Tuesday, June 4, 2013

MG 1/100 RX-78-2 Gundam Ver. 3.0 - On Display @ Shizouka Hobby Show 2013 - [Updated 6/4/13]

MG 1/100 RX-78-2 Gundam Ver. 3.0 (Release Date August 2013, Price: 4,500 yen)

Above images via Hobby Search Japan

Images via AE Media, Cybergundam Amiami twitter & Gaijin Gunpla FB


  1. Looks much better than the CG render. Especially the head.

    Can't wait to hear about the gimmicks.

    1. I wonder where's that 'ultimate movable armor system'
      looks no different from previous MG

    2. Are you serious? It looks way better than the '2.0'. So just shut up.

    3. I'm not defending Anon-6:29.

      Sure it looks better but 2.0 and 3.0 are aiming for different things. So you can't really compare them.

    4. gotta agree with Anon-9:36
      at least be glad tat it is ver 3.0, also it have awesome detail like rg rx-78-2,slightly improvements and it have nu gundam ver.ka hands?

    5. from what i can see it takes the concept from the real grade and takes a few steps forward. there is more detail and more armor separation from what i can tell, not to mention LED capability.

  2. Looks like they enlarged the RG Gundam. Promising...

  3. Yes

    But it will be different. Notice because the up in scale and the engineering, the details are more crisp. The inner frame and articulation should be very satisfying

  4. Replies
    1. keeping my fingers on my own hands crossed that those are MP-2 with wrist improvements!

    2. Sadly, no. If you look closely at the photo with the bazooka, you can see the same wrist on MP-1. Sorry, kiddo.

  5. im just hoping that the inner frame is not pre-built like the RG!!

    1. Do you even have an RG? RG's frames are not pre-built. =.=

    2. Do you even have build an RG? RG's frames are pre-build, you must add parts to make it more detail if there is detail on a RG frame...It is not pre-built that would go against what modern MG'S have established for this to come.

    3. OYW and shinmusha has prebuild legs. I have both of it, its sturdy and solid build. Why you are getting iritated with it?

    4. RG frames are just simply too small to manual built it by hand. It's nearly impossible to sqeeze those connection points together.

    5. Anon 8:30
      Im not irritated just disappointed, because if it is pre-build takes away, at least for me, some of the fun of building a MG, don't get me wrong I like to build RG's as well, because when Im building a MG I expect to build everything from it, because that's what MG a know for: Bringing the best possible quality that you can build yourself. I don't ave a problem with pre/build frames, I just think for a MG kit it isn't really necessary.

    6. based on the video, there will be pre-built arms and legs.

      to me, this is just a more detailed and larger version of the RG. not buying.

    7. @anon 12:05. The video doesn't give off a whole lot of info if the inner frame is pre-built or not. Yes it does give that impression, but I think that it won't be pre-built. To me and to everyone who has a different opinion, the video just seemed to touch up on what's new with this MG 3.0 design and show where and what has changed. Gonna get this for sure I just love the detail's on this guy.

    8. Syd from HLJ showed pointed to the inner frame runner and said that you must assemble the entire thing yourself just like a normal MG.

  6. Can you taekz my moneys?

  7. So upset that I will be buying yet ANOTHER RX-78-2, but at the same time, looks like a bigger RG... if all MGs becomes like this... So epic.

    1. Zaku II is next

    2. then later Unicorn ver. 3.0? :)

    3. Yes. Unicorn 3.0. Screw having a 2.0. Makes sense to me. However, I must say, the MG Unicorn could use a few improvements. Just not yet. Wait for the tech to.... EVOLVE.

    4. You have a choice not to build new one, at least you'll not gonna be upset., dont give your self a problem, or your just over reacting like a childish brat xD

  8. too bad the knee cap is not white like the previous version. I really like it that way...

  9. Minor gripe from me is why is he posed like that
    Other than that definitely looking forward for this kit

    1. Most likely because they want to exploits the movable armor system.

  10. notice how part of the thigh armor "sinks". interesting

    1. I didn't notice it at first as i was blind from the detail. Good catch it does look like it is sinking near the knee a little.

    2. Its feature from RG, they just implemented RG to 1/100 scale. Basically upscaled RG

    3. No, the part of the thigh that anon is taking about is unique to the MG.
      This is not an upscale RG. Its just another kit of the 1/1 gundam statue, like how there are the HGUC RX-78 30th edition and the Megascale kit.
      If it was an upscale RG then it would have the pre-built frame.

  11. they took out the core fighter and added a light up system for the eyes? *sigh* why bandai?!

    1. Given that the 2.0 could go fighterless, this one will probably do either the light unit or the core fighter.

    2. No...if you looks carefully there is room for the core block ( cabinet ) so either the CB or CF "maybe" fit in as well -look at all the accessories -

      RG looks gives him more what it should be in real world. Now, PG hands in 18 cm MG? good move, maybe a future PG hands for MG V2?

      What this GPB worries about is the colour separations... are we going on stickers all over again like MG ν ver. Ka. or the different shapes of grey is in plastics?

    3. Here is Anonymous 7:32 PM again :

      According to the newest video demonstration...

      Yes, the Core Fighter does fit !!! wonder if there is a Core Block so we can exhibit both separately =)

      And the colour separation are pure pieces of plastic parts, although we have to wait until the real thing come out to confirm that

      So good so far, can't wait, excitement & joy XD

    4. wait, is it true that the decals, weapon systems, and the core fighter were sold separately?. oh no bandai, I'm lost my excitement

  12. No pic for the rifle?
    Would like to know if ever they would add the Super Napalm too

  13. Looks really good but seeing how I got a RG RX-78, MG 2.0 and MG OYW, I rather not want to buy another one. Maybe when I go to japan or something.

  14. jesus, its got some massive ass manipulators

  15. $5 says that R 78-1 and -3 are Webshop exclusives

    1. Non bucks says that perfect Gundam & Full Armed goes Online limited premium XD

    2. Truecolor is going exclusive

  16. Goodlord I am have nerdgasm. Since I buy RX 78-2 RG two years ago, I am get mind blown from that kit. I am already whishes to have 1/100 with RG quality, now its real. Thanks bandai, take my money

  17. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  18. why do most people keep saying upscale RG? sure it took the color separation sceme introduced in RG line. why not PG in an MG? why not PG de-scaled into 1/100? ^_^

    1. I think it is because of the whole frame issue. But I agree with what you are saying in detail is getting closer to PG.

    2. ..and also i think because most of the details like panel lines and all resembles the RG

  19. Are they releasing all mgs in 2014 in this 3.0 ver. Rx 78 2 type technology? Or is just simply a ver. 3.0 of the rx 78 2?
    How much more are they charging for each mg?
    Well we still have monthly release of mg in 2014? Looks like theres a considerable amount of time taken to engineer this 3.0 kit.
    What will happen to 1/60 scale pg kits?!

    1. I think this technology will be used by all MGs moving forward. Their write up did made it sound like they might release a lot of old ones using this new tech, but we don't know for sure. I think it's safe to say that at least the popular ones will be re-done.

      The price seems the same. I think it will depend greatly on what kit it is. You can expect a Hi-Nu ver 2.0 or Ver Ka to cost much more than this one.

      This tech has been used since Nu ver Ka so I don't think it will take them longer to make. I doubt they will adjust their deadlines just because they made changes to their approach of the MG line.

      I think at this point, the PG line is either gone or in an indefinite hiatus. The line might not be as profitable as we think.

  20. Definitely reminds me of a RG

  21. OMG, this look really promising. I have always like e color separation of RG and this is gonna incorporate onto e new 3.0 (just pls don't give us sticker like Nu ver.ka)

    Cant wait to hear more from this kit

  22. I may have missed it but is there a core fighter???

  23. if bandai is following their line of RGs releases then maybe the MG Justice will finally see the light at the end of the tunnel.. lol

  24. I hope that the other weapons are not sold separately as online exclusives.

  25. So I take it that' it's coming with an LED? Because Bandai doesn't make yellow ones as far as I know

    1. From the video itself, looks like they will release one. :)

    2. According to some comments here, apparently the extra weapons and water slides (and LED too I guess) are "expansion sets", which means exclusives again. At first I was also surprised at the inclusion of the LED, but now it makes more sense.


    1. Now, let me explain what is going on here, the only reason that the MG line are still alive is because Bandai allowing it, so... PLEASE TAKE MY MONEY NOW !!! XD

  27. Cool new kit, modern,detailed. Beginning of a new era for the MG. That said, I still prefer the 2.0 version. I like the more vintage look for the RX-78-2. I'll wait for Zaku II to test the cool 3.0 innovations.

  28. just one question.. is that a yellow led or a red one?

  29. is it going to come with the hammer and jab and the led or are you going to have to buy an add on set?

  30. woa 'thanks' bandai for the online exclusives thingys... no wonder they called it a 'big' thing.. they just wanna sell more online exclusives.. don't get me wrong though.. the MG itself is wonderful

  31. So it has a LED and Core Fighter? wonder how they would fit inside.

  32. You know what I found hilarious for no particular reason, the beam rifle in the comparison pics is almost 100% the same as the 2.0 version despite the Power Ranger super upgrades that the rest of the Gundam got.

    1. They are almost the exact same parts except the handle is modified to work with the articulated hands. This means that people can get away with using 2.0 weapons for example putting the 2.0 beam javelin into the 3.0 beam saber handle, instead or buying the expansion pack.

  33. the shield of 3.0 is the one that 2.0 have

  34. The hype the hell out of the movable external armor and it still looks horribly awkward in that crouching pose

    1. As does almost every other MG.

  35. So this was the "large" MG kit that was being announced at the Shizouka Hobby Show? I was hoping they meant large as in scale.. aka something like a Sazabi. Oh well..

    1. The Sazabi might probably be released in December. It's the holiday season, and Bandai usually releases big kits around that time to take advantage of the shopping frenzy. There will also be upcoming hobby shows where Bandai historically reveals the lineup for the last three months. They're not really revealing much right now though.

  36. the 1.5 looks better for me, 3.0 has too many different colors and too many panel lines, articulation and armor moving system are great though

  37. Can't wait to see MG Zeta 3.0.

  38. I assume Bandai is going to make the Char's Zaku 3.0 next.
