of your money.

      Has there ever been anything that would make you doubt GG Infinite's validity as a legitimate business? Have you ever had your money stolen or kits never delivered? Have they ever replied back to your emails since they began business?

      Seriously think about it. Gundam Guy, the person, is an actual person and not like some auto-spam-bot thing. He's an actual person, he replies back via emails & comments, and even with his (I presume) busy family life and relatively small business operations (including very few active employees), you have to have more faith in their honest.

      I'm not "ass kissing". I'm just trying to get people to realize that things like this can happen. It's unfortunate that the email servers were down for so long and they didn't email everyone, but how could they if their email systems were down?

      Also, people failed to even consider to send them a message via their FaceBook pages. Don't you think that the ignorance of customers also exacerbated the situation to the point where people got mad because their order hadn't shipped out at a certain time and they didn't receive an email.

      Seriously. Do people think that GG Infinite was out to rip people off on a mass scale? Come on! Be reasonable!

      And dude. I've purchased stuff from eBay, Amazon, etc and have had orders not shipped til like 2 months later. But I trusted the sellers since I've been doing business with them for 5+ years and they've always been good to me, even if they didn't reply back to emails I've sent. What happened with them was that their email servers went offline due to some technical thing and their warehouse at the time was hit with a flood so they had to clean up everything, move out, and set up at a new location.

      I didn't go on a mass rampage or get butt hurt about it since I trusted them and assumed that eventually I would receive my orders. They finally set up everything and they emailed me along with their others customers explaining what happened. They sent out everyone's orders and when I got mine, I was surprised to see like an apology letter inside the box along with my order.

      I emailed the seller and I thanks him for this. To this day, I still support him through purchases.

      The same applies to GG Infinite. I like them. That's why I stick with them and trust that all orders I make will be delivered.

      It's up to you how you want to go about your life and have you behave, where you shop, etc. You can be mad at GG Infinite if you want and never deal with them again. It's up to you.

      But I just find it apalling that people just can't seem to comprehend that GG Infinite was going to make everything right, which they've done so. And on top of that, GG himself apologized, and I'm sure that now they're flying through with replying back to messages.

      Anyway, I've said enough on this. You guys can keep trying to troll, flame, etc. It'll just make you look less valid (even more so right now since you post as Anonymous thinking it'll make you feel any better). To be quite honest, those who consistently post as 'Anonymous' on this blog I view as being keyboard warriors.

      Regardless of this, just don't go around assuming a reputable company like GG Infinite is going to try and scam you out of kits and your money.

      You guys are practicing that whole mentality of customer is always right. That mentality is totally wrong. Most customers are just overly eager, and demand their order immediately and any delays or issues is like blasphemy...LOL

    6. I've read in animesuki the thing suiton said about Proto Zero. Also, he's flooding the forum with his wishlist

    7. It's like Charles Kim ruined Gundam.

    8. It's like suiton629 ruined GG Infinite.

    9. Damn suiton, you just got the truth dropped on you! No wonder why you think you have haters, they preach the truth! God bless you Roccondil5.

    10. Poor suiton, trying to act like he is all knowning and full of wisdom. Tis a shame that the truth has been dropped and can only reply that saying we are haters. But my dear Charles Kim, who is your real name, when will you realize that we are watching you make yourself more foolish looking and hypocritical with each tweet, post, and YouTube comment?

      Btw, weren't you suppose to be on a break from YouTube and gunpla in general, or was that fabricated? Seems like the latter to me

      We are Ben we are many

      Expect us.

    11. >says he doesn't care his being blocked by everyone
      >makes huge ass post filled with memes to prove how much he doesn't care

      Way to go, suiton, your stupidity never fails to provide! XD

    12. Tis a shame if you ask me ben. Just goes to show he is experiencing a common case of buttious hurtus. If I were someone who is upset or doesn't care about being banned, I wouldn't post it up on a personal blog. I would man up and continued with life.

      Oh one last thing, how's that $100 hg on ebay going Charles? Anyone fall for your price gouging yet?


    14. oh suiton, how cute that you post this on your own blog: "This is how I view gunpla fans" (link: is pretty much summing up that you are also one of those gunpla fans since you purchase complete collections of certain series and exclusives as well.

      keep proving to be a hypocritical individual to us all. it's quite enjoyable.

  4. Even if e-mail servers are down, GG can contact their customers in many ways: phone, voice mail, snail mail, text message. Also, Facebook is included, but as a secondary means of communication like the above. Failure to keep any kinds of communication is a very big "NO!" to the business.
    Suiton, you don't really understand the problem because you're didn't encounter it. Yet you preach regarding this problem, ask to understand GG. What you're doing is ass kissing, and your asskissing doesn't stopped in GG's post regarding e-mail issues. You're no different to those REAL trolls and keyboard warriors in this site.

  5. Suiton your are a ignorant ass kissing little troll. What gives you the right to tell that they shouldn't be pissed off at GG. It's our right to be mad at him and saying we should contact him through Facebook as an alternative to his email is not a legitimate business practice. I for one would concider it very unprofessional when a business has a dedicated email. Also you clam the reason why GG has a hard time replying too emails is because he is a small business is a complete B.S. answer. I've dealt with a lot of small businesses many of whom were a one man operations and every time I received a response email the same day it was sent usually within a few hours. So the fact that you clam.GG was too busy is complete bull. GG has been having issues with their email for a very long time now and it appears they haven't found a permanent fix yet. But like it was said b4 when you buy something from someone and there is no further communicate for the other party people tend too feel ripped off. And why the hell are you bringing this up in another topic that has nothing to do with their email issue unless you are being an asd kisser or a troll. You are plague on the gundam community that creates nothing but anger and hatred were ever you are.

  6. suiton may deleted his anti-GGI post in his blog but i found something related to it:

    1. yeah, what do you say to this? you coward... I am starting to believe Kimmie is bipolar, which explains a lot of the shit that goes on around him...

    2. An evidence suiton left behind? Wow, suiton, you're an asskissing hypocrite -_-

  7. When is GG infinite getting in the Gundam 3.0 online add on kit with all the extras? It should be here soon shouldn't it?

  8. Nope, he pretended to stay dead

  9. What the fuck happpened to the compition n 2011 G-Shot! ugh waste of my time GG so fucking disappointed in you and your team also, face facts you're nothing but a child!

  10. Awesome. I really look forwards to the Neo Zeon Set with the Eye Zack, Gaza and Geara Doga. Saves me the trouble of having to paint the sleeves detail on the regular versions.
