Monday, March 4, 2013

MG 1/100 MSN-06S Sinanju Stein - Review by Team GG Falldog

MG 1/100 MSN-06S Sinanju Stein 
Review by Team GG Falldog
Note - For this review I refer to the design/kit as either the “Sinanju Stein” or just “Stein.” Whenever I refer to the “Sinanju” by itself I’m referring to the original Sinanju design/kit.
Refinement. That’s the first word that pops into my head when thinking about Bandai’s latest kit, the Master Grade Sinanju Stein. More specifically, a lack of refinement. Hear me out.

Most Universal Century mobile suits tend to have a design lineage. Each new generation incorporates elements from the one before it in an ever evolving family tree. It’s part of the charm. It should be no surprise to many that the Stein servers as a linkage between the suits of 0093 (Nu Gundam, Sazabi) and those of 0096 (Unicorn Gundam, Sinanju). The issue is that the Stein isn’t a natural relative, but one forced into the center. I’m not sure why it was created initially, whether to simply bridge that gap (not that it was particularly needed) or to help sell merchandise, but the design feels like an unnatural hodgepodge of four separate suits. Beautiful curves here, beautiful angles there, when all together the design feels forced.
This lack of refinement also carries over to the kit itself. At its core is the old Sinanju Ver.Ka, easily one of the best Master Grade kits Bandai ever released. The Stein is built so heavily on it’s older cousin (or rather, older son) that, in classic Bandai style, it comes with a whole bunch of unused parts that would’ve gone into the MG Sinanju (roughly 26). Internally it’s pretty much the same kit aside from different pieces here and there as needed to adjust for changes to the exterior. What annoys me is that in some areas Bandai really half assed these updates. Take the yellow thruster trim detail seen on the MG Sinanju. They were all individual pieces which added to the complexity and detail. On the MG Sinanju Stein many of these trim bits, which really should have been separate pieces, are just built into the main armor piece. Granted, this doesn’t really hurt the look of the kit since they’re all white, but it creates unnecessary difficulty for those looking to apply custom paint jobs. It’s almost an insult that they removed detail from a kit that’s essentially a re-release and costs the same amount of money.

Continuing with my design rant there are a few bits that are straight off the Sinanju which aren’t needed on the Stein, like the loop on the lower back where the old pipes would have gone. Or the rear-waist bazooka attachment point that’s still better suited for Sinanju’s rifle. As best as I can tell the rifle was adjusted to fit the existing attachment point rather than the otherway around.

The updated armor pieces aren’t very refined very well from a kit engineering prospective either. There are a handful of odd gaps that pop up here and there and other pieces that don’t quite flow into others. What’s really lazy is that lower leg’s main armor is one large piece when it should’ve been two. The only reason I can think for designing it as one piece is to cut costs. The same goes for the chest vents and external leg thrusters. They’re one piece when it should’ve been made up of an inner piece with a separate outer-trim component. There’s also a lot to be desired about the Stein’s backpack. Where the Sinanju’s was a beefy masterpiece of thrust, Stein’s has a lot of open components that seem out of place with the rest of the kit. On the plus side this means that all of the thrusters and accent pieces can move around in all sorts of directions. On the downside this unnecessary articulation means all of the components move around so much that it’s almost hard to pose properly (getting everything into place without accidentally pushing on something else). They also have tendency to pop out thanks to the lack of poly-cap joints. At the very least they’re the only part of the kit I had trouble with parts staying attached. The rear leg thrusters like to pop out of their hinge if you push them in too far but that’s something easy to avoid.

Last but not least for my ranting, Bandai’s new MG hands. Stein features the same sonic-welded hands first debuted on the MG Nu Ver.Ka. They may be fully articulated but I think they stink in comparison to the fully articulated hands seen on older MG kits (like the Sinanju or Dom). When a part comes off, most commonly a fingertip, they’re unlikely to go back on and stay on. This makes them a pain to work on when you’re constantly worried about messing them up. My MG Nu Ver.Ka. is missing two fingertips and Stein currently three. To Bandai’s credit they negated the extra wrist joint (used on the Nu to allow it to properly wield its bazooka) by making the hand armor piece extend on the back and lock it into place.

The one good thing about these hands is that they feature a flip out piece to attach a weapon, which also has an interlocking piece of its own. This allows the hand to hold even Stein’s large rifle without it falling out.

Now then, enough ranting. No, really. It’s time to talk about all the good things this kit has to offer. Yes, there are some.
As Stein shares the same inner frame elements as the Sinanju, Stein is incredibly sturdy. For a kit lacking poly-cap joints it does a fantastic job of standing firm and holding tight. If I hold the kit horizontally by the torso the legs don’t budge a bit. Unlike the Sinanju, Stein is able to wield the shield without any issues. (Side note - While the shield looks like the Nu’s it doesn’t have the same flexibility as the Nu Ver.Ka. It can just spin around and lacks the ability to tilt in different directions) Not surprisingly, the same doesn’t apply to the massive rifle. The arm holds without problem, but the wrist joint sags. This can be somewhat mitigated by positioning the arm so that the hand rests against the large forearm. Stein’s large feet means that the kit can actually stand up by itself (here’s looking at you, 00 and AGE designs).

Articulation is pretty strong with few limitations.

Stein’s rifle is quite impressive, as is the excellent looking bazooka which I’m pretty sure is the same one used by the Sinanju throughout Gundam Unicorn. Much like the Sinanju the Stein can wield her beam sabers from the forearm.

Stein comes with a nice set of waterslide decals with a few stickers, namely the eyes and a sticker to make the chin white.

One appealing element to this kit is that its largely white and light grays. Folks looking to have some fun with their paint job and do vibrant colours don’t have to spend a lot of time priming. I don’t think I’m going to go too fabulous when I paint but I already have some fun ideas in mind.

In the end, I really wanted to like the Sinanju Stein. It has an interesting look, construction went really smoothly, but it kept fighting me. The more I tried to pose it the more frustrated I got. Maybe it’s just one of those days but pieces kept coming off (almost lost a few key parts of the left hand) or I couldn’t get things to sit just right. Part of it is because I just finished the newer and excelent Nu Ver.Ka but it’s hard for me to positively compare it to any other Ver.Ka kits. Which makes it even harder to recommend. Regardless of what I say it comes down to whether you like the design or not. If so, then get the kit and have fun. Otherwise I suggest keeping things classic and getting the Sinanju Ver.Ka or the upcoming OVA version instead.

Falldog is a writer for OtakuRevolution and the author behind the gunpla tutorials in the Layman’sGunpla Guide


  1. Kinda weird seeing a full written review on this blog.

    1. Sort of like seeing original content on yours.

      Happens from time to time.

    2. finally not about wishlist bro! keep this up ^^ u will be welcome by the community if this keeps up ^^

    3. :@Anonymous 8:39 Please apply aloe vera to that BURN!!! Lololol(well done!)

  2. Great review! Nice job teamggfalldog.

  3. I have to ask people.
    Is anyone here aware of my other outlets where I discuss GunPla among other things like games, manga, anime, etc?

    I actually have a private forum and a private IRC channel where I do a lot of that. The stuff I post here, YouTube, usual forums, and on my blog are outlets that I've seen a majority of people go to.

    If anyone can actually find the URL to my forum or even the server or channel name of my IRC channel, I'd be quite impressed to be honest.

    Just to give you an idea...

    Private Forum
    - as of right now 46 members (not including myself)

    Private IRC channel
    - as of right now 28 registered members (not including myself)

    If anyone can find the URL to my forum or the IRC channel, I think I might be willing to let you in since both of those outlets, I privately and personally invite. =D

    1. I'd keep just one for the sake of efficiency.

    2. Too many references will kill your mind instead of satisfication. It is, yes, i am agree with above "effeciency"..

    3. First time you mentioned this "forum" you said you had 750 members.... Also, if you have 46 members who apparently are willing to hear you go on and on about what MGs you want and that you ordered MG talgeese I and II from GG, why do you have about 6 likes to 30 dislikes on most of your "gunpla" (I say it like that, bc all I see are 30sec shots of boxes) YT videos? Before you ask for it, here's your words, from your channel: suiton629 1 month ago
      "What negative comments do I write to people? Please.. Please provide me with such examples and don't make things up. Also, I don't just tell people what my forum is. I personally invite people if I've conversed with them in real life, talked for a while on YouTube, etc. And even if you found my forum, you wouldn't be able to sign up since I set it up as a private kind of thing. =D I try to reduce the amount of clutter and fakes on there, and so far I have like 750 or so people signed up there.
      Reply · in reply to Harris Hasan"
      Like I've asked before, and you disregarded, and changed subject, provide evidence in the form of one of these "members" backing this up as true...

      You are a Big Fat Liar, nothing more, nothing less

      And even if you were not, why would we want to go see you outlets when all you is copy/paste whatever news GG posts.

      You must be so desperate and ridiculously needful of attention that you just make up these lies just so ppl notice you... Please seek psychiatric help...

      PS: this is disguised advertising of your stuff, which is considered spam. Please, pay GG for a banner on this blog, or take you advertising elsewhere..

    4. Suiton for the past several months I've watch you post your completely biased opinion about every kit that is coming out or what should come out. We are all tried of your complaints. And now you decided too post a advertisement for you fictitious blog. I call it fictitious simply because you provide no real evidence of it's existence. Instead you try too provoke everyone too go on a wild goose chase. If you really have a blog then your dumb ass opinion on what you want should be left there. And if it is real the only reason you have it set too private is because you don't want everyone here too start.spamming and bashing you. Guess what none of us would go out of our way too find your site and spam you because every single one of us have a life and better ways too spend our time then looking for your self righteous home page too read juvenal complaints. Please only post if you have something intelligent too say not too whine. I know it's difficult for you but try too think before you speak.

    5. I think you mean his fictitious forum instead of blog. Just so he doesn't come back with what he thinks is a "witty" reply. He has a blog, filled with articles he copies from GG, and with NO comments of these so called 46 members on his fictitious forum. Other than this, you are right in every point you make, of course

    6. Sounds like Gunjap, except Suiton's not Italian :p.

    7. @ SomeOtherAnon - You're becoming quite irritating and annoying now. You know that?

  4. You have to keep in mind the sinanju stein was designed with the data from the Nu GUNDAM and Sazabi so the design would resemble both its "parent" machines

    1. It made more sense when it went Sazabi -> Sinanju and Nu -> Unicorn.

    2. even before we heard of the stein, the design lineage was always sazabi + nu/hi-nu---->sinanju----->unicorn. the stein makes that nu gundam lineage more obvious

    3. I was under the impression that the Unicorn and Sinanju both came from a mixture of the Sazabi and Nu Gundam in different configurations. Kind of like the real life Ligers and Tigons.

      I had always assumed that the Sinanju was created when a boy Sasabi and a girl Nu Gundam really liked each other they would go in a room and kiss each other and then a baby (BB) Sinanju would be delivered by a stork a few months later. Then the baby Sinanju would grow up to be a big Ver. Ka.

      This is exactly how my parents always told me the story of the Unicorn too. A boy Hi-Nu Gundam meets a girl Nightingale and they had a baby Unicorn. =D

      ♂Sazabi + ♀ Nu Gundam = Sinanju

      ♂Hi-Nu Gundam + ♀ Nightingale = Unicorn

  5. A complete text/image review, huh... nice job, Gundam Guys

  6. Have to disagree with the complaints about the design. Considering what it was designed from and what it was designed for(hint: not a production unit/combat unit, see test bed), I think it looks great. I Like the clashing Zeon/Federation elements. It's refreshing.

    1. Dont forget IRL it was just designed to be a DLC suit for a game.

    2. and if memory serves correctly, someone built a sinanju steins hg using the sinanju kit before it became a dlc

  7. The Stein isn't a re-release. It only uses 3 plates of the Sinanju. The rest are BRAND NEW MOLD. Your rant about the design is really biased.

    1. LMAO. Yes, it is totally biased in that I like somethings and I don't like other things. Opinions, how do they work.

  8. Nice to hear a differing opinion on the Stein. Very interesting (and valid) points. I have to ask though, how did you do the emblem on your Sinanju's shield? It looks really nice.

    1. That's the result of modeling incompetence lol. Back in the day I wasn't having much luck hand painting the emblem so I eventually had a bunch of gold around the emblem. When I cleared off the paint on the emblem It ended up with a that sort of relief. In part because I wasn't getting anywhere and in part because it looked cool I left it alone :D

  9. these written reviews are nice. Don't know who actually wrote it, but i read it with Patrick Grade's voice...0.o....

  10. color scheme of the nu is great
