Friday, March 22, 2013

Robot Damashii (Side MS) RX-78 Gundam GP-01 FB Full Vernian - Early Prototype Image

Robot Damashii (Side MS) RX-78 Gundam GP-01 FB Full Vernian (Release Date: TBA, Price: TBA)

Image via AE Media


  1. Huh??? That's the display picture from 2008's C3 X Hobby show...... Still possible with the RG coming out, but hope they have some new examples to show!

  2. whtat the hell are you doing? just because 2chan posts a picture and aemedia puts in on their site because they can't read japanese doesn't mean anything. This was a photo from 2008, it's not news at all!

  3. Thanks for getting my hopes up for a split second before I recognized the picture and remember where it came from.
    It's only been four and a half years, surely it's still coming out, right?

  4. Patrick grade why are you so retarded?

  5. ^ Assholes above, why are you all so retarded and whiny?
