Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Gundam Artwork: Unicorn Gundam 02 Banshee vs. Freedom Gundam... Who Wins?

Gundam Artwork: Unicorn Gundam 02 Banshee vs. Freedom Gundam... Who Wins?
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Image via 彩つづら


  1. This is my opinion, as much as I love UC, I'm going to have to go with the Freedom. And it'll be worse for Banshee if it was against the Strike Freedom.

    I attribute it to lack of rapid beam weapon, limited Destroy mode time, subpar maneuverability compared to Freedom and most importantly, pilot.

    Unless it somehow manages to crush the Freedom like it totaled the Delta, which is unlikely given Kira's preference for ranged tactics and swift-melee strikes.

    1. Naah, neither of them will win, 'cause both will be crushed by 00 Trans-Am Raiser Super-Quantum-Teleportation.

      but, 00 Raiser will be defeated easily by Turn-A Moonlight Butterfly.

      FINALLY, in the end, Turn-A will be defeated by GunTank, because GunTank didn't use any tech (it's a Human-Powered Gundam with 50 crew pedaling it from inside, LOL).

    2. no, banshee would win in close range.

      being in a suit meant for close range engagements and having a affinity for being a melee happy beam spammer are two different things entirely.

    3. Hi-Nu Gundam will destroy them All.

      I read that he is the best Gundam in all Gundam Multiverse

      He can defy Turn A's Moonliggt Butterly via Psycho Frame Burst Syncronization.

      In this pic Even at close range, Kira can beat Marida or Riddhe. Kira can even kill him/her if wont refuse to.

    4. No, The unicorn model beats all previous UC Gundams and mobile suits so Hi nu stands no chance. 2nd Turn A is the gundam of gundams get it right. 3rd Kira would get his a$$ handed to him by Riddhe, Newtypes beat coordinators by a long shot

  2. Freedom wins on the basis that nothing can pierce kira's plot armor.

    1. He survived a big ass anti ship sword pierced through his cockpit. It's more than just plot armor we are talking about.

  3. SEED's half-past-6 rehashes has no place in UC-verse, they are only good as ugly reminders on how bankrupt of ideas Bandai really are~

  4. Assuming they're in space and not in the Earth's atmosphere or on the ground:

    >If the Banshee's carrying Marida's loudout (armed armour VN and BS), then I give this to the Freedom. Marida's Banshee just has too many limits on its weapons. It only has 1 powerful long range weapon, the VN, which has to be folded up when Banshee uses a beam saber. Also, Destroy Mode needs to be activated for the VN to be used. All Freedom's cannons can be operated (with less accuracy) without SEED break. The Freedom can also cut up the Banshee's limbs way before the VN can touch the Freedom. Freedom can also use its shield and beam saber to block long range attaks. The Banshee only has the closed-up VN for defense.

    >If it's carrying Riddhe's loadout (beam magnum with revolving launcher, armed armour DE and XE), I think the fight's pretty equal. The Unicorn stood up to the Kshatriya's beam spamming bits (that attack from way more angles than Freedom's cannons) by dodging and using the i-field in its shield. The Banshee Norn's performance is very similar to the Unicorn's. I'd say it's pretty even especially when the destroy mode's engaged.

  5. Since Kira is not a newtype, Banshee's NTD won't work. Put Banagher into the Freedom, Banshee will surely win...

    1. Put Banagher in Turn A and even the RX-78-2 can win.

    2. uh no Kira is a new type even the director called mu a newtype and Kira had that ability. I'm pretty sure NTD blocks and remote weapons if they are new type or not, if Kira was in the strike freedom he would loose because the speed of the Banshee is faster in its NTD form, he will turn the Dragoons against Kira and just keep firing beam weapons. Kira can beam spam all he wants, all he has to do is activate the I field or even in episode 4 the weapons didn't do anything to the Unicorn.

    3. Kira is the Ultimate Coordinator.
      Yeah he is a Newtype too.
      Mu la Flaga is an Evolved Newtype.
      So NT-D can sense them.

      But Freedom will kick Banshee's Metal Ass

  6. His name is Kira Jesus Yamato for a reason people..

  7. i'm not a huge seed fan and i have to agree, freedom. in the picture it has maridas load out, weapons are too specific in their use compared to a geneerally well rounded system, the determining factor would be the phase shift armor, the claw would be pointless wasting a free hand leaving one somewhat wonky ranged beam weapon to try and compensate. similarly the nt-d system would be pointless against an coordinator, but some say that kira may be a newtype as well considering mu was (they served no purpose in seed which made it weird), but no newtype weapons to disable. assuming kira's plot armor is disabled i hate to say it'd be freedom. (UC and 00 fan here)

  8. Performance wise the freedom would win just based on how a uc suit would fare against a seed suit if they were real.

  9. No Freedom will get its ass kicked with any weapon layout from the Banshee's. You forget Banshee's armor can block any physical attacks because of the Gundanium Alloy it has. Also ifield blocks almost all beam weapons, Kira can beam spam all he wants. He will just get his ass kicked. Beam saber duel its random I don't think Kira can kick everyone's ass in a beam saber duel not even a skilled solder. Banshee has the armor and the weapon layout to win. It also has the speed as you can see with the Unicorn gundam in episode 2 where the thrusters in its NTD mode was fast as hell.

    1. He defeated countless Highly Trained Soldier in a Sword duel numerous time.

      He got stabbed cuz he was Distracted.
      Damn Man.

      Y'all hate Seed just because it was highly bases on 0079? Why? Why don you guys just Understand and Enjoy the show. You just focus on the bad stuff.

      And the Seed writer announces that Sees would be a spin-off series of 0079.

  10. Kira is another inbred Newtype (the directors just decided to call them Coordinators, wtf?), so Banshee will have NTD activated.
    With NTD active, no piloting skills can withstand human reactions (even if it happens to be a Coordinator using some lame ass SEED power).
    Beam weaponry does not work against Banshee, and any weapon Strike Freedom or Freedom uses against it can be simply hacked by the Laplace+ OS for the Banshee's benefit.

    And if the pilot inside the Banshee was the same one who dashed forward Kshatriya in the first episode...
    May God save Kira Jesus Yamato.

    Banshee is overpowered in two ways:
    NTD gives it human reflexes and reaction time. And it can operate enemy weapons.
    It's IT field is always active. Beam weapons are useless.

    1. Coordinators =/= Newtype

      So NTD wont be activated

      Dragoons are computer guided units, they rely on minimal user input, so La+ cant hack it

      SF has railguns

      SEED powers give the pilot heightened sense, he can see things in slowmo, so its very easy to dodge

  11. Freedom will just wait for the Banshee to run out of fuel. Easy.

  12. Tomino statement : Young fools !!! only now, at the end, do you understand ( force lightning )
    Gundam fans : You win, you win !!! XD

  13. Now...I have to admit straight up that the Freedom Gundam is my favorite Gundam of all time...Zeta Gundam is my favorite show by far but for some reason I just really love the Freedom...that being said...and I know I don't think anyone will believe me when I say that when I think about it as unbiased as possible...I think Freedom would win hands down...

    In Unicorn mode alone the only weapon the Banshee has the BS...which even though it has a curving feature...however it would not be effective against the Freedom since it can easily dodge the Forbidden Gundam's Cannon which can curve as well....thanks in part to his High Mobility System and it's Wings...

    Plus while in Unicorn mode the VS is folded up and is merely an oversized boxing glove...making it's left arm useless leaving the Right hand open for a Beam saber...which obviously means it has to disengage the BS...making it's combat effectiveness very limited since the Freedom has use of both it's hands and can hold it's rifle in one and a beam saber in the other...not to mention the shield which can most likely withstand the BS as well...

    So if it was Freedom vs Banshee Gundam (Unicorn Mode) Freedom Gundam would win easily...you wouldn't even need to factor in much else...no SEED Breaker or I-Field Shield or anything else...the Performance of the Freedom just outclasses it too much...however...Freedom Gundam Vs. Banshee Gundam (Destroy Mode) (as featured in the picture) Would be slightly different as the NT-D mode is engaged since yes...Kira is a Newtype...therefore the NT-D would engage...

    This would even things out a lot as it would make the Banshee much faster and better equiped...and I do think it would be too much for Kira...but...this is where the SEED Breaker would kick in...if it hasn't already knowing Kira and his pre-seedulation habits...however Unlike the Banshee the Freedom Gundam's performance would not increase...it wouldn't get faster or better equipped....it would just give him a better reaction time...it would just even out the odds...

    However...considering that Freedom is still very agile and the BS rifle doesn't change that much except for I think a power increase...it would still easily avoid the rifle...the VN would engage though which means it's melee abilities would increase...however Kira's Melee technique relies on the Freedom's mobility...going in, striking fast, then pulling away...not to mention Kira is no stranger when it comes to Dual wielding Beam Sabers...I don't think the Banshee could do the same...at least not as effectively as it's right arm would still be hindered by that BS it can't holster like the Freedom....meaning it can only hold it or use it as a forearm weapon...and due to the VN I don't think Marida would dual wield beam sabers as she would like to use it to try and claw the Freedom...Again it would be hard thanks to the Freedom and it's high mobility system and Kira's tactics...

    Now I know people have mentioned the I-field and how it would block Freedom's beam attacks...I'm calling BS (not the gun even though it has it...doesn't mean it's always on all the time and can block everything...as evidence in Episode 3 When Marida damaged the Unicorn's right shoulder with one of it's funnels...And with Kira and his rapid fire and constant use of his beam weaponry...I don't think the Banshee could block all the attacks...especially in Unicorn Mode...

    Here's the point...the Freedom is a General Purpose all around Machine...the Banshee is a Specific Use machine...Destroying other Newtypes...now even though Kira is a newtype...the Freedom is still an powerhouse of a machine and would still be difficult to take down...and thanks to the NT-D's time limit of 5 minutes...it would disengage and lose most of the advantages gained in Destroy mode...in which case...go look at my evidence of Freedom vs. Banshee (Unicorn Mode)....

    Overall...Freedom Vs. Banshee...Freedom wins

    1. Kira is not a newtype. Fukuda stated in an interview that Mu and Rau were the last remaining newtypes in CE.

    2. I don't think that inteview would hold much water...I bet that interview was before Destiny...because Rey is definitely a newtype as well since he's a clone off or Rau who was a newtype...and he's a clone as well so when it comes to cloning I guess the Newtype effect just carries over...

      Anyways...Kira definitely gives off Newtype vibes in Destiny...with the lightening bolt effect and the "Newtypish feelings" he gets sometimes...like when he felt Mu's presence in episode whatever...and it's been made clear that Newtypes can sense other newtypes...so he's clearly a newtype or at least has some newtype elements...

      If that wasn't Fukada's intent...well he failed miserably because I don't believe it for one second...and seeing as Fukada is only human and makes mistakes...I'm just going to add it to this because if he says Kira isn't a newtype then Mu, Rau, and Rey aren't either....

      And if Kira wasn't a newtype...then the NT-D wouldn't activate and the Banshee vs. Freedom fight would be...well...pathetically short...either way Freedom wins....

    3. Dude, they said it was a homage to the UC. And just because he senses Mu, Rau, and Rey does not mean he is a newtype. If Kira was a newtype, shouldn't he be able to beat Rey and Shinn at the battle of Orb? He's just the ultimate coordinator, nothing more. Btw, the dragoons in Seed Destiny are computer controlled, and that anyone can use them.

  14. Well I think that Banshee is a stronger machine, but at the same time Kira Yamato is a superior pilot to Banagher Links. But all in all, taking everything into consideration. Freedom Gundam would win!

  15. People please, Banshee crushes freedom, it would be more fitting for Banshee to face Strike freedom but even at that Banshee still crushes strike. Also kira is only jesus yamato because of bad writing and plot holes and Newtypes beat coordinators by a long shot. All you cultist fanboys of seed just need to pack your bags and go home seriously just go away. Btw i am a fanboy of seed just not a stupid cultist fanboy.
