Thursday, July 18, 2013

Give us your 'one liner' thoughts on each of the Gundam series?

Give us your 'one liner' thoughts on each of the Gundam series?  (Comment below)
It would be interesting to see your one line thoughts about the 16 Gundam series... so comment away!


  1. Replies
    1. Forgotten, as always

    2. But look on the bright side, we get a hgaw double x this fall!

    3. Yeah! plus a GX variation.

      I hope X will finally get MGs

    4. Definitely....but i think a MG may be out of our range,
      so let's just hope fore an entire hgaw x and wing series.
      With some Victory and F91 and Crossbone for good measure.

    5. When i think AGE is the worst......

    6. How is it that G-Saviour is on this list and not After War Gundam X? G-Saviour wasnt even Gundam. Last time I checked it was about seaweed farming, Canada, and alternative energy/environmentalism.

  2. Mobile Suit Gundam SEED - Fags...

    1. People hating on different series - Fags...

    2. you mean gundam wing/00 - fags...

    3. ALL gundam series fags.except RX-78-2.
      Just like it said "Awesome Gundam is Awesome".

    4. "You think SEED is the worst? look below."

      Gundam AGE, no one is watching. Mwuahahahaha.

      Better have a bad series, rather than gundam that no one watch. XD

    5. Age is better than Seed Destiny.

  3. All of those are already spot on.

  4. I think Zeta-guy should have a rage face.
    One should always be in rage when saying that line

  5. Shining Finger!!!!!!!!


    2. bend over and turn your head and cough

  6. Gundam age got no love. lol

  7. Was AGE really THAT bad?

    1. Actually, there's a small kid watching it, he's just too small to get into the pic

    2. I laughed hard on last pic.
      yep, spot on, only kids and preschoolers watched gundam AGE, lol.

    3. I thought that was the intended audience?

    4. Yes, intended audience are kids and preschooler. But doesnt mean you can betray you own franchise by a rush story, and lack of character development

    5. To be fair Age is good for the first two generations. Its only in third gen when everything goes to shit.

  8. Unicorn is so overrated

    1. How overrated is it?

    2. No, that's Gundam Wing.

    3. Hehe, Wing gets so much love because it's the first series shown around most of the world.

      IMO, it's not as good.

    4. True that... people seriously need to take those fucking nostalgia goggles off and see that Wing is overrated. Not bad, but folks treat it like the second coming of Char ;)

    5. LOL @ 2nd Coming of Char, which reminds me, he sounds good and moves good but if you look closely, those curls really suck

    6. OVERRATED? OVER FUCKING RATED!? HOW DARE YOU! Shove a beam saber up your ass and die, you n00b!

    7. Both Wing and Unicorn are overrated. Except Unicorn is actually good (most of the time). Wing is an awful POS.

    8. I think many of the gundam series are overrated. I will not comment on ZZ,X, or Victory because I haven't watched any of those series. However after watching First gundam and most of Zeta (two of the most beloved series) I thought they were alright, Zeta never really grabbed me. Wing never grabbed me either but I found the characters and story worse than age. Seed and Seed destiny are among my first animes so I enjoy them but they are alright and bad. Unicorn is good but overratted by UC fanboys because of the recent series GSD and Age being underwhelming. )) was what got me hooked on gundam and I would rate it higher than Seed or early gundam. not going to include other OVA's, but to finish- G gundam is cheesy but I love watching it.

  9. -Gundam 00: Celestial Being is so power!
    -Gundam 0080: War in the Pocket: Hygogg is awesome.
    -Gundam 0083: Stardust Memory: Eh, odd gundam.
    -Gundam 8th MS Team: Without newtype is the best!
    -Gundam Age: WORST GUNDAM EVER!
    -Gundam Char's Counterattack: Best movie.
    -Gundam G: Gundams are weird.
    -Gundam Original: bored...
    -Gundam Seed Destiny: Not bad hmm.
    -Gundam Turn A: Epic drama.
    -Gundam Unicorn: EPIC GUNDAM!!!
    -Gundam V: Wing of light is the best!
    -Gundam wing: Pretty cool.
    -Gundam Z: It's Zeta Gundam!!!
    -Gundam ZZ: The characters is so jerk.

    1. Watch G-Saviour before you throw around " WORST GUNDAM EVER"

  10. X would have been WHY YOU NO FINISH SERIES??!

  11. are you seriously doing a rage comic

  12. hahaha! no one watching AGE because it sucks... oh how the truth hurts :p

  13. and where's f 91??? gone with the wind???

    1. It sailed away with Crossbone.

  14. hey, did anyone bring the popcorn? this is going to be a long day.

  15. Mobile Suit Gundam 079 - The inventor of the Bright slap
    Mobile Suit Gundam 08th MS team - two words Norris Packard
    Mobile Suit Gundam 080 - Welcome to Bernie burger Home of the famous Bernie burger can i take you order please ?
    Mobile Suit Gundam 083 - I got a burning heart !!!!!!!!!!
    Zeta Gundam - Gundam that runs off of dead people
    ZZ Gundam- I can haz American release Bandai ?!!!!!!
    Mobile Suit Gundam Chars counter attack - char, you mad bro ?
    Mobile Suit Gundam unicorn - Awesome, nuff said
    Mobile Suit Gundam f91 - should have been full series
    Mobile Suit V Gundam - Death...

    G Gundam - not Gundam in a good way
    Mobile Suit Gundam Wing - narrated by optimus prime... cool
    Gundam X - gone but not forgotten
    Gundam Seed/Seed destiny - laser beams pew pew pew pew pew pew pew pew pew
    Turn A GUndam - A Gundam with a Mustache and a true cockpit
    Gundam 00 - I am a Gundam... wait what. shit metal aliens, and space flowers
    Gundam AGE - Throws keyboard at screen

    1. also in MSG 079 they also invent the CHAR AZNABLE KICK *correct me if I'm wrong* =))

  16. Summarizing Gundam series in a few words would be doing most of them a huge disservice.

    That said, "I AM GUNDAM" works pretty well for 00...

  17. Mobile Suit Gundam - CHAR.FUCKING.AZNABLE
    08th MS team - So many elites, damn.
    Blue Destiny - WHY MARION???? WHY YOU DIEEEEE? D:
    Thoroughbred - Hey, it's not as bad as the others.
    Battlefield Record U.C. 0081 - GO INVISIBLE KNIGHTS!
    MSV Johnny Ridden - He's still alive???
    Plamo Kyoshiro - Eh.......ok if this is gonna promote Gunpla.
    Blaster Mari - Really, Zeon Propaganda with Magical Girls??
    Gundam 0080 - ;w;
    Gundam 0083 - GAAAAATOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!
    Advance of Z - Ok.....Mobile Suits named after Rabbits?
    Traitor of Destiny - Who the hell is Rossenwiess??
    Z Gundam - And thus Kamille became a Vegetable.
    Gundam Sentinel - EX-S GUNDAM BITCH!
    Gundam ZZ - ANIME JA NAI!
    Gundam VS Gigantis - WUT? IDEON??
    Double Fake - ???
    Char's Counterattack/Beltorika's Children/Hi Streamer - People can't push the Axis Right. Except for one Newtype.
    Unicorn - This should have been called "The Chronicles of Gundam: The Unicorn, Lion and the Laplace's Box".
    Halthaway's Flash - BITCH GOT DUMPED
    F90 - Really Mars Zeon? Really?
    Silhouette F91 - Ahhh.....technological conspiracy I say. >w>
    Crossbone/Skull Heart/Steel 7 - ONE PIECE....IN SPACE!
    Crossbone Ghost - Is that a Green Crossbone Gundam?
    Victory - So much killing Tomino, so much killing.
    G-Savior - Underrated much? The live actors kinda killed the whole Gundam Feel.
    G-Savior Novel - 10x better than the crappy live action version. Period.
    SD Gundam - WUT? Mini Gundams with Human Eyes?
    Doozy Bot - HELL.NO! It's even worse than Gundam SEED Destiny.
    SD Gundam Musha - Sengoku Basara.....with GUNDAMS
    SD Gundam Gaiden - Knights in Gundam Armor!
    Gundam Wing - Mission...accepted.
    G-Unit - PX System! Rape time!
    Endless Waltz - Buster Rifle the full powahhhhh
    Tiel's Impulse - Mass Produced Wing Zeros?
    Gundam X - Underrated...but now getting some good love.
    Under the Moonlight - Eh.......who's Kai?
    SEED - Ok
    SD Gundam Force - Underrated much again?
    SEED Destiny - Man FUCKuda and MORONsawa, you two just killed Gundam in the west with more bishies. No thank you very much! And you even made Naomi despite Cagali for fucking pete's sake! WTFFF
    MS Igloo 1-3 - It's good the ZEON has some good treatment.
    Gundam 00 - TRANS-AM
    Awakening of the Trailblazer - TRANS-GRAHAM
    BB Seishi Sangokuden/Battle Brave Warriors - Three Kingdoms, GUNDAM STYLE!
    Gunpla Builders - Oh yay, a spiritual sequel of Plamo-Kyoshiro....with a powerful original.
    Gundam AGE - Hiring Level-5 is a joke Bandai. And story is too confusing.
    Gundam Build Fighters - Seriously, we ALREADY have Plamo-Kyoshiro and Gunpla Builders. We don't need another one dammit!

    1. And also...
      SEED ASTRAY/X/Destiny/Frame/VS/Destiny R and B - RED FRAME DA!
      00P - Ahhh....prototypes
      00I - Huh?
      G-Savior Game - Good MS design...but man I wish they didn't use those live action actors
      Treasure Star - Were going on a Treasure Hunt with the Vagans wanting us dead.

    2. RE Turn A: It's a cockpit bro, If you know what I mean ;)

    3. Gundam W:Glory Of The Defeated - ew gundams be back
      Gundam W:Frozen Teardrop - [ahem] FUCK YOU SUMISAWA!

  18. Main series:
    -Gundam 0079: Okay, nostalgia
    -Gundam Z: Kamileeeeeee!!!!! Quatrooooooooo!!!!!
    -Gundam ZZ: Puru _ (from 1 to 12)
    -Gundam V: Wings of Light FTW!!!!
    -Gundam G: Weird, but....God Fingerrrrrrrrr!
    -Gundam Wing: When will you kill her?
    -Gundam X:......Wait, where is episode 40?
    -Gundam Turn A: Mustache and Wings of Butterfly, why not?
    -Gundam Seed and Seed Destiny: How much money do you want to save with these things????
    -Gundam 00: Setsuna, a main character in whom we can see a little bit of ourselves
    -Gundam AGE: Give gundam fans a lot of facepalm and yaoming face

    Movies, OVAs, ONAs, animated short, mangas, novels,...:
    -Gundam CCA: Push, you sunnovabitch! Pushhh!!!!
    -Gundam 0080: War in the pocket: Bernieeeee!!!!
    -Gundam 0083-Stardust Memories: GATOOOOOO!
    -Gundam F91: Cecily!! Y U NO STOP BEING A PAIN IN THE ASS?
    -Gundam 08th MS team: Zeon? Fed? Fuck them, we have love
    -Gundam Wing Endless Waltz: Angelic Gundam is so beautiful and girly~
    -Gundam Neo Experience 0087: Green Divers:...Not, even, Wiki, has any page about this
    -Gundam Evolve: Triple thumb-up (if you count boner as one)
    -Gundam MS Igloo: Who need to be special to be cool?
    -Gundam Seed Stargazer: Why this was not an original series instead of a side-stories?
    -Gundam Unicorn: Show people what Sunrise and Bandai can do if they actually put their head into it
    -Gundam 00 Movie: To understand each other, u need to be naked, even if you are a Gundam
    -Gundam Crossbone: Sunriseeee, u forgot this potential child!
    -Gundam builder seires: Reality can never be this good
    -Gundam Wing Endless Waltz (manga): Hajime Katoki at his finest
    -Gundam Wing Frozen Teardrop: promoting "copy and paste" characters

    -Gundam Saviour

    1. G-Savior is underrated but bad dude. The problem is how badly done the series is since its Liiiiive action. <w< Eventually, you better read the novel adaptation, its 10x better and closer to being a Gundam Series.

    2. Underrated? No, the mech design is ok, but what made it an abomination is this:
      -boring start and gone astray later
      -not even a pressing point
      -bad dialogues with unintentional comedy
      -Slow-paced combat that make me laugh
      -even Super Sentai/Power Rangers' mecha cockpit is better than this
      -not enough character development which lead to forgettable character
      -the actors are not good enough, and the best one is not the main character
      -So-so, but really, who really listen to that when you are busy facepalming (if you are able to sit and watch the entire movie)
      -This movie is about gundam, but not even once did the word "Gundam" got mentioned. And to rub salt to the wound, this movie is set in the U.C timeline!

      PS: can you give me a link to read the novel? Im eager to see what this movie could be but fail miserably

    3. Tough luck, the novels were sold out 13 years ago. But if you insisted:
      But according to the Gundam Wiki:

      "the novel is depicted as a story of a conventional Gundam series with a perfect connection to the Universal Century. The description of the colony dropping onto Earth is done with precise detail."

      In short, the novel adaptation should have been the true story for G-Savior. The live action movie is a fucking joke.

    4. G -Savior could have been ALOT worse.

  19. Hmm... let's see...

    Zeta: Meh.
    0083: Oh, god, let it be over already.
    Victory, G-Saviour, X, Turn A, AGE: I should watch these one day.
    Everything Else: Love it.

  20. Can anyone do Horatio Caine one liners for Gundam?

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. Char's Counter Attack:

      -Well, look like the Red Comet...
      *put on sunglasses*
      -...has gone astray.

    3. Seed and Seed Des is probably the easiest:

      -Sir, what do you think of Gundam Seed and Seed Destiny?
      -Well, these two series are...
      *put on sunglasses*
      -...two piles of shit

  21. Actually, I love Gunpla Builders...
    I also enjoy Seed (and the buddies)

    [Confession Bear Meme Here]

  22. hey lets all bitch at each other for liking different shows in the same meta-series constantly because that sounds productive

    1. Yes let us all come together and hate on Evangelion.

  23. I'll just list the animated ones.

    [Universal Century]
    -> Kidou Senshi Gundam: Awesome first series are awesome.
    -> Kidou Senshi Gundam: MS Igloo: AWESOME!
    -> Kidou Senshi Gundam 08th MS Team: BEST. GUNDAM. EVER.
    -> Kidou Senshi Gundam 0080: War in the Pocket: Kid should be the one who die.
    -> Kidou Senshi Gundam 0083: Stardust Memory: Dat traitorous bitch!
    -> Kidou Senshi Z Gundam: Even more awesome than the first series.
    -> Kidou Senshi Gundam ZZ: What is this? I don't even...
    -> Kidou Senshi Gundam: Char's Counterattack: Epic final battle for Amuro VS Char.
    -> Kidou Senshi Gundam Unicorn: Only thrilled when Sinanju are on actions.
    -> Kidou Senshi V Gundam: Hate Katejina with all my guts.

    [Alternative Universe]
    -> Kidou Butouden G Gundam: Although I hate the concept, its actually decent to watch.
    -> Shin Kidou Senki Gundam W: Ah, the series which got me into Gundam world, will always have a dear place in my heart.
    -> Kidou Shin Seiki Gundam X: The Frost Bros are awesome.
    -> Turn A Gundam: A borefest except until Gym makes an appearance.
    -> Kidou Senshi Gundam Seed: A great series.
    -> Kidou Senshi Gundam Seed Destiny: Whoa, they sure knows how to destroy a series.
    -> Kidou Senshi Gundam Seed: C.E. 0073 Stargazer: OH EM GEE! These ONAs are beautiful. Why didn't they made this into the series instead?!
    -> Kidou Senshi Gundam 00: Great only for the first half. The 2nd half and the 2nd season are painful to watch. And the movie makes it further worse.
    -> Kidou Senshi Gundam AGE and the rest animated ones: Haven't watched it yet.

  24. Great to see some of the stuffs that I've made gets shared around endlessly on Facebook, blogs & Forums. Original post here: &

    To Gundam Guy who mentioned in this blog: "Seems the guy who came up with this left out F-91 & X..."

    Well, I left F91 & X out because there wasn't enough space (Image will become smaller & harder to read on Facebook Wall). Back then I just wanted the image to be readable on my Facebook wall without going into Fullscreen ^^;

  25. and G-SAVIOUR is in U.C timeline. LOL

    1. Exactly, and people complain about bad endings in AUs lol.

  26. I'll just do all the UC ones:

    Mobile Suit Gundam: The Red One is traveling at 3 times the speed of the others!!!
    Mobile Suit Zeta Gundam: :') So... Beautiful...
    Mobile Suit ZZ Gundam: Purus... Purus everwhere...
    Mobile Suit Gundam CCA: PUSH TEH AXIS!!! Only part I remember
    Mobile Suit Gundam Unicorn: *blinding light of awesomeness
    Mobile Suit Gundam F91: Giant tentacly mobile armor holding the girl ;)
    Mobile Suit Crossbone Gundam: Sunrise!!! Y U NO MAKE SHOW!!!
    Mobile Suit Victory Gundam: Katejina's a total b*tch
    G-Savior: I'm Out. Rage quit.

  27. 0079: Cool but lacking
    0079 Movies: Perfect, frickin' untouchable
    Zeta: Worthy sequel but not amazing
    ZZ: LOL Tomino
    CCA: Perfect conclusion to MSG
    Unicorn: Good, not great (so far)
    F91: Huh? Sorry, fell asleep
    Victory: RIP
    G-Saviour: Desperately needs a retcon..

    G: Silly but oh so awesome
    Wing: Most boring, half-assed series ever
    Turn A: Tomino's back on his meds!
    Seed: Good if you switch your brain off
    Destiny: *facepalm*
    00: A fine return to form, but not quite perfect
    Age: Should have stayed a video game
    Gunpla Builders: Should be a full series
    Buld Fighters: Hey I got my wish!

  28. I heard the author of Unicorn some kind of racist. If so that image oddly fits lol.

  29. Unicorn: Epic Music + High end mech design = Better than porn
    G: Cheesiness at it's finest...., just like pizza.
    Turn A: Beautiful ending, one of the best ending ever.
    00 S1: Gundam Wing remake with a unique twist
    00 S2: Zeta remake with a unique twist
    00 movie: I still don't know if the aliens were a good thing or a bad thing for the story.
    AGE: Come on guys, it wasn't that bad.., the ending was horrible though.
    Seed: The only thing I remember was the sex scene.
    Destiny: The good guys become bad then become good WAT? Justin Bieber of Gundam
    Gunpla Builders: I loved it. Wish I was in it though.
    Char's Counter Attack: Great climax action, but the ending's hard to get.
    F91: awww on the ending, also, nice theme song! also, classic hero steals princess story.
    0083: High way to the DANGER ZONE! (top gun reference)Nina's hot btw
    08th MS team: They should've shown more! also, the only thing I remember was that nude scene
    Gundam BF: I'm psyched, wish I was in it though.

    1. Depends on the type of porn ;)

    2. Only thing i remembered bout Seed was the Astray Frames.

  30. 0079 : the legend begins....

    Z : the best sequel ever !!

    ZZ : not the best sequel ever !!

    0083 : Greates MS design on its era

    08MS Team : finally...closest to real, gundam epic story

    Chars Counter Attack : Nu Gundam isn't just for show !!

    Unicorn UC : the beam magnum firing sound effect...the best!!!!

    V gundam : youngest pilot ever ????

    F91 : it's a VSBR

    Wing : 5 pretty boys in 5 pretty gundams

    G Gundam : hmmm...dragon ball...

    Gundam X : dont deny it...double X is a beast

    Turn A : moonlight butterfly kills all

    SEED : So many beams....

    SEED destiny : more beams....

    00 Series : finally....a useful battleship...ptolemy and it's captain

    Gundam AGE : Unique packaging of storyline, yet too many flaws

  31. Gundam AGE - GEN 1&2 great not until Gen 3 major screwed up
    Gundam 00 Movie - Good movie but ELS(Aliens) don't make sense
    Gundam 00 S2 - good & intense
    Gundam 00 S1 - Good here we go tran-am
    Gundam Seed Destiny - so many beams & jesus kira yamato. Good mobile suit design
    Gundam seed - least better than GSD imo
    Gundam Wing - good story & nice gundams
    Gundam Wing EW - Good story - RIP to all 5 Gundams
    Gundam G - lol Dragonball + Gundam
    Gundam X - Why so short!!!
    Turn A - I never watch this weird looking Mustache Gundam


    0079 - woa nice old school animation
    Zeta - good sequel
    ZZ - i don't get the story, why the characters so...
    0080 - drama mode
    0083 - awesome fights..GATO!!!!
    08 MS Team - realistic Fights
    CCA - did Amuro die or MIA???
    F91 - so short, but good
    Victory - i should watch this show soon, as i seen in the comments WOL
    Unicorn - why so long to released each episodes(almost 3 yrs now).

  32. I actually LOVED G-Saviour!

  33. All of SEED sucked.

    Moving on.

  34. Nice, spread the hate.....seriously people...

  35. This is fucking reddit level garbage.

  36. can't we just all agree that G-Savoir was bad and the rest were good in whatever reasonable reason there is??

    gundam fans hating other gundam fans... it really feels like we don't learn anything from watching all these anti-war anime over the course of our short lives here people... -_-

  37. Gundam AGE - not so bad- irregular
    Gundam 00 Movie - Good movie but ELS(Aliens) don't make sense is not macross XD
    Gundam 00 - I'm a gundam!
    Gundam Seed Destiny - crap form the crap
    Gundam seed - totally crap worst UA ever
    Gundam Wing - misión completed I'm only love treize and duo the others are a buncho flags XD

    Gundam G - lol Dragonball + Gundam= what the hell?
    Gundam X - Why so short!!! one of my UA favorites
    Turn A - happy tomino


    0079 - the legend begins
    Zeta - best sequel ever
    ZZ - puru puro worst sequel
    0080 - drama mode
    0083 - awesome fights..GATO!!!!
    08 MS Team - realistic Fights
    CCA - pushing axis
    F91 - so short, but good Please make a remake o make crossbone gundam
    Victory - kill ' em all, tomino jajjajajaj
    Unicorn - the triumphant returns of the UC

  38. Mobile Suit Gundam 079 - CHAR!!!!!
    Mobile Suit Gundam 08th MS team - oh look,a gouf custom
    Mobile Suit Gundam 080 - Bernie!!!!!!!!why!!!!!?
    Mobile Suit Gundam 083 - They stole ma gundam!
    Zeta Gundam - cheats activate@
    ZZ Gundam- stealing zeta's units and reusing them
    Mobile Suit Gundam Chars counter attack - drop that axis down
    Mobile Suit Gundam unicorn - pretty far
    Mobile Suit Gundam f91 - ??????
    Mobile Suit V Gundam - 13 year old in a gundam!? sign me up!
    G Gundam - fist + gundam + long speech about dead family
    Mobile Suit Gundam Wing - BEST......SHOW....EVER!
    Gundam X - second to wing....
    Gundam Seed/Seed destiny - beam spam!
    Turn A GUndam - omg! the head can detach!?
    Gundam 00 - I AM GUNDAM! oh look, flowers and aliens.......
    Gundam AGE - WTF is this shit!?
