Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Tamashii Web Shop Exclusive: Robot Spirits (Side MS): Extreme Gundam (Type Leos) Eclipse Phase & Agios Phase Part Set - Review by Hacchaka

Tamashii Web Shop Exclusive: Robot Spirits (Side MS): Extreme Gundam (Type Leos) Eclipse Phase & Agios Phase Part Set
Review by Hacchaka


  1. imagine this as a MG.....damn it would be hilarious..

    1. and awesome. you forgot awesome. not sure if i want to make a bigger hole in my wallet though...

    2. enjoy your fragile MG

  2. Am I the only one here who doesn't like this Gundam? Compared to the Strike Freedom and Destiny, this guy just SCREAMS unoriginal in every angle.

    1. It's a GPB design. I'm pretty sure the entire point is that it was kitbashed with and influenced/inspired by the parts of other Gundams. Hell, look at the guns - a mishmash of the weapons carried by the GP01, Gundam Mk. II, the Freedom's hip/wing guns, and a little bit of Zaku rifle styling thrown in, which combine like the Wing Zero's buster rifles AND interact with bits.

    2. @Anon741 - not GPB... it's EXA, the Decade of Gundam... in the manga, the gundam takes on the combat capabilties of certain gundams as some-sort of armor pack. Which he also takes in some of the characteristics of the pilots of the mobile suits he used as the basis for the armor packs. In short he becomes somewhat like Heero inside the Eclipse and somewhat Kira inside the Agios.

      Zenon Phase - takes on the looks and combat capabilities of the Yamato Gundam which is the predecessors of both the Shinning and the God from the Future Century universe. Main role is close combat like Yamato, Shinning and God.

      Eclipse Phase - takes on the combat capabilities of Wing Zero. Thus explains the two rifles, aka Variable Psycho Rifle. Main role is long range bombardment like Wing Zero was.

      Agios Phase - takes on the combat capabilities of Strike Freedom. Wings and the funnels tell all. Doesn't really take a genius to notice that. Main role is assault like the Strike Freedom was.

      EXA Phase - combination of all other 3 phases.

  3. Zenon or Xenon???
    was thinking that EXA;

    this kit is truly great...

  4. this is an AWESOME kit.
    if they ever release MG version of this, I'll buy it in an instant.

    I love huge wings. I love red. and I love translucent gold.
    need to say more ? :)

    the only thing it lack is v-mustache (yeah I admit I love turn-a haha)
