Saturday, August 3, 2013

Gundam Front Tokyo's "DOME-G" - New Animation Feature Debuts Today (Aug 3rd)

Gundam Front Tokyo's "DOME-G" - New Animation Feature Debuts Today (Aug 3rd)
Images via Gundam.Info
Gundam Front Tokyo's "DOME-G" is currently featuring an all new animation feature.  In this new animated feature the Unicorn Gundam Unit-3 Fenix will make it's debut.  The exclusive HGUC 1/144 Unicorn Gundam Unit 3 Phenex (Destroy Mode) and other exclusive merchandises will be for sale at the event.

New Animation Feature Images

Exclusive Merchandises 


  1. First it's full "vernier" now it's "phenex"?

    1. But... it IS Full Burnern. "Full Vernier" is fans' favourite mistake.
      As to Phenex... No comment, except "oh you Japan and your vision of English". Even poor Artimes sounds better.
      And shame on you, GG, on writing Fenix and Phenex in the same post. Tsk.

    2. Phenex is an actual name, you dimwit. Phenex is one of Solomon's demons, the 37th demon in the lesser key of Solomon, the Marquis Phenex, said to resemble a Phoenix.

    3. I would like to embrace you in my arms and tell you it is okay to let go of your anger. I love you and everyone cares for you. Please find the time to realize this throughout your busy day. Thank you

  2. Gundam Front Tokyo's "DOME-G" is currently featuring an all new animation feature. dafuq? did someone just used google translate?
