Saturday, September 14, 2013

HG 1/144 Gundam Astray Blue Frame 2nd L Mech Frame / Clear Armor Ver. - On Display @ C3 x Hobby 2013 (Japan) [Updated 9/14/13]

HG 1/144 Gundam Astray Blue Frame 2nd L Mech Frame / Clear Armor Ver.  (Release Date: Aug 31st 2013 @ C3 x Hobby 2013, Price: 3000 yen)

This is an exclusive gunpla was sold at C3 x Hobby 2013 
Location: Makuhari Messe International Convention Complex (Japan)
Dates: Aug. 31st - Sept 1st, 2013

Images via Gtoys

Images via Gundam Zousho

Image via Gundam Guy


  1. seed and anything asstray just sucks

    moving on

    1. yo kiddo, GG is only sharing information about this kit. show some gratitude will you.

    2. admitting you like seed is a troll post itself

    3. Stop trolling please. You don't want GG to have the same fate as ngee khiong, right?

    4. SEED and Destiny can go burn for all i care

      but you have to be a shitface donkeyfucker to bash on Astray

    5. Oh please. Seed was NOT terrible. Seed DESTINY, was terrible.

    6. ^ i think someone is being dishonest

    7. I agree with them. SEED wasn't really that bad. Granted, it wasn't all that great either, but it's still a competant Gundam series. DESTINY, on the other hand, only started out okay, but it didn't take long before things started going downhill, what with things like the ridiculous amounts of stock footage, retconning and undermining events from the first series, Kira coming back with the Freedom and becoming the nigh untouchable lord of the battlefield and eventual show stealer, and the old cast seemingly casually forgiving and forgetting that Neo/Mu helped brainwash kids and commit genocide simply because he's Mu. I honestly don't remember people bashing the original SEED that much until DESTINY came out, which leads me to believe that SEED earned its seemingly poor reputation simply by association with DESTINY.

  2. Screw the watermark. Hope gginfinite folds up.

  3. quick! how many seedfags does it take to screw in a light bulb?

    the answer none, cause they were still thinking about how to put it in since 2004

  4. SEED was a love it or hate it series in the first place, DESTINY was awful, and it dragged the first SEED down simply by association. Astray, though, is consistently considered to be one of the best things to come out of the SEED timeline, and having read most of the manga myself, I can see why. It is very different from the animated series in tone and style, it has very unique and imaginative mecha designs (Especially all of Red Frame's optional equipment), and it has a much, much more likable cast of eccentric characters, and it all is a very welcome change from the norm. I say Astray is as good as, or, dare I say, even better than some other well known manga stories. I actually liked Astray much better than Crossbone or F90.

    1. Words like justice and truth are empty concepts that have led societies through cancerous histories. Through the ages, those who have blindly believed in these absolute truths have fought and died in pursuit of platitudes.

      Today, you'll find people mistaking their own greed for truth and eating the planet out from under them and condemning themselves to total annihilation. Chanting their democracy and their freedom as though they were a religion. They're cheerfully justifying their journey toward self destruction.

    2. Oh no. Here come the spambots.
