Thursday, May 9, 2013

25th Shizouka Hobby Show 2013 - What Can We Expect To See At The Show? [Updated 5/10/13]

25th Shizouka Hobby Show 2013 
Business/Press Dates: 
May 16th - 17th, 2013 (Time: 9:30 am - 4:30 pm)
General Public Dates: 
May 18th, 2013 (Time: 9:00 am - 5:00 pm)
May 19th, 2013 (Time: 9:00 am - 4:00 pm)
Gunpla Related Event Venue:
Gunpla to be on display will be the RG 1/144 RX-78GP01 Unit 1 Zephyranthees, RG 1/144 RX-78GP01Fb Unit 1 Full Vernian.  And also new gunplas from Gundam UC (Episode 6), remastered Gundam SEED (Destiny) series, BB Senshi series, and more...
Gunpla master Katsumi Kawaguchi will be onsite to talk about this year's GBWC 2013, as well as performing live gunpla/modeling demostrations. 
We will be going to the show like we did in the previous year, and bring you some photo images from the event.
Bandai Special Stage Sessions Schedule
Katsumi Kawaguchi Live Presentation
(Gunpla Builders World Cup (GBWC) 2013 & "The Steps To Make A Gundam" Demonstration
Dates & Time: 11:30am - 12:30pm (Saturday, May 18th)
Bandai Hobby Center Presentation
Dates & Time: 1:30pm - 2:30pm (Sunday, May 19th)
7月に発売を控えた注目のRG第12弾「RG 1/144 RX-78GP01 ガンダム試作1号機 ゼフィランサス」、13弾「RG 1/144 RX-78GP01Fb ガンダム試作1号機 フルバーニアン」をはじめ、各シリーズの最新商品を公開!!
Gunpla to be on display will be the RG 1/144 RX-78GP01 Unit 1 Zephyranthees, RG 1/144 RX-78GP01Fb Unit 1 Full Vernian. 
We are most likely going to see full colored molded build or even painted build at the show.
A large MG 1/100 new product to be presented at the Hobby Show!
Anyone want to take a guess?  It is possible that we might be see the MG 1/100 Sazabi Ver.ka...perhaps?
Whats your prediction for this new MG gunpla kit?
Will we be seeing these prototype MG Gundam AGE-FX and MG Gundam AGE-3 Normal getting an actual release in 2013?
Episode 6 で盛り上がりを見せる「機動戦士ガンダムUC」や、リマスターや外伝展開で新たな動きを見せる
New line-up of gunplas from Gundam UC (Episode 6)
Although we can't be sure what will be shown in the line-up.  But based on the mysterious hidden gunpla teaser from a previous show.  We assume that the Doven Wolf & ZOGOK will be on display.
Whats your prediction for the UC line-up?
New Remastered Gundam SEED (Destiny) Gunpla Series
We are also not sure what to expect from the SEED line-up.  But with the upcoming MG 1/100 Aile Strike Ver.RM... it might be possible we will see more Ver.RM line-up.  And with the currently airing Mobile Suit Gundam SEED Destiny HD Remastered, it is highly possible to see the remastered HG of old HG Destiny gunpla kits.
Whats your prediction for the SEED gunpla line-up?
And we just want to throw this out there.  We certainly would like to see a teaser / hint for new Perfect Grade Kit.  PG 1/60 Unicorn Gundam / Sinanju anyone?  
What PG gunpla kit would you like to see?
Comment below on you thoughts about the upcoming Shizouka Hobby Show 2013...


  1. Perhaps the large MG will be the thing they were building in the last UC episode

    1. Unlikely, only because how early it still is to episode 7's launch, I don't see them spoiling that till far later this year.
      Would be nice, though...

  2. This is exciting. Looking forward to seeing the RG GP01/fb, hoping they'll be in color

    As for the MG that they'll be revealing, I don't think it would be the Sazabi Ver Ka. The Nu Ver Ka was announced last August and came out in December, and think they would do the same with the Sazabi.

    With the Aile Strike RM and the 08th MS Team Blue ray release, I wonder if we could be getting a Ground Gundam Ver RM? I think the Ver RM might take the place of Ver 2.0.

    If we did get a new perfect grade I want it to be the Alex.

  3. I would love to see a PG age-1 normal. That would piss so many people

  4. The large MG, as much as speculation would think otherwise, perhaps the Kshatriya?

    1. It has been stated before by someone from bandai an MG kyshatria would not work based of when they were prototyping the idea in house.

    2. I know, I heard that, too. But that doesn't mean impossible. Just have to rework the ideas a bit.
      I'm just throwing out there what I would like to see, and who knows (other than Bandai's heads)if they've managed to tool it to meet release specifications?
      What, you want me to say the typical "Sazabi Ver.Ka"?

  5. New PG from any UC series would be nice. No more SeeD or 00 pls...

  6. We need RM Ver. for:

    GAT-X105+P202QX Strike Gundam IWSP
    MBF-02+AQM/E-X01 Aile Strike Rouge
    ZGMF-X10A Freedom Gundam
    ZGMF-X20A Strike Freedom Gundam
    ZGMF-X19A ∞ Justice Gundam
    ZGMF-X42S Destiny Gundam
    ZGMF-X56S/α Force Impulse Gundam
    ZGMF-X56S/β Sword Impulse Gundam

    We need a new release for:

    ZGMF-X09A Justice Gundam
    ZGMF-X23S Saviour Gundam
    ZGMF-X56S/γ Blast Impulse Gundam

    And I guess Bandai will do a new release for:

    ZGMF-X31S Abyss Gundam
    ZGMF-X88S Gaia Gundam
    ZGMF-X24S Chaos Gundam


    In terms of a new Perfect Grade, I think it would be awesome if we got a PG Unicorn or PG Exia.


    And a big surprise would be if Bandai announced these MG's..

    Exia Repair 2
    Exia Repair 3
    00 Qan[t] Full Saber
    00 Qan[t] ELS Ver.
    Avalanche Dash Exia
    Exia (Roll Out)
    Astraea Type F
    0 Gundam Type ACD
    0 Gundam Roll Out
    Age-1 Full Gransa
    Age-2 Normal Special Forces
    Age-3 Normal
    Age-3 Orbital
    Age-3 Fortress
    Age-FX Burst
    Wing EW RM Ver.
    Wing Zero EW RM Ver,
    Sandrock Kai EW
    Heavyarms Kai EW
    Tallgeese III EW

    1. If you remember they already anounced Age-3 normal and Age-FX we just need an actual date attached is all and I could see them doing that and possibly having one of them as a big one for December. I'd much rather have a different OO gundam like Virtue/Nadleeh, Kyrios, or Dynames. But getting a Leo or something from Wing as grunt suits would be nice.

    2. hey, you switch your main interest to seed series. Nice~ but the current destiny MG is alright. would be nice if freedom get a remaster and they should release Justice and Providence.

    3. Needing a RM for Impulse kits?
      You dont even own any so SHUT THE FUCK UP YOU RETARD.
      How can you actually think that is a smart fucking idea? Those MG impulse kits are already great, Bandai wont redo them for some faggot with severe autism.

    4. Suiton, you're a genius.

      But seriously, you should start working for money instead of posting about Exia Repair on every post.

    5. Suiton, you're forget MG Gundam Legilis !!!

    6. lol why would they even do a RM of MG impulse kits as well as Strike Freedom,Infinite Justice and destiny?these kits are already great you fucking retard. Maybe you don't have any of those kits.

  7. I'm here hoping that they'll make a Sazabi ver. Ka for this December release, but then again, there are so many good MS out there which sorely need a 2.0 or ver. Ka or whatever remake. The Geara Doga alone was a nice surprise, if it's quality stuff like the Jesta was, I'll be happy.

  8. I would love a MG Kshayriya or Rozen Zulu

    1. A Rozen Zulu mg definitely sounds possible considering they could just use the frame from the Sinanju or Sinanju Stein. Sazabi ver. ka is still probably coming out this year but most likely will be announced later on.

  9. my guess for the mg, given that Destiny HD is running now: Blast Impulse.

  10. Either an MG Sazabi (Ver. Ka or HD or something) or an MG Kshatriya (please bring one out soon) would be much loved... by me at least!

  11. as for MG...hmm A big MG announcement...V2 gundam or maybe even V2AB...Seed destiny RM HG maybe Blast Impulse and all the other seed Destiny HGs...PG I don't think there would be any this year

    maybe some more wing kits...or maybe a even a Legend MG...
    more UC kits Zogok, Doven Wolf FA Unicorn Destroy mode Banshee Norn Destroy mode.

  12. My guesses:
    [MG] Sazabi "Ver. Ka."
    [MG] Freedom Gundam Remastered version

    And I'd be excited if... in any chance.... they're gonna make a [PG] Sinanju. I'd die happily.

    1. "like" to all you predictions~ got exact same things in mind. Except for the die part.

  13. This comment has been removed by the author.

  14. MG Kshatriya is not a likely kit since Bandai would probably have to use diecast metal to keep the 4 wings pieces up. Besides, a MG Kshatriya would be huge...

    1. Kshatriya is only 22.3m tall. It's shorter than Sinanju, The-O, nu Gundam, Sazabi, S Gundam/EX-S Gundam, and Perfect Zeong, all of which have MG kit out. I bet Bandai is only buying more time or waiting until Ep.7 is out or done

    2. He has a point, it would have to use die cast to keep the binders up, which would make it alot more expensive to produce.

    3. Price is relative

    4. Ha, Ironic that suiton is telling people a kit wont come out when he keeps spamming that great kits are in need of remasters this year.

    5. guys the last time bandai made a prototype of the kshatriya it used metal parts, but so did the mg nu gundam (original) but with the nu gundam ver ka it didnt get any diecast parts because of the poly styrene, so this could possibly mean that bandai is going back to look at the kshatriya and using updated tech to produce it

    6. I agree @johnny ridden. Of course everyone can still point out that the Elyn Kshatriya is plastic but still priced almost like a PG. But Bandai has been making excellent kits and really pushing the tech as far as detail and structure is concerned. I have a feeling that Bandai will mix new kits and new versions of old kits in the future. The Kshatriya is a prime candidate, so is the Sazabi.

  15. My Guess
    Seed Line
    MG Freedom ver.RM
    MG Saviour
    MG Blast Impulse
    MG Gaia (hopefully)

    PG Unicorn (Probably)

    AGE-3 Normal

    00 Line
    MG Reborns

    UC Line
    MG Banshee Norn
    MG Banshee Norn Ver Ka

    1. Can you please enlighten us as to what a Banshee Norn Ver.Ka is?
      If its just a Norn with green psycoframe then its Norn Final battle version. (most likely an online exclusive.

    2. You really think banshee norn will be online only? Bandai just released a sinanju with a absolutely nothing more than a slightly different red and different plastic frame. Oh, and a bazooka.

      Unicorn is massive for them, banshee norn with all its gear and green psychoframe will probably be retail.

  16. and a whole chunk of Bandai Online Exclusives

  17. MG Delta Kai! by far the best looking Suit in unicorn! confuse why they release stein before him.

    1. Maybe because they can simply reuse the majority of the molds they already have from the Sinanju... like they recently did with a Strike 2.0 using the Duel frame...

  18. first of all, let's remember that "amuro never being released alone" (with the exception of his one and only mono-eye in zeta)..... if grand daddy RX-78 gets a 2.0 so does Char Zaku. So if Nu gets an astonishing ver ka so maybeeee............... Sazabi will get that too as the "december big release"-according to rrobbert184 :D
    and to be honest, i'd love to see nu and sazabi going againts each other in form of ver ka MG

    as for seed and/or seed destiny, i'm sticking with my current guess that bandai gonna release the trio ZGMF (Justice-Freedom RM-Providence) as a follow up to the GAT series with freedom being their penultimate release. Seed destiny? well, still don't have clue about that one but i guess, yeah, strike freedom and infinite justice is definitely gonna make their appearance in RG
    even though somehow i still have a thought that bandai gonna remaster the strike freedom

    as for PG, honestly said PG Unicorn/Sinanju would be very tempting, but i think bandai would just gonna do that next year as a closing chapter to Unicorn OVA

    1. The Hi-Nu doesn't spawn the Nightingale..

    2. yes, Nightingale is one of the exception, simply because bandai is being a jerk. but i don't bandai is just gonna let the nu ka being alone, knowing the fact about how much money they can milk when they announce sazabi ver ka to stand toe-to-toe with nu ka

    3. But wouldn't it make more sense to release a Sazabi ver Ka in December instead of mid-year?

    4. I don't think it would make much different to announce it mid-year or December, they can announce it now and release it anytime they want. Though I think a MG Sazabi 2.0 is gonna sell like hotcake regardless of when it is release...the only prohibition is that the new Sazabi is gonna be very expensive, compare to any other MG kits, like the old Sazabi...

    5. As long as they continue with the improved quality of their new MGs, the cost is going to be moot. There will be more than enough buyers for Bandai to break even. This kit might just be priced as much or just a little higher than Nu ver Ka. It's tall, it's big, but it's not complicated like the Kshatriya.

  19. HG Xamel and HG Dom Fünf to complete the 0083 lineup, please.

  20. It'd be great if they decide to roll out PG launcher and sword set for strike gundam along with this MG SEED wave.
    Hands up if you've been waiting for that like me!!

    1. As for MG, I'll take whatever they gives us.
      I don't really have an expectation of what next MG should be; I kind of like the way Bandai surprises us with unexpected MG kit with great quality (i.e. Jesta and Nu Ver.Ka)

  21. hoping for this kits to be released

    -MG Rozen zulu
    -MG Capule
    -MG Zaku 1 sniper
    -MG Jegan
    -MG Zee zulu
    -MG efreet schneid

    1. I would like to see a MG Gun Cannon (like the one in UC ep 4)....a MG byarlant custom will be huge too...MG efreet schneid is a good choice i like it! i'd like to see a MG Gerbera Tetra,the HGUC let us hope for it!

  22. As much as I have my own wish list it is probably Sazabi because they said big and pretty much everybody important has at least one 1/100 and to be honest a Tallgeese 3 or Jegan would not be big news; same with any Seed and anybody else would not be on the radar for Bandai right now.

  23. Well the most important thing is.. is it large FOR a 1/100, or were they just saying 1/100's are large?

    Jegan, capules, Zakus, ZoGok, etc etc etc are not large.

    Sazabi, however.....

    1. nightingale! kyshatira !!!

    2. Nightingale...possibly.
      Kyshatira...Impossible due to the size of the binders may cause the model to collapse.

  24. excited for that large MG, especially if it will be a UC unit

    still waiting for my jegan though


    1. Stark Jegan is large. Pray to god that they are talking about a Stark Jegan.

    2. The Sazabi, Kshatriya, Hi-Nu are all larger than a Stark Jegan though. I don't see them making a Hi-Nu ver Ka but the Sazabi idea is pretty convincing.

    3. My guess is that, for a large scale show like this, a MG grunt unit is highly inappropriate... to show off the company capability to the world I mean... A MG Sazabi will have more shock & awe factor...

  25. Gundam: The Origin kits! :)

  26. PG 00 Qan(t) could happen. Bandai never shot down that idea and the PG 00 Raiser had a generic frame so... Also a PG Unicorn/Sinanju release would have the same effect on most UC fans as Justin Beiber does on 12 year old girls hahaha. Either way I just want a new Perfect Grade already.

  27. Please MG Victory 2 Gundam!

    1. or better, MG V2 Assault Buster!

    2. yeah, that's "large"

      seriously mg v2 assault buster would give me multiple orgasms, but probably not

    3. Yep, crossing my fingers for the V2AB. Come on Bandai, you'd have to be stupid to ignore the 20th anniversary of the series!

  28. Late to the party again GG? The HGUC Doven Wolf was announced in this month's Dengeki on the same page as the Gerbera Tetra. The first kit we're getting is the Sleeves version, though the one behind the glass at that trade show was the original aqua green Neo Zeon version. The other kit is likely an HGUC Zogok. I recommend hitting up /m/ on 4chan sometimes when hobby magazines get shipped since they've hit details you've missed in the past.

    Also, in before MG Blast Impulse (the laziest MG they can feasibly do right now for GSD).

  29. PG: GUNDAM RX 79 Ground Type GUNDAM would be awesome as well as the EZ-8

    MG: Would love to see the Gundam Mark V from Gundam Sentinel :p as well as the tallgese 3.
    Wouldnt mind the Rick Dom 2 or one of the Gundam F91 Badguys in MG as well.

    1. IMO, if ever MK-V will get any model kit treatment, it will be most probably HGUC. since Bandai will release Doven wolf both original and sleeves version.
      F91 badguys? hohoho RAFFLESIA!? xD

  30. I would love it if Bandai put out a MG sword calamity.

    1. Even if by a slight chance Bandai releases a MG Calamity, a sword calamity will probably be online exclusive... with slight color changes, different weapons and a 1000yen pricier :p


  31. MG
    Sandrock EW ova version
    Heavy Arms EW ova version
    Pg Could be
    Nu Gundam

    we'll wait and see....


    2. anon 7:03 here,
      I dunno what happened, nut this reply was supposed to be for the post above you,
      the one saying sword calamity.

  32. ZZ needs more MG love. MG Bawoo would be pretty awesome.

    Actually PG ZZ would be a logical choice since there's already RX-78-2, GP-01, MK-II, and Z.

    1. Or now that you mentioned ZZ, a 2.0/remaster of a MG ZZ makes sense too since out of the original UC shows there has been a redo of all the other titular gundams (Original: 78, Zeta: MkII & Zeta, CCA: Nu. Just a thought.

  33. FOr Seed, Rereleases of MG Astray Red and Blue with the new Equipment, and hopefully, MG Gold Frame Amatsu!

    With Luck, MG Providence and Justice! Or knowing Bandai, MG Legend, and Providence Ver. Will be an online exclusive. -_-;;

    For UC, I really hope we get a Rozen Zulu MG, seeing as they said there will be new gunpla for Unicorn. MG Banshee Norn is also likely.

    My love, my anger, and all of my money for Qubeley and Hyaku Shiki 2.0, though.

    1. and I will offer a lamb just for MG GP03s 2.0!!!!!!!!!!

  34. Holy fuck, there is a large number of possibilities on what the MG might be, might be Sazabi Ver. Ka since Nu Ver Ka is already released, maybe MG Kshatriya since they said there are going to be new Unicorn kits, OR maybe GP03s /GP02 if its a large kit simply because, Since Bandai is giving some love on 0083 kits like the two RGs and the HGUC Gerbera tetra.

    For the PG, either Unicorn or Sinanju, but my vote's on unicorn

  35. I think we all know what we really need a PG as and that is a PG Nu Gundam.

  36. MG Zakrello. I want one just for lol factor.

    1. LOL, I would totally welcome this release. Pissing off the majority of Gundam fans (Seed, Wing, 00 and even a lot of UC fanboy/girl out there). This would be a proof of courage for Bandai... at the same time, it would be a major milestone in GunPla history, off the beaten path for once...

  37. Replies
    1. I 2nd that. The impact factor would be off the chart. It's like announcing mickey mouse would be featured in the next Star Wars film, lol...

  38. PG: probably Unicorn

    MG: Probably Jegan, Stark Jegan, Jagd Dogas, Altron, Heavyarms Kai, Sandrock Kai; Possibly Sazabi and Wing Zero
    MG 2.0/RM: Possibly Ground Gundam and/or Freedom

    HGUC: possibly Silver Bullet, Gundam Mk V, and Mystery Mobile Armor from Unicorn Ep. 7

    Some safe, realistic guesses

  39. looks like the big green blurry thing behind the glass is the palace athene possibly

    1. Its the Doven Wolf. It was shown in the magazines a few days ago but GG never mentioned it.
      There is already a HGUC palace Athene anyway.

  40. PG : Age 3 Gundam Full Burst, that would be shocking

  41. I agree about what was said about the Sazabi being more likely towards the end of the year but they trend of ver. ka kits being a holiday release only is pretty much out the window this year (We got Nu this last holiday, then the Stein, and as an exclusive the X2). It certainly would fir the bill for a "BIG MG" release so obviously we'll see in a few weeks. I would be pretty excited over the Rozen Zulu or Kyshatriya MG but I have a feeling with them both being complicated/hard to engineer, I'd be surprised to see either this soon. However we're actually getting the Geara Doga and HGUC fans are still gasming over the long awaited Gerbera Tetra.

  42. For mg I'd like a unicorn fa ova version, a banshee norn, sazabi, destiny rm, freedom rm, strike freedom rm, infinite justice rm, justice rm. for pg I'd like a unicorn. Hopefully it will come out

    1. What possible changes would a MG FA unicorn OVA version have over the Ver.Ka?
      Similarly, what is wrong with MG destiny, Strike freedom and infinite justice?

  43. MG : sazabi ver ka , GPO-2A ver2.0, GPO-3s ver 2.0 , GM Cannon II, Geara zulu, Hygoog, V2
    PG : RX-78-2 ver 2.0 ( its better if come with Gundam Origins animation )

  44. Please. Give me a PG Sinanju! or kshatriya!

  45. The Unicorn made a lousy MG kit. It would make a HORRIBLE PG kit.

  46. screw the watermarks. hope gginfinite folds up.

  47. Chaos, Gaia, and Abbys MG incoming with the SEED Destiny HD going on.
    Ans for the big MG I am hoping praying that we get the Kshatriya.

    Also feel like a PG Unicorn is incoming to help fill the gap between now and the last movie.

  48. "...remastered Gundam SEED (Destiny) series, BB Senshi series, and more..."

    That's what I'm interested in.

    MG Justice
    MG Savior
    MG Infinite Justice RM Ver.
    MG Freedom RM Ver.
    MG Aile Strike Rouge RM Ver.
    MG Strike IWSP RM Ver.
    MG Strike Freedom RM Ver.
    MG Force Impulse RM Ver.
    MG Blast Impulse
    MG Sword Impulse RM Ver.
    MG Destiny RM Ver.
    MG Exia R2 (w/ R3 parts)
    MG 00 Qan[t] ELS Ver.
    MG 00 Qan[t] Full Saber
    MG Astraea
    MG Astraea Type F (w/ F2 parts)
    MG Avalanche Dash Exia
    MG 0 Gundam (ACD)
    MG 0 Gundam (Roll Out)
    MG Exia (Roll Out)
    MG Age-1 Full Gransa
    MG Age-2 Normal Special Forces
    MG Age-3 Normal
    MG Age-3 Fortress
    MG Age-3 Orbital
    MG Age-FX
    MG Age FX Burst
    MG Wing EW 2.0
    MG Wing Zero EW 2.0
    MG Nataku
    MG Heavyarms Custom
    MG Sandrock Custom
    MG Tallgeese III EW


    That's all the kits I'd want to get.

    1. Why don't you go back to begging for money on your videos and stop posting this wishlist crap here, where ppl stated time and again they hate you for it and Bandai will never, in a million years, read them (even if they did, they wouldn't pay any attention to someone who acts like ither series, especially UC, don't exist)? Why do you do this? Do you enjoy to annoy ppl? I mena, wtf, you posted this same crap just a few posts above. This is the reason you got banned from the c-box, from many FB gunpla groups and from many many other places. Go on, go back to begging for money and leave actual gunpla fans (i.e. ppl who are not posers and liars like you) alone.

    2. fucking retard bandai won't waste money in doing your shitlist wishtlist. seriously RM of Seed Destiny Kits?fucking homeless shithead.They would rather make new MG ver of other Gundam than doing RM version all over again.

    3. Especially since Destiny, Infinite Justice and even Strike Freedom are already better then the new RM GAT-X MGs, and Impulse is still one of the best MGs ever made. Suiton would know that if was more preoccupied in actually building his kits and less with spaming wishlist crap and begging for money...

    4. If it's justice and freedom RM, i can actually agree on with that. Besides, it's about time bandai make the first 3 ZGMF machines (justice, freedom rm and providence). Savior and blast impulse is an ok too, i think, since it's destiny anniversary. But destiny, infinite justice, and strike freedom? seriously suiton, seriously. I know strike freedom have some issue with the full burst mode edition but i think those 3 already a better MG compared to the recent GAT machines, unless, unless bandai went nuts and putting all sorts of engineering improvements they already did, like nu ver ka, and give strike freedom, for example, a price tag of >10000 yen for the full gold metallic frame, full burst/wing of lights effect, then i'll go for it

    5. you are hoping for another version of impulse, infinite justice, and strike freedom, suiton? don't worry bandai will make them for you eventually, as an RG kits. Bandai already made thier move with RG Destiny, so just be patient a little bit.

  49. Screw the watermarks. hope gginfinite folds up.

  50. New "large" MG kit + kit from UC ep 6 = MG Rozen Zulu or MG Kshatriya Besserung??

  51. Dear BANDAI, Please make a PG Unicorn Gundam or Banshee Gundam...

    1. they really wouldn't make banshee first or at all if They made a PG Unicorn cause people could just paint it as the Banshee. More than likely have a Premium Bandai online shop exclusive for the Cannon, the claw, the neck piece, the horn and maybe the inner psycho frame as well for like $70 - $100. If they really wanted to go crazy they would also add Norn stuff as well xD As much as I would LOVE LOVE LOVE a PG Unicorn...they would have to do something crazy to make it stand out x3 Like a clear psycho frame with color change LED's for the person to choose the version they wanted. Be it Awakening version or regular Destroy mode. OH boy do I ever so wish :D

    2. By standout i meant different than the MG Unicorn besides the fact that its in a different scale to spend $300 on a kit that would be the same as the Master Grade essentially

  52. My wishlist:
    MG Sazabi 2.0
    MG Hyaku Shiki 2.0 (with the mega bazooka launcher)
    MG Dom 2.0 (Dom Troopen would be even better)
    MG GP02A 2.0
    MG Gouf B3 2.0 (Gouf Flight Type woulf be even better)
    MG RX-79[G]Gundam Ground Type
    MG Zaku I Sniper Type

    Too poor for PG, so won't bother thinking about it

  53. All I really want is a 2.0 Ez-8. Is that too much to ask for bandai? I think not. Hell, I'd even take a 2.0 jegan and pay for an accessories kit that turns it into different variations like armored or high mobility type.

  54. i want to see RG God gundam! or RG Nobel gundam!

  55. I wish for a Real Grade 1/144 Superior Gundam MSA-0011 and MSA-0011(Ext). Both Fully transformable. And for follow up with 1/144 HGUC line in Sentinel Gundam Line, i.e. Nero, Gundam MK V, Xeku Zwei, FAZZ, Zeta Plus. Maybe even System Weapons for the Xeku Eins different load out too.

    1. I'll vote for you as president!

  56. Maybe they finally perfected MG Kshatriya?

    Me personally I want to see Bandai try do MG Devil Gundam!

  57. i want PG Ball or PG Gp03 dendrobium

    1. Nonsense, PG Dendrobium will have same size as a car

  58. I want to take a wild guess and say the "large MG" will be the byarlant custom. its a bit early for the sazabi to be announced (which I think will come) but I hope its not a bad guess. I dont want any more unicorns I want more newer kits.

    1. The Byarlant Custom isn't what usually comes to mind when you say "large MG" though. The term can mean either a physically big kit, or a design that's "big". Neither really applies to the Byarlant Custom. Nice if we'd have a kit though.

  59. My guess is MG ZZ ver2.0!

  60. Looking forward to MG Strike Freedom RM, 00 Qan [T] Full Saber MG, 00 Qan [T] PG.

  61. MG of the CB Gundam in Gundam 00 - The Movie
    PG of 00 Quanta (Plz...Plz... Plz...)

    1. Oh yes please! I'd love to see the celestial being "movie" gundams in model form especially the lazenga.. I mean alvatore lol.

  62. I wish they made a prototype for a mg rozen zulu?

  63. Bandai announcement : NEXT PG IS AGE


  64. We still doesnt have MG X Gundam until now :( Cmon bandai please make one

  65. How about a PG of one of the ships, a more detailed model with cutaways and/or opening access hatches for mechanics as well as a fiber optics kit?

  66. I know i'm probably going to get BOOed for this comment, but i would love to see GN-011 Harute in PG. One of the most gorgeous head designs in Gundam, but somehow it never even made it to MG.

  67. GNT-0000 00 Qan(T) in PG would make my day also. 100%.

  68. MG Age-3 Normal and Age-FX are crying in the corner now.
