Saturday, September 21, 2013

Gunpla Builders World Cup (GBWC) 2013 Singapore - Image Gallery by Waylander [Part 1]

Gunpla Builders World Cup (GBWC) 2013 Singapore - Image Gallery by Waylander [Part 1]
View full image gallery @ Waylander Blog


  1. I wonder if the Bandai reps noticed the use of bootleg parts in that custom Nu Ver.Ka that looks like a Hi-nu...

    1. according to the modeller, whom i know in person, he used all bandai parts. its legit btw.

    2. does it really matter? so what if i used original KOTOBUKIYA parts? TAMIYA parts? HASBRO or HAZEGAWA parts? or bootlegged gundam or kotobukiya parts? china resin parts? kainer parts...??

    3. yes it does matter, when you are using bootlegged, its about copyright, or maybe u are just another poor bastard with lack of respect attitude.

  2. yeah right... like you've never downloaded/torrent any music, games, movie online...? poor bastard u say? not everyone is lucky enough to afford original everything... you've sat on your comfy mansion and computer for far too long... go out there to places you are to chicken to go...then you understand the meaning of RESPECT you "poor" bastard...
