Sunday, June 16, 2013

Gundam SEED Astray R & B - Mobile Suit Introduction

Gundam SEED Astray R & B - Mobile Suit Introduction


  1. Screw the watermark. hope gginfinite folds up.

    1. What the fuck is your problem?

    2. I'm gonna screw your mom, or girlfriend if you have any.

  2. dB(

    Why is this annoying "screw the watermark" GG guy not banned yet!? I know that SeedSucksIt guy from a couple months ago was banned, and apparently suiton was also banned for a little while, and he was permanantly banned from the chat. Why not this asshole? Their constant posting of the same message are more pointless and annoying than suiton's MG wishlists.

    1. Who is suiton? And what's his "claim to fame"?

    2. Well, the point of the person above is that it's somewhat annoying to see GG's Watermark there when:

      -GG just got the image from another website (Well most of the images)
      -By putting a watermark means that GG want to imply to other people that it came to his website and it is his resources which is false because he never scanned it and uploaded it in the first place. (or maybe he just got it from another website, saved it, uploaded it onto his blogspot, claim it as his while he puts watermark onto it)
      - sometimes, the watermark just gets in the way of the image you wanted to view.

      Now he may be extremely annoying spamming these messages but i get that point somehow. I guess.

    3. I can't tell if you're faking ignorance, or are actually unaware of who suiton is, and what he does here regularly. Nevertheless, I will play along and humor you. suiton629, AKA nike629 AKA Charles Kim, is a somewhat infamous troll around these parts. He is known for, more often than not, posting wishlists for hopeful future Master Grade kit releases, no matter what the topic may be about, and for mostly baseless reasons. And for all these senseless wishlists he makes, whenever he makes his "collection" videos on Youtube, he rarely shows off or reviews any completed kits, which leads a lot of people to assume that he rarely builds many of the things he's constantly moaning over, and only collects them for the boxes. Whenever anyone calls him out on it, he calls them "jealous", and "bullies". Not only that, but he also complains about gunpla collecting being an expensive hobby, and has actually set up a Paypal, apparently for the sole purpose of buying more gunpla, which, again, are likely going to just sit in their boxes, forever untouched.

    4. About GG troll: I really don't see what's his problem, besides being incredibly lazy. When NK closed, he made available his sources for everyone to use. GG and many others use them. If this guy really wants the images, he could just search them himself, instead of coming here and moan about it, asking GG to close, which would effectively serve him no purpose because he wouldn't get the images either way...
      About suiton:
      Anon 4:21 pretty much nailed it, I'll just add a few more things. He constantly harasses ppl on their videos asking what they'll get and immediately ignoring the answer and bragging about what he's getting, he harasses ppl through PM making himself look like a poor victim who just wants to "belong", or asking them for deals and lately he's been making himself friends with newcomers to the YT gunpla video scene, by promising them views and publicity if they are willing to send him free stuff. He also held a contest which was fixed from the beginning (he blocked me when I asked for evidence on the results, saying he didn't need to prove anyone anything, and he got a kit from the winner a week later, and he tries to bribe ppl into winning their contests with the above mentioned promises of publicity and shout outs. He is also a liar, who claims to have a secret gunpla forum and IRC channel with more than 750 members that no one has ever heard about, where he shows his built kits, among many many other lies. Lastly, he's tried many many times to create fake accounts so he could get back in places where he's been kicked out, like the c-box here, and many fb gunpla groups.
      Sorry to go on and on about this matter to the point I realize I am annoying, but I think ppl need to realize exactly what suiton is and does to the community

    5. I think it's kinda funny that he's always asking for free stuff, especially since he was counted as one of the winners of one of GG's contests a while back, and got (I think) the first 9 Real Grade kits as a prize. As soon as he got them, he made a video to show off the boxes, then sold them off.

    6. right?, i mean c'mon if i was even lucky enough to be given those real grades i'd build them and admire them on "MY OWN" shelf, that is just one sad thing to do...-___-
