Wednesday, February 6, 2013

What would you like to see in the next Gundam Series?

What would you like to see in next Gundam Series?  
Every Gundam series tells an inspiring story about the tragedy of war.  And each series approaches this theme differently from various imaginative perspectives.  We would like you to share with us your ideas / storyline for the next Gundam series in the comment area below.
Perhaps we will do a quick giveaway for a storyline that we feel is the most imaginative (And we will do a bigger giveaway contest when we reach 10,000,000 visitors hitrate on this blog, which is fast approaching!).  
Below is an image to arouse your imagination.  So fire away in the comment area below!
Above image via Windforcelan (Has nothing to do with any future Gundam projects.)


  1. Little girls and gundams

    1. Agree. Doesn't matter with the story or plot. Make the main character a flat-chested 10-12 years old loli. That's it. No other request...

    2. We need more cute girls or beautiful women pilots protagonists!

      Why can't we have a cute girl as the main character?

      A flat-chested 10-12 loli would be a great idea too!

    3. Im hoping that was pure sarcasm... somehow that would be worse than AGE combined with Turn-A

    4. Trust me, Strike Witches with Gundams would not be worse than Age!

    5. strange, I have the same thought :D
      and even more surprised seeing the first comment is the same thought as mine xD

      ehh, no no no
      my friends and cousins will go away from gundam forever if bandai start using flat-chested loli as main pilot

    6. @4:25 am anon. Turn-A is easily the only legit good gundam series. Learn to not have the tastes of a 12 year old faggot

    7. No no no no. The protagonist is going to have a harem and his Gundam and COMBINE!!!

    8. Here ya go:

  2. Band of Brothers/The Pacific/Master of the Air-styled Gundam

    1. Those sound just like the suggestions mentioned for lulz on the Gundamn podcast!

  3. Rebirth of Gundam Technology after the Turn A events! :)

  4. a continuation of Universal Century maybe... with the quality of animation on par with at least 00 or Unicorn.
    their latest is AGE, but i didn't like it - both the Story and the design of mechs.

    hmmm i'm hoping for The Origin...
    as long as it's UC hehe

    1. Since this seems to be a very popular opinion, I have to ask: What makes a return to UC so compelling? Why is that going to be better than, say, more 00, Wing, Seed, or AGE-related material? Or, even more broadly, why is UC going to be better than original material? People might point to AGE as being an example of why new stuff sucks, but given the unusual production circumstances (ie: Level-5 doing it all), I have to think it's an outlier.

      Obviously we all want awesome production, smooth animation, and badass mecha, but that's a given and can exist in any setting, so they're not valid reasons to say that UC is best!

    2. It's great too see the the origin of "gundam" has it's legacy continued, many are a big fan of the UC series since, well, it's hard to explain. I'm not saying that a new gundam series would suck, as long as it wouldn't be as bad as Destiny or Age for that matter.
      Many are hoping for sequels or prequels because they love the Gundam series that they grew up with, wether it may be UC, wing, 00 or seed.

    3. 00 pretty much wrapped itself up...seed just thankfully committed suicide... and they are bringing it back to life for whatever reason other than to milk more money out of it. Wing would be ok to elaborate more on or possibly venture into the frozen tear drop. But UC is the tried and true gundam with the most material. Heck i wouldn't mind a new g gundam. But i want gritty fights, pilots who actually kill, but more importantly i want to see a war... not a bunch of teenage drama on a fancy ship with an occassional ms. I want actual soldiers and sure one can be teen who by chance ends up piloting... but so long as its treated realistically.

    4. Amen to that !!!

    5. UC is better than that AU shit you listed because their nothing but shitty UC rehashes. G, Turn A, and 00(ONLY S1!) manage to be original and good stories. UC was original and had its own themes

    6. The 00 movie was not a rehash..

  5. Reanimated version of original gundam series and Frozen Tear Drop

  6. Synopsis -

    In the year 0001 AC, the Earth had recovered from massive wars among human and beast mutant. The mutant were the creation of Man themselves and human lost in the war. 0058 AC, a group of human resistance rise and fight the mutant using mechanical war machine called GUNDAM.

    Plot -

    A resistant group named as Human Liberation Force Army or HLFA, had created a mechanical warmachine called Gundam after series of lost against the mutant. The mutant use warmachine called Beast Machine and this has forced human to come up which countermeasure to fight against Beast Machine. After several prototypes and trials, HLFA has rolled out a war machine that is par or maybe beyond the level of Beast Machines themselves. Assisted by foot soldier and other machines developed from previous leftover machine from the wars, human rise again to fight for freedom and ended the oppression from the mutant


  7. A story where the main antagonist is a masked guy named SUITON

  8. Gundam 00 prequel material. Although it probably already exists in manga form, I really liked the tactical and diplomatic focus that the start of the 00 series had, as well as a focus on smaller mobile suit teams. It borrowed a little of the feeling that Code Geass had, in the way that plans came together (Geass S1) and the effects were felt on a huge scale (Geass S2). I think that this could be threaded with the an examination of the personal effects of participation in conflict, effects of private military companies, the causes of war, and the other traditional Gundam themes of understanding just fine.

    1. I would love to see the Solar Power Wars that was only hinted in flashbacks during the series. If the opening scene in 00 is anything to go by, they must have been absolutely BRUTAL, as in horrific wartime atrocities.

    2. I have to agree that would be cool. Honestly id be fine with any extra 00 material, it's easily my favorite series.

      If we could find an excuse to animate GN-XXX Sefer Rasiel Gundam that would be ideal.

  9. Maybe an OVA of Mobile Suit Gundam: Hathaway's Flash. If not that, at least some continuation of the UC series.

  10. Firstly, it needs more bishoujo characters - the first and last Gundam series with such approach is SEED, and it needs modern character designs (or you can call it big eyes if you want) like those seen in Gundam 00 - but more girls, not those UC style when we are talking about attracting new audiences who are hooked on currently trending anime .

    On storyline part, there should be more factions, not just the same big 2 or big 3 factions fighting each other, portray a world war scenario where a few countries at least are involved. The space colony guys ar always bad, the earth feddies are always corrupt, and it always takes a kid from a 'terrorist camp', or a 'neutral country' to teach the adults around him that both sides are wrong and he is right, gets a godlike Gundam, and whack up both sides. This nonsense must stop.

    I would like more realistic stuff which Gundam is famous for, not something like a teleporting 00 Raiser where no one can touch it, or lasers that can bend over angles seen in both Gundam 00 and Gundam Age. Those kind of nonsense are why i dont think highly of the newer series, not to mention they use the excuse 'paying homage to old series' to recycle things over and over again making everything so predictable. Im wondering why the staff behind Gundam series isnt fired yet. Oh, i know why, they never cared about how the anime turns out anyway, they just want to sell us model kits.

    1. thats what im saying, WORD man!

      I want girls piloting gundam. like that girl from gundam age, the daughter of that fat guy. blue colored asems pal.

      more like those girls as main character or a lacus clyne as main character piloting the gundam. or marida cruz. THERE ARE SO MANY GOOD PILOTS WHORE GIRL BUT WHY NO MAIN CHARACTERR?:???

    2. the way you describe it remind me of Rinned no lagrange, the protagonist is a girl, clumsy, easy going or just airheaded and top of all she doesnt care about the conflict around her... of course she just care about her friends.

      And yes, they should stop those nonsense.. just look at the protagonist nowadays, they are all so kind hearted, they don't care about themselves all they cared about is MANKIND. save the mankind and save the universe... and then hide themselves so no one knows who the kind hearted hero that just save the world.... its just like the marvel superhero comics.. WTF?!

    3. I agree yes more realistic not like Strike Freedom that didn't get even a scratch after a huge war.

    4. Actually, Forbidden Gundam did the bending beam weapon first in SEED.

  11. My friends and I came up with a Gundam storyline before. It will be set in an alternate universe where it is pretty much the same as over here. and then a gundam would appear in front of the protagonist (through the means of some sort of warp gate device thing, or some kinda newtypeish powers) who is being trained for the military. of course he is opposed to war and when he finds the gundam he tries to use it to stop the wars. of course he is acting on his own, so then he starts to not trust anyone in fear they will use him and the gundam to win the favor of the war. along the lines he faces trials of friendship and betrayal. in the middle, the other governments would have obtained mobile suits the same way the gundam would have showed up thus making things more difficult.

  12. Exkurogane, I think you should stop watching Gundam animes and continue with your fetish for BL and Tsundere, which are far more populated than Gundam animes. Mecha just isn't your thing.

    What more, many of the comments here are more like fan boys hoping that Sunrise would pick their Gundam fan fics for screen time.

    Honestly, I do wish to see more Mecha animes other than just Gundams like back in the 80s and 90s. There are just too many sissies in today's anime

  13. That Gundam looks just like he just did the "Fusion Dance" with Soulgain.

  14. I feel that an alternate universe series is needed. Preferably, it would be nice to have a series similar to the 08th MS team or some kind of plot in which the main character is average and starts with a grunt suit. Less of the of teenage pilots, but more focused onto the a young twenty age for the protagonist. The idea of an "overpowering Gundam" is very repetitive and annoying to me. Realism would be great, and a lot less drama is preferred

    1. yes !! this is good aswell !

      i really like those, jesta, adele , gms. grunts. starting with this grunt customizing it more and more (not too much)
      and in the end not somthing strike freedom like or age fx like or 00 raiser like or nu gundam or hi nu.
      the last gundam always has funnels or something similiar. it SUCK SO BAD !

    2. For a TV series you're probably outta luck. It almost guaranteed you'll get a teenage Gundam pilot because the TV series generally target kids in high school. If it's an OVA series, then anything goes.

  15. We need a Modile Suit Gundam Decade! Summon all gundam to fight one another like G gundam. Final form will summon all the upgraded unit.

    1. Exactly.
      my design is here

  16. What about a Gundam series that takes place before mankind is capable of space travel? It could be two factions on Earth fighting against each other, with most of the combat taking place on land and sea 08th MS team style. To make things interesting the lead Gundam would be prototype suit capable of traveling into space and reentering the atmosphere again, allowing it to travel undetected and attack without warning. Obtaining the prototype would drastically sway the war in the favor of either faction, so both sides are trying to obtain it at all costs. I just like the idea of having a lot of ground combat as well as adding a space race element. I feel it would make for a intriguing series that slightly diverges from a traditional Gundam series.

  17. I'd like to see an anime series of earlier generations from Anno Domini (Gundam 00) before Setsuna and the gang.

    1. ...or a follow-up Gundam 00 series after the 'A wakening of the trailblazers' movie. Which Saji Crossroad became an official CB crew & gundam engineer; Allelujah and Marie/Soma had a child also became a member of CB (a psycho-lunatic like his father); Lockon Stratus had a child with a hookah and he named him Kyle AngLandi-landi; a child of Saji & 'that girl' (what's her name?) also a gundam meister and a Ribbons Almark or Tieria Erde-type inovator pilot. The war will spark once again after the celestial being lose its connection again with Veda which stolen by an unknown enemy and that enemy is Setsuna 'ELS' Seiei. He is planning to use Veda and ELS technology to turn earth into a giant flower.


    2. hahahahahahahaha KYLE ANGLANDI-LANDI XDDDDDD what the fuck its so funny xD

      yea thats cool and CB being has a gundam meister school kinda like ninja academy of naruto.
      and they fight setsuna els seiesei xD

  18. LOL, anonymous, mecha isnt my thing? i have 60+ Gundam kits bro. It's the truth, Gundam series need a big change, catering only the current and old school fans is not the way to go. I watched almost every single gundam series already except turn A. If mecha isnt my thing i wouldnt have bothered to watch down to the oldest Gundam series.

    1. Of course you wouldn't have bothered to watch all the Gundam series if there aren't bishoujos in them, just like how Geass fans wouldn't watch Geass if there aren't bishoujos in Geass. Therefore, bishoujos are your things, not mechas

    2. oh c'mon, EX's obviously a SEED fan so give him a break.

  19. I wanted a Gundam series where it's more like a war drama.
    The Gundam units aren't solitary unit or having various totally different kinds, but more like a base frame which is, while mass produceable, is crazy expensive to produce and given only to several aces/high-ranking/test teams/etc, which later modify the frame into their liking (I'm sure Bandai's Gunpla division would've liked this).
    I think other war vehicle like fighter jets, tanks, and unmanned vehicles shouldn't be obsolete agains giant mecha, though that will means that there will be too many mechanical design on the series, making it difficult for the staffs. So probably we should make a reason why those things are obsolete, just like the Minovsky Particle in UC. Perhaps by making the giant mechas also capable of heavy ECM?
    This might sound crazy and very hard on the casting side, but I wanted the story to focuses on at least two or more group from different factions, who may or may not gets into a direct conflict with each other, to further press on the war drama setting.
    Also, while (at least one of) the main character pilots a Gundam, it will not be the strongest unit among the whole faction (in fact no character should have anything like it). I also prefer to have large scale battle, or at least the group is not the only units from the faction to participate in the battle.

  20. Just gimme the crossbone gundam TV series and all will be good

    1. Is Crossbone really that perfect/awesome/holy grail of a Gundam story that just NEEDS to be animated? I mean I can understand that it's good but fans seem to hype it to the point that any new Gundam show that's not Crossbone is automatically destined to suck.

  21. This comment has been removed by the author.

  22. 1- An animated adaptation of the Advance of Zeta novel, Flag of the Titans with references from Stardust Memory (Bask Om and Jamitov's plans to create the Titans from Stardust, the fates of the Titans-uniformed Albion crew/Uraki for example), the main show with or without the New Translation edits and . Traitor to Destiny could come next.

    2- An internet-release animated adaptation of Gunpla Builders J and D.

    3- An animated adaptation of Ecole du Ciel.

    4- Animated adaptations of the Gundam 00 novel stories (the stories involving Feldt's parents and/or Fon Spaak).

    5- An OVA adaptation of Hathaway's Flash WITH a new, positive ending.

    I do have a custom storyline made but it won't fly here.

    1. Really cool if they make both J and D into anime, the first one was a blast to me.

      Having the Astray side from CE would also be great

    2. I would like to see all the gundam figting each others and beginning gundam J and D series will be great with plenty of costumizations :)

    3. Animated series of Ecole du Ciel would be awesome. :D

  23. I'll get the superficial stuff out of the way first. It must be distinctive in appearance. I don't want the cartoon appearance of Gundam Age, but I don't really want all the characters to be bishounen either. I would not be opposed to more retro designs like Unicorn, as long as it stands out from most other anime of today.

    Someone other than Kanetake Ebikawa for the main Gundam designs. Not sure if going back to Kunio Okawara is the answer, so if possible, get someone new entirely. Do not give the main Gundam or Gundams more than one alternate mode or form. A Gundam does not need to change colors or swap out tons of parts just to use a melee weapon or a bigger gun (or to go faster). I know this is a merchandise-centric franchise, but they've been clearly overdoing this since Gundam Seed and it's got to stop. The alternate mode should be something practical like a full-armor version, or space/ground combat versions.

    Ditch the use of CGI and cel-shading for ships -- this has improved greatly in recent years, but I still am not totally sold on it. It seems the budget for a TV series is never high enough to do this right. I liked Pailsen Files, but do not use CGI for mecha!

    If it is Universal Century, make it late UC, after F91 and Victory. There are plenty of "gaps" that could be filled in, but the later UC timeline has been totally neglected so I would start there. Don't adapt more novels, I would rather have an original and unexpected story. I love Zeon remnants, but it's starting to become cliche and off-putting to people.

    If it is alternate universe, make it completely fresh and different, with technology and core concepts we haven't seen before in a Gundam series (00 and Age meekly attempted this, but were not nearly imaginative enough). Many technological breakthroughs happen in wartime, so I want to see something interesting and new. Don't cling to the basic structure of the other series. Do something really original!

    Turn A Gundam got this right because they approached everything from a totally different angle and went very "low-tech" for the setting. A post-apocalyptic series, more severe than Gundam X, could be interesting. (I don't care for G Gundam, but as far as originality goes, it's another good example).

    Because it's Gundam, it should be about a war, but it doesn't have to be Earth vs. the colonies/rebels. Why not something set in another galaxy entirely? As for aliens, 00 already opened that Pandora's Box, so it's too late to not consider it. As long as they are portrayed intelligently and not as evil invaders, I wouldn't have a problem with it. I'd rather it would be human conflicts, though.

    Regrettably, I can't give many really specific good ideas, and can mostly just say what not to do...

    1. Ok, when it comes to comments about animation Gundam TV series do not have the same budget or time as OVAs so I question why people expect a new show to be like 08th MS Team, Unicorn, or Pailsen Files when that level of detail is frankly impossible to do on a weekly budget. And as much as I dislike Age, the animation in that show is probably the best that can be achieved on a TV budget. As for CGI ships, they're used for the same reason because they're cheaper to animate. We should at least be thankful that the Gundam fights are still done in 2D (but for how long?..)

      As for bringing new ideas into Gundam, it's a double-edged sword because as much as fans say they want originality, every time something new is presented they do nothing but hate. A textbook example is G Gundam and Turn A which was completely original but is hated to this day by fans for being "not Gundam". The same can be said about 00 S1 and the 00 Movie which brought new ideas to the franchise but then received nothing but backlash for its efforts.

  24. I wanted a Gundam Series:
    - New TimeLine and Story, beside UC, FC, AC, MC, AW, CC, CE, AD, or AG
    - the wars is superb and have Dramatic scene
    - New Technology, Better than 00 GN Drive
    - New mecha design (Kanetake Ebikawa would be great if make the New Gundam mecha ^^)
    - New character with "no understand each other" XD
    - New ability for some character (like X-Rounder, Innovator, Corrdinator, Newtype, etc)
    - All Gundam Mobile Suit will have an "Real Grade (RG)" Gunpla XD
    - .....

    1. You know what? It's time Sunrise stopped beating around the bush with names like newtype, coordinator, innovator, etc. Just call them psychics already!

  25. Now that's a thing I imagined as a fan, if we had to make a follow-up (which exists now on novel) to gundam wing, I used to imagine a more religion-based story around the god and devil theme, much like the inquisition problem that took place in the medieval ages with the witch hunt. It's something we have seen a lot in anime history, but I guess giving it a gundam background could lead to some interesting and/or disturbing serie.

    The title I came up with was "Gundam Trinity", refering to the first gundam we would see who uses the trinity system, the main characters would first be opponents, much like in Stargazer, one being a member of a devil's hunter mad church but redeeming for a dark past, and the other being a young girl, lone survivor of an attack of the first group on her house and/or town. She ends up being in control of the Trinity gundam, a machine who was merely a prototype but whose system allowed the pilot to synchronize with the machine using his feelings, and the girl being tormented by her childhood would incidentally gain power from this system.

    The other charachter would be, like I said, a man in his thirties, not really found of religion but following it for his own reasons. Piloting and commanding an army of red-colored "priest-like" gundams (much like the cardinals) would execute missions for the church, but in the end will be deeply moved by the girl's fate and join rank with her.

    The end would be somewhat like a lot of other gundam series, as the church intends to wipe out a large part of earth (or whatever colony) to clean out the impure non-believers. Thus leading to the final gundam of the series, the true Trinity system Gundam or DT Gundam, which had large big wings, much like the wing zero from the series, three green orbs, two in the chest and one in the front heads, and resembles an angle sculpture. Since it needs two pilots to be manipulated, and those two pilots need to synchronise with each other and with the machine, the girl and the adult man will have to surpass their feelings to get the machine to stop the church's evil schemes.

    There you got it, that's an idea of mine... pretty simple and allready seen but I would have liked it to air.

  26. Sunrise just need to animate Gundam EXA.
    That way, old gundams and new gundams can cooperate/fight each other.
    I'd like to see SD Gundam original characters to make appearances, as well as their original MSs.

    1. EXA? Ha! That's the worst Gundam fanboy manga ever created.

      I don't think it will works like how OG animes did

  27. I say there needs to be a mahou shoujo gundam series! I'm all for a bunch of testosterone fulled mecha fights, but what about some moe chercters transforming and calling forth there gundams and kicking ass? Of course, if you want to go via the madoka route, the plot could get dark and gritty. Or the lyrica nanoha route with its yuri tones! But as long as there's bishoujo!

  28. Opposite of what you'd expect.

    Gundam are mass-produce by a Zeon-esque colony nation, attack the Earth, and the lead character is a blonde, Char archetype.

    Oh, and animated in the style of Motorcity >=D

  29. World War 3, 21st century, where Japan builds Gundams to nuke North Korea.

  30. Replies
    1. I don't think WHINY BOYS would appeal to Gundam fans, everybody hates him

  31. Who want girls be a protagonist : we already have one => 0080 : War in the pocket ( Christina Mackenzie = Megumi Hayashibara = the queen of all female seiyuus )

    hathaways Flash will be nice, but not commercially ( imagine the cost of production for MG Xi gundam )

    This viewer want to see more : Amuro as badboy piloting a MS going 3 times speed Vs. Char been a good guy piloting a Gundam receiving 5 times Bright's Slap XD

    1. It can be argued that the protagonist for war in the pocket is Bernis, so it doesn't count

    2. Asuna Elmarit is a protagonist in Ecole Du Ciel, how come you idiots don't know about her?

  32. This comment has been removed by the author.

  33. A more fleshed out and developed F91 and then Crossbone Gundam

  34. Any Series which only have 1 outstanding GUNDAM!

    Not 2,3,4...let alone 5!

  35. more realistic gundam and moe pilots on board :D and, offcourse, unpredictable storyline

  36. the plot is 5decade from now..2063AD
    5 continent of the world compete for moon as they new territory (coz they found new source of energy at moon better than fossil fuel that we use now) every continent make an army of mobile suit..with one gundam as their its battle of five gundam as they ace..five gundam with style and tech from every continent...protagonist isnt one.of the pilot.of five gundam..but he or she will became the pilot of sixth gundam Earth Gundam that will stop the war of five continent and fight the seventh gundam that will piloting by the mastermind of all that war..the Lunar Gundam..that already claim the moon for himself..

  37. UC 0090

    Black Zeta Gundam Alice VS Great Zeong

  38. my story hapen in the UC timeline after the GaiaGear Manga, i think about Reincarnation in the first time in gundam, Reincarnation of Char Aznable one of the main hero of the UC timeline, the name of the new hero is Toya and he Reincarnation of Char and he start to dream and see Char memorise the dream make him to go to the place there is one of Char MS, Old Sazbi, and then he start to pilot him and help to fight the neo Zeon(or aother name) in the new army the neo Titans or something like this, this my idea for now

  39. i've always been imagining a gundam series this time its in 3D animation i've seen some samples in youtube it would be amazing to watch that in a series.

    1. You know who I think should animate a Gundam series? The Final Fantasy guys !_! It would look inzane!!!!!!!!! Or at least look like the Gundam Evolve where Hathaway talks Quess into flying into the sun :P

  40. To me it lacks the civilian life of the Universal Century
    We have always seen things from the military point of view, but civilians?

    I'd follow the exploits of a photojournalist and see things "through the camera's eye", during the OYW and subsequent warm periods.
    In practice I would Marvels by Kurt Busiek (lyrics) and Jay Anacleto (drawings) U.C. version
    Something was pretty much done in manga (Gundam MS Generation), but what I would like is a nice series of OVA.
    As well as short 0080 War in The Pocket.

    Or I would like the animated version of the manga series Gihren's Assassination Plan, in practice the Valkyrie Operation with Ghiren instead of Hitler.

    Ah, needless to say, I much preferred the animated version of Char's Deleted Affair rather than that of Origins.

  41. Although I wouldn't mind to see Hathaway's Flash or a 00 side story made into anime, I'd like to see something new and more realistic in a way... I always had in mind this idea for a mecha fanfiction (not exactly gundam) but it could work nevertheless.
    The setting is the late XXI century. Space colonization is still an utopia. But the european countries develop something that changes the whole world: controlled short-scale fusion. The USA quickly gets a hand on this, and becomes the exclusive distributor for these technologies, leaving aside the arabian countries (suddenly poor because of the down in oil demand), russia and china, which make a coalition and start a war for resources. Japan, as switzerland in WWII, helps both sides for its own convenience, developing the first type of mobile suits, roughly after 3 years from the beginning of the war.
    Of course the story would focus in realistic combat also, since mobile suits ARE expensive, battles are still decided by tanks, ships, missiles and planes.
    The only thing a bit unrealistic would be how the main character gets into the "gundam", since it is absolutely necessary to fulfill the "character falls into the cockpit" trope (even Kou Uraki, being in the military and such, fell to this trope :P).

  42. Gundam: Ascension

    Technology has evolved in the future to the point that Artificial Intelligence was just as complex as human life. These AI units would be installed into many things like standard androids,networking systems and even the large mobile suits used in the harsh environments like space. These mobile suits could not be used without having a human pilot within the machine. Humans would co-existent with these AI's until one colony goes dark. After a large force of weapon equipped AI suits starts attacking other colonies, war is declared against all AI.

    OK so first. No this is not the terminator story with mobile suits. This is because the story actually has a twist in it where the rouge AI are working with humans to over through the earth sphere. The reason for the bluff of only AI being in control is so that some human insurgents could remain on earth and in the colonies to retrieve Intel and possible sabotage any attempt to stop the main forces.

    One attempt would be the creation of the Gundam. It would kind of be like a zero system but because of the advances of AI, it would have a personality and could grow and learn and talk smack to its pilot. The Gundam could not work without its one pilot.
    The idea is that not only the effects of war would be tested but the concepts of what is life. The Gundam at one point may start to think that killing its own kind is wrong. Earth gets rid of all AIs either killing them or sending them out into exile. Some colonies became neutral whit AI and humans living with problems. The Gundam and its pilot would see all of this and ultimately have to decide the fate of both humanity and AI with its actions. What where they truly fighting for. Things like Earths corrupt government Turing against the Gundam. Finding out that humans where involved with the initial start of the AI war and continue to help them for there own gains and the later addition of human pilots into the more advanced AI mobile suits to counter the Gundam. Seeing a colony of AI and humans living in harmony and be destroyed by its own kind would all be things that these protagonist would have to face.
    What do you think?

  43. hard story +real soldier +loli love+no kid pilot gundam+women and men gundam

  44. Technology and the human race have evolved beyond the point of further development and humans and mech based life forms have been living together. A supreme being called the Redemption Gundam shows up in this civilization and makes an ultimatum stating that the human race has gotten too evolved for other life forms in the universe. The Redemption Gundam orders all mech life forms to rebel against them. Earth's government quickly rounds up 5 pilots of the previous war who are still alive to combat them. In the midseason break, beings from other universes cross over and fight.

    1. we want you as a antagonist

    2. I like. There are some questionable inconsistencies, but I'm intrigued.

  45. A interstellar Gundam series where there's a federation of planets made up of human and alien civilizations, each with their own unique mecha design (none of that everybody-get-a-Gundam type story).

    Enter an unstoppable outside force led by a evil puppet master who has returned from the darkest edges of the universe. He has powerful psychic abilities and military strategies the overwhelm every army.

    A ragtag group of misfits who call their cobbled-together mecha Gundams venture out into the unknown to uncover the reason behind the war. Start series..

    Whaddaya think?

    1. never thought of that..... agreed.

    2. t think its great. :)

    3. Hey thanks, if this ends up being the next Gundam series I'm suing Sunrise for royalties lol.

  46. in a land called gundamnia, the gundam of light and the gundam of darkness, created all of gundam kind. the gundam of light makes the sun rise, the gundam of darkness makes the moon appear....

  47. Gundam B (Blaze) - It was war between several types of humans with different kinds of abilities. Suddenly from no where came a mobile suit with no weapon. This mobile suit disables anything it passes - from laser cannons, to warships, to mobile suits. When it approaches, soldiers hallucinate the feeling of them burning, and seeing fire everywhere, thus the name Gundam Blaze. That particular war ended with all mobile suits inoperable and all soldiers suffered temporary paralysis and hysteria, except for three people - a civilian kid, an ace pilot, and a psychopath criminal. What these 3 people saw was a bright shining mobile suit cladded in several chains of floating stars (bits or funnels). The gundam appeared for only 5 minutes, and it already disabled more than 5000 mobile suits, 300 Warships, and 50 fortresses. Military reports say that the mobile suit was not operated by a pilot nor any AI known to man. Eversince, the mobile suit never appeared again.
    15 years passed and the war continued. New mobile suits appeared after the design of the mysterious mobile suit. By now, the civilian kid became an engineer-astronaut, the ace pilot became a commander, and the psychopath became an ace pilot. At the height of the latest battle, the gundam appeared again. In a mysterious twist of fate, the 3 protagonists came in contact with each other, with the gundam, and a mysterious girl who shows and vanishes like a ghost. Only the 3 of them where accepted by the gundam as its pilot, and every each of them have special abilities - The engineer enables outrageously long-ranged, long range weaponry and stealth, the commander activates melee, with outrageous speed and strength, while the psycho ace pilot summons special abilities like bits activation, psycho control and the ability to transform into a phoenix like mobile armor... Who among these three protagonists would full inherit the power of the gundam? Who is the mysterious girl who seems to know the secret of the mobile suit. What would the future of the world be with the Gundam?..... pretty much that...

  48. I quite like the idea of an 08th MS team style show. It would follow a squad of pilots using the same basic unit, but as time goes by each unit would be modified more and more, becoming more of an ace custom. It'd also be pretty cool if they were constantly out in the field, so any battle damage would be persistant.

    1. I don't think the level of detail required for an 08th MS Team show is possible outside a OVA-size budget, especially in this economy.

    2. Sorry, I meant in terms of story an how the mechanism are portrayed rather than artistic style/ level of detail

  49. The story will have a theme of self discovery while using the typical 'war is hell' as a backdrop
    The mobile suits will take elements of classic real robot anime such as Dunbine, Dougram, Votoms, Layzner, etc.
    The background is that the feds is your typical EFF expy on the outside but little did they know that the feds here are led by an absolute tyrant who desires to abuse his control over Earth sphere in order to perform atrocities such as slaughtering witnesses, bribing political figureheads and kidnapping, brainwashing and experimenting on humans to create super-pilots while at the same time trying to improve their political image and pass off those set-up actions as mere terrorist attacks.
    Our protag is an amnesiac who woke up inside a prototype MS, the feds decided to gun him down and he barely escaped before flashing an emergency beacon. He and his MS was picked up by a resistance faction who knew all about the feds and their atrocities. They felt skeptical about him (given that the MS he's in belongs to the feds) at first but they warmed up to him over time. Our protag hasn't seen action yet but the resistance needs all available manpower so he decided to volunteer as a grunt pilot (the prototype MS was left in the hangar due to malfunction by the time he was picked up). Then he began to experience flashbacks and violent imagery in his head. It was then revealed that he was a civillian who was kidnapped and brainwashed by the feds but since he was deemed a failure by them the feds decided to lay him to rest by performing a mock patrol where they will turn against him at the spot. Knowing this, our protag decided to help the resistance to bury deep into the hearts of the feds and publicly expose their evildoings.
    The protagonist will not pilot anything for the first few episodes and if he did he'll pilot a grunt MS instead. The Gundam won't make it's debut until the prototype MS was repaired and given the Gundam moniker and then assigned to him.

  50. on UC0093, Amuro and Char was considered as MIA after the Axis asteroid drop event, but actually survived because both of them was sucked into unknown space dimension nearly before they burned by re-entry collision. Amuro with totally damaged Nu gundam and Char inside escape pod arrived at unknown mobile suit hangar. They saw so much Gundams-type MS that they are never seen before in they era, one of them are having "moustache" (considered as Turn A). A stranger come to them and introduce himself as Loran, the pilot of the Turn A. Loran told Amuro and Char the reason both them been transported from their era into another dimension, because later there will become a great invasion by unknown being that will conquer the time dimension where they will conquer all Gundam's technology at every era [To be continued]

    1. I have a very nice title for that ^_^ DYNASTY WARRIORS: GUNDAM...

    2. They already have a GAME for that STUPID

    3. maybe looks stupid in game, but how it looks when in animated? lol

  51. This may be because I've been listening to a lot of Blind Guardian and Ronnie James Dio, and I've been eagerly anticipating the Skyrim DLC on PS3, but I've kinda been wanting to see Gundam abandon the futuristic style for a little while, and instead take on sort of a midieval fantasy style.

    What I'm thinking about is sort of in the same vein as Escaflowne, and a little bit of Drakengard mixed in, where the mobile suits are not quite the complicated robots we've come to know, but are quite literally giant suits of armor, but with a living soul magically bonded to it, usually animals like wolves, birds, and fish, and some fantastic creatures such as fairies, dragons, and golems, giving these suits a degree of sentience, and in most cases, a great deal of their original abilities in life, though they would still need a "pilot" to bring out their full potential, and would otherwise be feral. The "pilots" would not choose their suit, but rather the opposite. The suit would usually partner with someone whom it either bonded with, or was helped by in life, be it a household pet or just a wild animal freed from a trap, had it's wounds tended to, etc. Or in the case of some of the more intelligent fantastic creatures, a similar mindset and/or goal.

    I'm beginning to think I put a little too much thought into this...

  52. A series that adds of the UC timeline.

    Or an AU series with Gundams and mecha based off Norse mythology.

    Valkyrie Gundam anyone?

    1. Macross would sue for copyright lol

  53. Jormungand is Norse isn't it?

  54. I hope this photos would work, I designed it by myself, I also hope that it could make it to the series....
    Anyway, the Gundam's name is CLR-087X2 (Close-Quarter Combat Mobile Suit) Gundam Blade.

    (Link of photo:)

  55. Wew

    A G saviour Anime TV series should be interesting

    Up to date and outstanding design with fresh storyline which live up to the Gundam name.
    Of course saving humanity, perhaps from alien invasion much like from original macross tv series can also expand the storyline into multiple saga.

    Extend the 00 TV series is also interesting for me, since from so many series, in my opinion, only 00 involved all gundam's character in the story plot even the MS battle.
    And also, sumeragi in ptolemy has a major influence in most of the battle, unlike other battleships and their captain in any other gundam series.

    Well, thats my opinion

  56. Gundam on a galactic scale. Two or three sides vying for control of the galaxy. The main characters on the opposing sides should have had no prior or future contact with each other, Serving to highlight the two sides' differing viewpoints. If possible, the main characters should have grown up in an "its us or them" mindset. They should be cadets/rookies preparing to enter the war before the obligatory main battle starts, rather than kids falling into gundam cockpits. Also while the main characters might be ignorant of war, being rookies and all, but not "let's stop fighting and get along" naive. The show ought to end when one side has a complete military victory over the other.

    There, seems like a pretty realistic take. All those planets and asteroids floating in space should explain where all the humungous mecha come from. XD

    1. In other words, Legend of the Galactic Heroes with mobile suits. Or you could just watch Legend of the Galactic Heroes.

  57. What if like its a thousand U.C now. Space colonies reach out to the end of our galaxy and it got to the point that the governments couldnt keep control over all of them while they also have to deal with the over-population of earth, but an exploration team finds a new habitable plane. Since its at the end of the universe people can only send information as fast as light so it takes a while to get to other colonies. Around this same time, a rouge space or moon colony launches mass amounts of nuclear weapons to earth and totally obliterates it. after this happens most of the colonies form in to 4 factions to fight over who is ruling. Mobile suits are highly more advanced than they used to be and space travel 100x faster as well, but war hasnt broke out in a 100 years. when the the 4 new factions hear of the new planet they fight to take it over while one other faction tries to destroy it. when the people and the colonies already around the new planet hear of the war, they quickly form a new planet defensive force, and the most scienific company is by there which supplies the newest mobile suit "The Gundam". they find a new gundam pilot which is obviously is good, but there would also be 4 more protagonists in each new faction, and one ultimately becomes the antagonist.

  58. I realize this flies in the face of what the Gundam franchise is all about (that is: to move merchandise), but what I'd love to see is a show that follows the career of one soldier as he progresses through the ranks during a brutal conflict. You could start the show off at the beginning of the war when our main character's side is technologically out-gunned by the enemy and it's a struggle just to survive; then progress on to where the main character's side has equivalent technology and a nasty battle of attrition is fought as neither side can get the edge. The final portion would be the unveiling of the Gundam and the main character's technological superiority over the enemy.

    I think it would offer plenty of 'War is Hell' moments, allow for a young main character (he's s fresh recruit after all) and be a decent enough twist on the usual formula.

  59. I like the idea of a grittier Gundam series on the order of the 8th MS team or 0083. But...instead of a clueless hero who's a pacifist at heart a pilot that takes the best qualities of Kou from 0083 and Heero from Wing with the worst qualities of characters like Monsha from 0083. I.e. - a jackass ace who gets in as much trouble out of the cockpit as he does in the heat of battle. And for a political situation instead of two or three superpowers, how about several factions, which with different philosophies and ideals and alliances all of which shift during the series.

  60. This comment has been removed by the author.

  61. I've been thinking about this for quite some time, but I would love to see some "buddy-soldiers" story in Gundam. Make two protagonists, and instead being on the Gundam side, they are on the opposite faction. The background is typical, though a bit twisted up. We have earth faction and space faction, with the space being at liberty, the earth try to "redominate" the space, and could be for many reasons: technology, resource, name it. However through propaganda, we will not see this situation, we will have thought that the space faction is indeed a threat.
    The story will revolve on their duty life, with the theme line on realizing the actual situation and questioning whether they are right or wrong, after all they are soldiers, and they have family to protect. We could see a real story on the bitterness and dilemmas of war by the protagonists, not as typical motive always brought by the "villain" in the gundam-verse.
    The space will be on defense, utilizing their superior tech to protect themselves. They are also a much more civilized being, consider them civilization who has reach the ideal mutual understanding, in this war, if they cannot reach understanding, it is better for them to embark for deep space rather than prolonging the war. And maybe the story could be limited to how the earth try to conquer the space before they flee.
    The gundam itself will bear every characteristics of a Gundam: a single (or few) really strong unit, distinguishable, capable of single-handedly turn the tide of war. Though they are more of a symbol of ideal peace. The gundams are not half-assed pacifist, nor are they ruthless killing machine, they do show mercy, imagine the scene from "Return of Johnny Ridden" where Ridden stopped shooting at a disabled Ball, that kind of mentality is what the Gundam have. The pilot won't be necessarily revealed to focus more to the Gundam as a symbol.
    While our protagonist suit could develops, but bear certain customization to them, and their final suit is the titular suit, but not a gundam, say we have "Mobile Suit Gundam xyz123", then the suit is called xyz123.
    So after several encounters with the Gundam, and several internal conflicts, the climax could revolves on the death of one of the protagonist, through maybe a friendly fire etc.
    But all in all it would be a really mature story, complicated stance, complicated story, but well, I guess it's different and so far I think it would be fun.

  62. A story that takes place many years in the future, after much of humanity has left the Sol System. A small religious space flotilla is secretly trying to return to Earth and rule it (although they don't know if there are people left, ill prepared). We see MC-kun in one of these ships, a stowaway, subsiding on the scraps left out (we get to know that these people are of a cult that were vanished by the main Fleet of ships).

    The small fleet Terra Cult starts launching mobile suits to land on the planet but are quickly ravaged by beams and missiles from what was apparently space debris. MC-kun's ship is damaged and it makes an emergency landing on Earth. much of the ship and crew are destroyed but MC-kun takes refuge in a mini mobile suit(Gundam logic here) and makes it out of the crash landing with minimal damage. He comes to and sees that most of everyone is dead so he takes some supplies and leaves.

    First arc would be MC-kun traversing the land with his mini mobile suit and we get to see the landing forces of the cult (mobile suits). He hides his mini mobile suit and tries to disappear within the crowds of people in the cities. Much of the population is living in dilapidated cities under military rule. We can see much of the fighting between the Earth Military and the Terra Cult through mobile suit battles and MC-kun tries to escape and survive. He makes friends with people around him and eventually joins tyrannical Earth Military to defend against the Terra Cult we see him grow up from a child soldier to an adult while fighting against the Earth Cult (insert brutal mobile suit battles here).

    The 2nd Arc begins with the defense of a secret base (i know right) where most of the Earth Military is getting wiped out, MC-san finds the titular Gundam in the ruins and is able to escape and desert from the fighting (many friends deaths, ptsd). Both the Earth Military and the Earth are after him as they both want the Gundam to turn the tides of war. MC-san runs away spends much of the time running from both of the powers but is eventually isolated in a large battle between the two forces he tries to defend himself and manages to destroy many suits on both sides. Suddenly large parts of the area are destroyed and we see MC-san's face of horror as the main Fleet of Humanity arrives following the Gundam's beacon.

    We skip a bit more time to when MC is a bit older, much of the Earth has been ravaged as Humanity's Fleet searches for the Gundam. MC tries to rally a few of the remaining soldiers (both Terra Cult and Earth Military) to fight against the Flotilla but any attempts are quickly destroyed, MC is finally captured and the Gundam taken by the Fleet. He is taken prisoner for many years in the Fleet while the Gundam is observed and studied. MC is finally able to escape as a few Terra Cult members assault the main ship from within. He finds the Gundam 2 (gundam logic here), a powerful suit derived from the first Gundam, and steals it to return to Earth. After fighting through many enemies he escapes the Fleet and while he's flying quickly with the Gundam 2 he notices that he's nowhere near the Sol System. He is distraught at never being able to see his home again. Then another mobile suit (derived from the first Gundam) appears behind him -insert Char Clone here- and they have a spectacular final battle where MC loses in despair.


  63. Anon 5:41 cont: I did put a lot more thought into it than I would have liked, bu have thought about it a little more in the past few minutes. mostly additions but a couple changes. I can't seem to reply to it, so if you want to read more of what this is about, look for Anonymous February 6, 5:41.

    The creature would become the armor suit if both the creature and "pilot" both will it, and once the creature transforms, their power is increased exponentially, but it is permanantly stuck in that form, and is bonded with it's "pilot" for the rest of their life. If the pilot dies, the suit dies with them.

    In this world I'm thinking of, if a wild animal would find itself in an undesirable situation, it could naturally transform into the magic armor suit as a natural last resort method. As these wild suits are made based only on the creature's decision alone, they are unable to carry a pilot, and their lifespan is much shorter than they would be in their original state, some only surviving for a month at best afterwards.

    The protagonist would probably be a boy from a small farming village who finds and frees a white wolf (of coarse) from a hunting trap. Afterward, the wolf would remain fairly close to the village, often showing itself to the protagonist whenever he left, thought it would never act aggressively towards him. When the village is (of course) raided by bandits, the wolf appears before the boy one more time. sensing the boy's desire to protect the village, it transforms into the Gundam, choosing the boy as it's pilot. Though they succeed in driving off the bandits, nothing of the village's land is salvagable, and only a handful of survivors remain. Without a home, they move on in search of a place to build new village. This is where the story begins.

  64. I would like to see...

    A series that people wouldn't bitch about before they even saw it. Despite its art style or flaws.

    That will never happen of course.

  65. Serenade de l'EtoileFebruary 6, 2013 at 7:24 AM

    Gundam Power Xtreme!

    A portable wearable Gundam, that you can call anywhere you need it. Like Centurions (80' cartoon) style.

    When enemy attacks, just shout "GUNDAM, POWER XTREME!", then a beam of light will come down from satellite, sending various gundam parts, and they start combined to become a huge Gundam, with you as pilot in cockpit.

    Tadaa! Combine finished. Huge Gundam appears!


    The enemy ?

    GODzilla, that's obvious.
    No one can beat a Godzilla except Gundam. :)

    1. maybe except ultraman....oh wait

  66. Gundam: Galaxy

    The turn of the next millennium is upon the members of the Human Ascension/Revolution Movement. HARM is a fascist government that controls hundreds of human colonies across thousands of light years. HARM has held control for nearly two hundred years brutally putting down any form of resistance to their control. Isolated and defenseless colonies have no choice but to follow the strict guidelines of the galactic government.
    Suddenly colonies begin going black. The loss of industrial colonies and supply bases points to a strategic assault. HARM is under attack by an unknown force. The reality of a galactic-wide civilization spawned from a single homeworld means that war is not what it used to be. Millions of soldiers used to be used for a single planetary assault. Now HARM is under attack by small groups with powerful machines. A group calling itself: GUNDAM.
    With whole planetary systems under assault by space warp capable mecha, the small resistance movement known as GUNDAM begins to make a larger name for itself. Along the way, the machines used by the organization become known as Gundams. Enter our protagonist. A young woman going under the alias Nemesis has seen her fair share of brutality. As a pilot she makes a name for herself piloting the Gundam Apophis. Though Nemesis is secretly a member of the HARM royal Family, she plays both sides against the middle. Unknown even to the members of GUNDAM, her resistance movement is funded by HARM itself, though the conspiracy goes much deeper than that. Across space and time all of the way back to the homeworld of humankind: Earth.
    As the war for a galaxy rages on, Nemesis and the forces of GUNDAM make one strategic victory after another. Meanwhile, HARM fields new and more dangerous machines at every turn, militarizing the whole of the galaxy. Though Nemesis seems successful in her campaign, the forces of HARM merely bide their time. When GUNDAM finally makes a final assault on Earth... Harm makes its move. It deploys weaponized worlds against the sol system. GUNDAM is defeated and Nemesis is routed. In the last bitter days of the conflict, her resistance movement is wiped out. HARM has won, but Nemesis' true plans were revealed. Reports from the fringes of the galaxy announce a terrible new threat. Alien invaders. Technologically advanced and poised for war, Nemesis lost her resistance movement, but managed to militarize the human empire.
    Though tyranny would rule out... mankind would survive... as HARm bagan to field its own GUNDAM machines, her legacy would not be one of rebellion, but of strategy. She started a war not to free mankind, but prepare the whole of the galaxy for a larger war. By forcing HArm to field its most agressive commanders, she was able to whittle away the darker parts of mankind. By allowing Gundam technology to enter the hands of HARM engineers, she allows the new technology to be spread galaxy-wide.
    At the close of the series, Nemesis is remembered as the mother of the future.
    and HARM... HARM found a new banner and a new ideal.
    They became GUNDAM. And they would forever defend mankind.

  67. I think it would be cool if the next gundam show had the char character as the main character, a masked super pilot working for a big organization/nation that is battling the earth federation for some reason. he uses red mobile suits (with monoeye) and has to fight some teen who got his hands on a super prototype machine called a gundam at several occasions. later the char character will get his own gundam (painted red, Ofcourse) and there will be some gundam vs. gundam action! seeing as the main character must win the earth federation and the gundam will loose for once. that's my idea, I think it would be pretty neat.

  68. Does anyone remember the redhead from The 8th Ms team? That was the best pilot. And why don't try something new? Gundam series about Anaheim Electronics and about developing Gundams and mobile suits, and about test runs. Just want to see some science behind Gundams...

  69. zz gundam mk2 and pyco gundam mk4

  70. 1. A campy Gundam series like G Gundam. Hell, a G Gundam sequel. Or a mainstream version of Model Suit Gunpla Builders.

    2. A series where the title Gundam (and there is only one) is completely peripheral. For example, an OYW story focusing on the Zeon forces pursuing the White Base with no mention of Amuro, or 0083 from South Burning's team's perspective, but NOT like 08MST where everybody has a knockoff Gundam. We don't know who the Gundam pilot is, but it keeps showing up in combat and our protagonists are supporting it (or defending against it). The Gundam is its own character and it can still save the day but it's about the grunts working alongside it. Almost like Macross in a way, where the series is named for the ship but the main characters are grunts (no singing!) and there are larger things at play besides overpowered giant prototype robots. Doesn't have to be OYW, could be a whole new series (with a relatively realistic grounding). If the Gundam is actually on the antagonist's side (a la 0080), there could be a whole "mystery of the Gundam" that unravels.

    3. Mobile Suit Gundam: A XXX Parody

    1. Revised #3:

      Mobile Suit Gundam 0069: A XXX Parody

  71. G Saviour 2: Electric Boogaloo

  72. I'm gonna write down a storyline that will shatter the GUNDAM universe.Watch out for it.

  73. The setting would be something along the lines of Gundam X. The powers that had waged war in the past have driven the earth to ruin. Due to such large scale battles in the past military supplies are plentiful, as are mobile suits. This leads to a new status quo in which what you possess determines your social position. Families and gangs with the most and best mobile suits rule the land. Anytime a mobile suit is found, the families and gangs make it their business to take them for their own selfish purposes. Among these families there was once a great family that had power over all, but used its power for the people, and to help maintain order. The other families wanted to be free from such restrictions, and joined forces to destroy the ruling family. Our protagonist is the youngest daughter/son (daughter would be more interesting) and the only known survivor of the old ruling family. He/she has made it her/his mission in life to regain the position of the top family for the benefit of the people. To do so he/she will need to find the legendary machine "Gundam" said to have been hidden away by his/her family decades ago and use it to take back what is rightfully his/hers, and try not to be consumed by revenge in the process.

  74. A list of the things I want...

    * the uniqueness of the doujin, Gundam Beast's designs works. That could pretty much play well in a new series focused more on mobile armor modes of the mobile suits.
    * Katoki Hajime's designs are good and so is Kanetake Ebikawa, but I would like it better if it was someone else like Takayuki Yanase.
    * Red, Blue, Yellow, White are too common colors nowaday... I want a black lead gundam.

    * A series who's main character is a female... the character can be an expy of Rim/Cliana of SRW D or Calvina of SRW J.
    * If the main's going to be a male one, I don't mind pacifists but make them hot blooded too... like them super robot anime pilots.
    * Male or female, just make the main characters more inspiring than that what we have now.

    * If they plan on dividing the series by time skips(AGE) or by seasons(00) or by sequels(SEED), I demand a "Gainax Ending" on the first part. Where the main characters fall into the pit of despair to the point where their motives become almost extinguished. The "new light" would either come from an unexpected encounter which would re-ignite their motives, or that they simply cannot allow themselves to give up.
    * Include an episode or two where the focus is enemy base infiltration and make it very very very realistic.

    * Realism? just the right amount of real life science will do. They explained how Minovsky Particles work for UC even though the calculations never wield real results, it was good they explained it nonetheless. CE's genetic enhancements via Coordinators was good too, provided that real life science can advance that much in the field of genetic enhancements, I believe Coordinators can be a possible future. GN Particles however are like magic dust with what they do.
    --- point is, if it's real enough to believe, then it's good with me. it doesn't have to stick entirely on reality.
    * Mid air dogfights. I know Macross does this dog fights, but it'd be amazing if Gundam also has this you know.
    * More underwater fights and treat it like space albeit a little more harder to move. This gives chance of solid type of attacks to be used more often rather than beam type of weapons... XD

  75. What I would like to see is a Gundam show that took all of the Gundam cliches and turned them on their heads. The villains would be genetically modified Bishonen piloting Gundams. The original protagonist could be a halfbreed teenager (half Bishonen, half Oldtype) with an Oldtype mentor. Then midway through the series the original protagonist could die and his mentor would be revealed as the true protagonist of the series who has to defeat the Bishonen using pure skill and an underpowered MS.

    1. oh and then the title would be Mobile Suit Gundam REAP.

  76. How about just a space exploration version. As the population on the earth sphere and colonies grow to a point that neither can sustain, the best and brightest come together in a plan to explore and colonize a new world to relieve the strain. Once preparations are made the vessels set forth into the unknown. From here you could make it where eventually they encounter either an alien race similar to humans that are bidding for total planetary control or have it set up as a failure and so many years or decades down the line as the return home. They find that their peaceful system is no longer that way and an all scale war has broken loose and now they must choose sides.

    1. Would it be called Gundam Frontier or Super Dimension Mobile Suit Gundam?

  77. In terms of animating, Crossbone and Hathaway's Flash would be amazing, i would also like a 00 prequel and some Seed Astray... but that's something every one else has already pretty much said. xD

    I actually agree with some of the really earlier comments with there needing to be a more involved girl protagonist. Sure there's been old series that have had them, but in recent series, they haven't had much of a role. The idea of aliens... that's not what Gundam is, Gundam has to be more realistic. I like the idea of multiple sides, like different colonies and countries fighting, and the idea of a group who salvages their own mobile suits and makes them into the Gundam. I don't like the idea of multiple Gundams, and I like how Seed and most UC's are on the ground for their battles at first, and then eventually progress to the sky as the series goes on. I agree with realism being important but... it can't look too much like old UC.

    Sure there's a lot to go over, but I'm sure the next new Gundam concept will be something we'll all be really looking forward to. :D

  78. I keep having an idea for a series in which the protagonist's hometown (located in a rather remote area) is attacked after an enemy faction targets a convoy carrying three prototype mobile suits (called GUNDAM), that is going through the town. During the confusion, the protagonist boards one of the suits and defends the town. Eventually, the protagonist becomes part of a motley group that takes the three Gundams to try and acquire some sort of relief for the stricken town, but trouble is, two warring factions are trying to capture the Gundams, and the Gundams' manufacturer is also trying to recapture the Gundams for their own shadowy purposes.

    The manufacturer is manipulating both factions for their own purposes. At first it's to line its own pockets, but after its head is usurped and killed, the new head wishes to use an extremist method to end war forever utilizing the show's newtype equivalent.

  79. a series set during the Gryps Conflict that is primarily about Junior Mobile Suit racing during a time of war. This would be best suited to an OVA. Themes would be: how the racers are so hooked on the lifestyle that they miss the bigger picture of war all around them, overcoming selfishness and taking responsibility in the world. Obviously this would be a way different take on an established universe but I think it could work.

  80. Here's my idea:
    In an alternate century, mankind as settled on Mars and is getting ready to explore the rest of the Cosmos. To this end, the Mars Builders Association begins building a new Super Space Station, that will serve as the launching ramp for this exploration. It is a joint venture between Earth and Mars, and to ensure this, a new machine is created on Earth that allows control of the Space Station. This machine is called Gundam. But unknown to earth, the leader of the MBA is plotting to take over the Space Station so he can use it to claim the independence of Mars, because he feel that Earth treats Mars like nothing more than a work force, with bad working conditions, an no say on Earth's politics. He comes up with a plan to highjack the Gundam on a supposed routine testing of the Space Station. This doesn't turn out well, and the Gundam's pilot ends up getting killed. Unknown to the MBA leader, though, is the fact that the Gundam pilot had a love relationship with his daughter. When she finds out about this operation, she tries, in vain, to stop her father, but she's too late, and she ends up seeing the pilot die in front of her. Full of rage against her father, she gets in the Gundam and tries to escape to earth, so she can return it. She then finds out about this Gundam's new AI system. It appears the Gundam has a learning AI, that picks up personality traits from it's pilot, so the AI is all that she has left from her lover. While on her way to earth, she gets contacted by an Earth rebellious group, that informs her that Earth's plan was to use the Space Station to destroy the MBA all along, because they felt the MBA was getting too rebellious themselves. This rebellious group is led by an Earth Official that feels opposes this decision, so he decides to go on his own to get, and ultimately keep the Gundam out of Earth's and Mars' reach. Our heroin decides to join them, and now she must protect the Gundam from the opposing factions that want it so they can control the Space Station, torn between the feelings she has for her father and for her lost love, forever present in the form of the learning AI...
    This is my idea for a gundam series where the Gundam would be an integral part of the story, and not just a vehicle for the main character to ride in, and the main female is both original and, imo, is better for expressing the kind of darker feelings and tone this series would present

  81. Just want to watch something like 0080. I love ez-8. This gundam series will have not newtype and maskman. i want a story of war that have a complicate strategy and i will very love it if they design some realistic transformable gundam. Maybe loto + Zeta or delta.


    Any story in uc timeline that animate s,ex-s,z-plus.

    1. I would love to see a Gundam show where a Gundam pilot, with a transforming Gundam, gets their Gundam damaged mid transformation. The pilot would then have to survive the battle with pure skill or else die trying. If the pilot survived they would then have a healthy fear of transforming the mecha in future battles and only do it in extreme circumstances. Instead of ignoring the ridiculousness of a transforming mecha acknowledge the problem for a change.

  82. These are all great ideas: space race, federation of planets, medieval feel. Sadly, I don't have that many ideas. Personally, I would like to see a Gundam series with a strong female protagonist(no loli) who starts out as very naive, but as the series progresses and the war escalates, she ends up becoming a hardened badass the likes of Motoko Kusanagi from GITS. Sunrise should also portray the war as very dark and gritty, so dark that it will cause controversy and make people mad about the horrors of war. I would also like to see a Gundam series with a medieval feel or a Gundam series with a story similar to Seven Samurai(best movie ever!), and most importantly the series should express the symbolism of the Gundam itself and what the Gundam itself means to the people in every single series: an object capable of bringing change into the world.

  83. No matter what the subject is, I want them to go back towards the real robot side of things, I know all the series really have been technically (maybe with the exception of G) but I feel the grittier more realistic series have been better.

  84. How 'bout a Gundam series with five main pilots (3 boys and 2 girls) then their Gundams will combine into one large Gundam and Haro will tell them their mission on each episode.

    1. That sounds way too much like a sentai show than anything that is "Gundamy" in feel. It's kinda why Tomino avoided giving Sayla and Slegar GMs in First Gundam.

  85. Most Gundam series only went until Jupiter, so I'd like to see one that spans further space; but not too far, so maybe the entire Solar System would be enough for now.

    The setting is in near-far future alternate universe when humanity has overpopulated but they are already able to colonize almost the whole Solar System up to the farthest official planet Neptune. Colonists in each planets form their own nations and create a 'Guardian' advanced mobile suit called Gundam that would 'protect' their own planets.

    The outer planets' Gundams will be the main focuses in this series and will have a model based on Chinese celestial beasts. Each planets have their own stories and POVs, so kind of like Cowboy Bebop or Yakuza.
    Neptune - Blue Dragon: Piloted by a silent, brooding youth. The Gundam would be of a balanced build with a 'dragonbreath' arm cannon (perhaps would function similar to Mega Buster)
    Saturn - White Tiger: Piloted by a hot-blooded, passionate teenager. The Gundam is mainly melee-based. Storyline would be comparatively more light-hearted than other arcs
    Uranus - Black Tortoise: Piloted by an experienced man, maybe almost entering middle-age. Gundam is heavy armored and bulky. Would have the most serious and gritty storyline
    Jupiter - Red Phoenix: Piloted by an actual female, think like the femme fatale in Ghost in the Shell. This Gundam can transform and focus on long-range attacks

    There will be 2 parts in this series. The first part will take place on each individual planets with their own different stories. However on the second part there will be a conflict that engulfs the entire Solar System which makes the above storylines entwine with each other. The planets will group into two alliances which will then clash with each other, which would also mean the above Gundams will ally with one while having to battle the others.
    With such a situation, how would the solution to the conflict show up? Will they manage to find an agreement point, or will the battle go on until one side is obliterated?

    Popularity-wise, the general popularity could go more towards the Neptune & Saturn arcs since the protagonists there are youths, and not to also mention the Dragon-Tiger rivalry, while the Uranus & Jupiter arcs would be more geared towards more hardcore fanbase.

  86. Pretty long post; you've been warned. Still, go on ahead.

    - An older character for the main protagonist, civilian, but very much unlikely a messianic idealist that believes in total world peace. At the most, he wants to end up "one of the good people", but his efforts are hindered by the weakness of common man, or perhaps his very own uncouth desires, or his personality sculpted by his upbringing. Say a lonesome shut-in that pretty much thinks trash about everyone he finds loathsome/bothersome (a sentiment that's mostly unjustified), but hides his contempt through overtly awkward interactions and a passive or otherwise bashful persona. Because at the core, he is capable of good, but he's become less than refined of the idea of it from the years of abuse he's suffered for being a 'nerd', and yet a failure where he studies. This is an issue most people have either heard or experienced themselves, and would serve as helping viewers relate to the character. Basically, toss up a Gundam story that emphasizes what Gundam should have been about - a story of humanity. And put in the middle of everything, a guy, your average college student, who is less than stellar in character. Then, have him grow into a man that stands his ground not for "the fate of all of humanity" at his greatest moment, but for something much smaller in scale, perhaps. Like a girl that had shown him, for the very first time in his life, genuine love. Because humanity is petty. But that may be what makes our stories so awesome. Alternatively, in his final moments, it could be redemption that he seeks. For a betrayal that he committed. Because we all betray things sometimes. Sometimes, it's even ourselves that we betray.

    - A female main protagonist. That serves a greater purpose than falling in love with the male main protagonist before dying a tragic death. Women that have carried the vulnerable, yet loving, and inspiring aspect of 'heart' into past stories have often been shown to only be objects of war for sinister men in their glorious plans for power. That needs to change. Include a female character in the future that is integral to the plot of the story not from only after she's introduced. Maybe her role isn't ascertained completely from the beginning. Regardless, she appears in the first episode. And blows up a partly-completed Gundam by pressing a trigger. In space, nonetheless. While said Gundam is being transported by a space freighter. To invoke the feeling of understanding with the male main protagonist, have her gone through a terrible, troubled past. But she's not any kind of unkind. If anything, she's quiet, and socially-awkward is all. She shows a softer side after the guy acts kindly to her. Eventually, it's shown that she's much kinder than him despite what she's gone through, and it propels character development in the guy, inspiring him to become as strong as her, but only to fall once again to his weakness, his uncertainty at the time she needs him the most. Expect her to realize he's a lost cause. Expect her to change, to hate him bitterly, and meet him on the opposite side of the battlefield not under any kind of manipulation except continuing through on her personal agendas. And, like I said before, have her survive until the end, where the main male apparently did not. In the second season, after some time has passed, we see her in a different role - maybe as an officer in the Federation, under forced servitude for her past war crimes. Shift the spotlight on to her, and watch as the roles between the male and the female is inverted. Why? Because later in the second season, it becomes revealed... that the main male character still lives. As the duo return to the stage, once more together, see them develop, after everything.

    1. ((continued))

      -Romance that isn't simply all pure and all cuddly. Well, it could still be beautiful, but there needs to be a few reality slaps and jagged passes along the way. Have the main guy obsess creepily over an early love interest, perhaps. A love interest that is in love with another guy, and has had no plans to move on after said other guy's death. Sometimes, people don't get the girl of their dreams. This is what happens to the main guy, as he finally learns that some things just aren't meant to be, so he gives up, all of this after beginning to gradually become the good person he's wanted to be. But love in unexpected, which leads him to meet the main female protagonist. He doesn't love her at first, but finds a reason to, later.

      - Without treading too much into the realism issue, have sporadic changes throughout the story regarding the elements pertaining to the main characters and what makes them soldiers. A personal pet peeve of mine, though not without complete hatred for any of the related Gundam series, is how THERE CONVENIENTLY EXISTS A REPLACEMENT GUNDAM WHENEVER THE GUY'S GUNDAM GETS BLOWN TO BITS. As a plus, some of it have cool-as-hell SUFFIXES before the names! That makes it NEW AND 20% MORE AWESOME! Yes, I'm referring to the mid-season upgrade, as it's been called. Forgive me for my rant. And, also, sorry for this, but, I was talking about Gundam SEED Destiny. Though it breaks tradition, the main guy, who got the Gundam in the first season, gets a non-Gundam MS for use throughout the whole second season once he comes back. At least, in my own idea. It's something I find would be great to see in the future. But if then, who's the Gundam pilot for the second season? Why, the female main protagonist, of course. Because she's a psychic, she gets a spiffy, experimental remote-weapons Gundam.

      - Keep it in the civilian-is-forced-to-pilot-embodied-kickass genre, because it puts things in an interesting perspective. But that would also mean he'll stumble and fumble on his first few steps. Show him taking guidance from actual pilots. Show him end up in the infirmary multiple times at first, with injuries all over from the bumpy rides. Show him burning the midnight oil to train for hours on end inside the simulator. No Gundam has shown routinely training inside the simulator yet, I believe. To put it simply, show his talent grow through muscle, instead of simply affinity.

      - HARO, enough said.

      - Don't give the show a concrete ending for the world. If only to count for a bittersweet ending, show the characters in the end. Leave the final battle done and won, but the war, the conflict open. Leave an open ending, but hint at the possibility that even as thing's been pretty bad up until that point, human goodness may prevail in the very end, though not necessarily leading to total world peace. I call it being cynical, but with a dash of hopefulness.

  87. For The next Gundam Series I would like to see a fanbase which isn´t always badmouthing about every little shit. I want to see a fanbase in where haters shut up and criticism is objektive and not aggressive.

    For the actual story... I want to be surprised. Like allways.

  88. I'd like more stuff from the Gunpla Builder universe.

  89. female Heero Yuy. enuf said.

    kk for the story details. il make up 1 ispired from seed and stargazer

    ther is a lil boy (her future lover) n lil girl (protagonist) who lives in a small town by the forest. at a very young age she was influece by him for being smart and have great survival instict when hunting for food. 1 day he was known to be a child prodigy n sent to a big city and left her alone.

    a few years later a terrorist atk,killed her family and kidnap her. they brainwash her and become 1 of ther child soldiers. but cuz of her great survival skills from him, she slowly ranked up enough to earn a gundam. eventually she met him again with a gundam and having dejavu.

    well im not gonna write the second half of the story cuz i dont want my readers to read too much
    tell me wat u guys think!

  90. "Less random teen kid pilots."

    "More real soldiers."

    Blah blah blah. We're all thinking it. We all know it. Let's just admit it:

  91. How about a Gundam series without any actual Gundams?

    A prequel/intro to the One Year War. Zeon in space developing and testing the first mobile suits. Show insight to the battle of Loum, and the Earth invasion, from the perspectives of the Black-Tri Stars, Shin Matsunaga, Johnny Raiden and maybe even Char.

    Earth federation could show early battles in Balls and Tanks.

    Could finish with the beginning stages of Project V.

  92. How about we return to the G Gundam Universe. Set several generations after the initial story, humanity has expanded throughout the solar system and the Gundam Fight is held to determine who gets to rule for the next 4-5 years. Potentially this has all the good things of a good Gundan show. Political intrigue, backstabbing, interesting mobile suit designs, an environmental message, etc.

  93. Make the protagonist an antihero.

  94. How about a main character that isn't totally devoid of emotion (Setsuna,Heero) or too emotional(Banagher, Kira,etc.) Just a guy or girl who are normal in their mental state. Not having a character that's totally hypocritical when it comes to killing their enemies(Kira,Kio) And last but definitely not least not having a pacifist being a Gundam pilot, it makes no sense and it can be annoying and it really doesn't help the story.

  95. mobile suit gundam infinity:the prequel to turn A
    20 years after the events of victory and humanity was starting to recover after years of war they decide to focus on medical studies and restoration of earth but when a nanobot is used to find the cure for cancer and other disorders some people see it as a possible weapon and a cold war breaks out over the new technology soon a treaty is made to destroy all the nanobots but few are kept and used to develop a new mobile suit capable of incredible things like creating new weapons and armor and regeneration but soon conflict breaks out to get the suit a boy named imadori gets the suit passed down to him by his father the lead of the development team he uses it too stop his colony from falling and then destroys reformists forces patrolling the area he meets up with the crew of the argama V and joins them to stop the reformists and later joins their main force on earth he is kidnapped with the gundam and the enemy reverse engineers it and take some of the nanobot tech along imadori escapes only to find that hile he was gone the main force was attacked and they retreated to space he follows them up there for the final battle.
    the infinity gundam unit-01 has a minovisky drive and nanobot system (the prototype system for the turn a/x)it is armed with two multi-purpose beam sabres,vulcans in the head and a gattling gun similar to the alex's on its left arm it has a beam rifle and solid rifle a beam shield(built in both arms)and two solid bazookas.
    the nanobot system is like the age system in a way but the unit can change its armor in the middle of a battle without support from the ship the system also allows for it to be used like wings of light and can be fused with the minovisky particles to make after images the nanobots can create an advanced i-field and regenerate the gundam they can also make it appear invisible the draw back to the system is the mental and physical strain it puts on the pilot.

  96. BAN Amuro/Kira clones!!!

    Plot ideas:

    - A firefigther/rescue team with gundams!!! like "Emergency!Squad 51" or "Chicago fire" but with Gundams!!!

    - Cops with Gundams!!! COPS!! like "Adam-12" "S.W.A.T." ohhh yeahh!!!!

    - RACE with Gundams!!!

  97. I would like to see a more mature story set in the time period from like uc 93 to uc 100 that deals with more adult problems! War would always be the main story plot and always in the background, but maybe introduce things like addiction, power, economic debt, poverty things of that nature. I Would also love to see a 55 episode series were 25 are spent from the zeon side explaining there motivations and actions, 25 from the federal forces side explaining there motivations, then the last 5 were the two main protagonist from each side finaly meet and the epic battle ensues. The last note would be a strong female pilot for once. I would also love to see chars deleted affair animated!

  98. As much as we hate admit it Gundam is a pretty limited genre. If you add space exploration it might as well be Macross. If you add medievel elements it might as well be Dunbine. Make it grittier and it might as well be Votoms.

    Most Gundam series are variations of the same story with many of the same situations but with new mecha designs and new characters. The story is almost an afterthought. Instead the question is who is the new Char, the new Ranba Ral, etc. of this series?

    The only truly original Gundam series, other than the original MSG, are G Gundam and Turn A Gundam. While they are great series in their own rights most "hard-core" Gundam fans don't like them as much as the OYW retreads.

    With all of this in mind it is pointless to try and create yet another variation of the MSG formula. I think it is time to shoft the focus back to telling a great story with great characters. 0080 is a perfect example of what this should be. It tells a story about a boy who idealizes war as a game who comes to realize how tragic and horrible it really is.

  99. Someone looking for redemption and when he finds the gundam he names it the same as his goal. "Redemption"

  100. What I want to see in next gundam:
    -Less annoying characters (ZZ was no good)
    -Interest and more hard transformers MS than Zeta, Detla Plu, Rezal and more
    -Main gundam with cool wings like Wing of Light
    -Create new small group/team in next story similar AEUG or Celestial Being
    -Open MS's mouth and eyes like one in Crossbone, F91 and V
    -No more Earth Federation (Because I seen Earth Federation in every Gundam enough and I hate Earth Federation.)
    -Create new main character without annoy and afraid of kill pilot (Heero, Setsuna and Tobia are fine with me. The rest is no good with emotion problem.)

  101. I'd like to see gundam return to realism and away from the super robot genre that it dangerously approached with seed and age. Of course, gundam was never extremely realistic to begin with, but as the first of the real robot genre, I feel like it can once again set the example. When Mobile Suit Gundam was created, the creators tried to use real scientific knowledge from the time to design the universal century, and I'd like to see gundam do that again with our knowledge of science today, and no aliens. As for a protagonist, I think everybody wants one that isn't 15. I think a good age would be between 19 and 24, young but not too young. I've always liked gundam's philosophical elements dealing with war and humanity's potential and I really want them to keep that. The protagonist shouldn't be a messiah, but a figure who develops and learns throughout the story and becomes a better, wiser person in the end. As for mobile suits, I hope that there are as few gundam-type suits as possible. Gundams are supposed to be experimental models, not something that everyone and their mother has. Gundams are supposed to be test units for the systems and weapons that may be mass produced, and seeing how the engineers in-universe came up with the mobile suits is one of my favorite things about the UC. It would also be nice to see the protagonist is something other than the gundam at times, like amuro in the guncannon and dijeh or uso in the shokew. This is more of a preference, but I think that gundams should be predominately white mobile suits and noticeable enough to strike fear into the hearts of opponents on the battlefield. In space, I want them to show how three-dimensional it is; nearly every time you see a battle in space, every ship and mobile suit are oriented the same way and the battlefield is treated as if it were flat, but that's just a nitpick. Back on the realism topic, the weapons, the obvious buster swords and over reliance on remote weapons; funnels are great when only one or two people have them. As a modeler, I know how much it sucks when I can't pose the model because so many suits are designed with parts that get in the way and restrict movement, so a little bit of thought into the mecha design would be nice. I'm just rambling now, so I'll just leave this jumble of opinions as is.

  102. Broken Colonies, Gundam Trace
    In an alternate century the earth is now inhabitable and humanity has looked to space for a future. With Earth’s many people in several man made colonies the race is on to discover a new planet to call home. After 5 years 3 colonies made up of 3 billion people made contact with a planet half the size of earth and began operations to make it suitable for living. All the resources necessary for colonization were in abundance. However it would not be another 3 years till the rest of the colonies heard of this amazing discovery. In the mean time governments were established under the central name NEO. With NEO in power the planet was molded in their image and technology was still advancing. In 3 years time the planet was almost fully populated with 4 billion people. When 4 other colonies came time to embark upon the new planet they were shocked to be fired upon in the form of weaponry in a humanoid form operated by AI which came to be known as Mobile Husk’s (MH for short). NEO had developed these weapons in order to guard their new found earth from any other humans but that wasn’t enough. NEO operated the MH to take monopoly over the defenseless colonies remaining to make sure they were controlled and could not counter attack. Our story takes place 5 years later and the colonies efforts to rebel are looking brim, with NEO under full control of their resources, the colonies are starving and their populaces are dropping rapidly, immigration is nearly non existant unless you were a person of power in the previous world. Colonists are now known as “forgotten”. 15 year old Kohl Brooks is working with the “remnants”, a rebel group made of child soldiers pursuing freedom from the shackles NEO has placed upon their colonies. Under attack by Husk’s, Kohl takes his friends, Jule and Zeke into one of the colonies shelters but is surprised to find it is not one at all. Instead, Kohl discovers the colonies last hope the Mobile Suit “Trace” a mobile husk meant to be piloted by a human. In his adventures Kohl will discover where this MS came from, the truth about NEO’s operations and how much hardship it truly takes to be free from this life.

    I know some things and details are pretty unrealistic in this scenario but feel free to criticize it and correct it to your liking. just been thinking of a Gundam story where the colonies are the heroes instead of the villains. I have no idea what Trace’s powers or weapons would be either I just liked the name to be honest :p

  103. There was already a Gundam series where the colonies were the good guys and the Earthnoids were the bad guys. It was called Zeta Gundam.

  104. Ones that should be released:
    -Mobile Suit Crossbone Gundam OVA or TV series
    -Mobile Suit Gundam SEED (sequel) TV series, must be a sequel to Gundam SEED DESTINY I hope.

  105. I wanna see an Advance Of Zeta and most of all a Gundam Sentinal series i'd be fine with OVA's like Unicorn or even an short evolve version, i just want the see the TTT modular mobile suits in action like Hazel TR-1 plus the Tr-5 and the Woundwort. Hell, i'd go nuts if they decided to animate the S/Ex-s gundam even though its pretty impractical (i love the mg btw). but thats just wishful thinking, overall i'd like to see some new ideas, i like the idea of a female protagonist and get some more realism in age was a bit bland the mobile suits lacked any kind of special detail or at least a noticeable trai, the FX looked ok but the funnels killed it for me (overload) and some of the ideas you fellows are popping out sound pretty awesome too. INNOVATION GUISE .... yea

  106. MOAR SEED... seriously, not because of the characters (some exceptions), but because of things that are left unexplained. Like the space whale with wings, the word "coordinate" and what Kira can really do. Surely he can do much more than what he can right now but there isn't enough story to explain because they mostly focused on the external problems. Also the story of the other Ultimate Coordinator, the defect one that exist in the Astray manga. And Stargazer plot can still continues

  107. How about a race though ALL the alternate gundam realities to retrieve artifacts that would prevent the current world's destruction only to have Amuro and Char slipstream back to the current reality and continue fighting. They'll both be in their late 70's.

  108. Maybe a continuation of the Gunpla Builder universe. Something lighthearted is never a bad thing.

  109. an adaption of Crossbone Gundam. we fucking NEED that.

  110. Girls und gundam. The rest of the anime industry is slowly degrading into moeshit.
    Might as well surrender gundam to this (its a financial goldmine)

  111. I'd like to see a series where the odds are actually AGAINST the protagonist. When I say that, I don't mean like 00 or wing where the protagonist relies on the Gundam. I want a series where the main character is up against mobile suits stronger than his all the time, not just on final battle. UC is my favorite, but my problem with is that.... Zeon doesn't really stand a chance. They're just a bunch of rag-tag poor guys with Zakus, versus... the world. I'd like that in reverse. I know some series have done something similar, but it's something that needs to be seen more. Don't make the Gundam a magic machine of death. Make the pilot actually have to... pilot.

  112. My idea is something like 8th MS team turned into a Preventers type organization trying to stop a world war but not getting gundams till episode 5 after their suits that they thought were awesome but were actually generic get owned by one of the main badguy suits in like episode 3 and episode 4 being massive slaughters of other military forces by the badguy and pure character development for goodguys.

  113. Tour of Duty, with gundams!!!

    No Emuro, no Kira, no teenagers, no super-prototypes. Only a bunch of grunts with Gundams!!!

  114. This comment has been removed by the author.

  115. Girls, girls, girls! Example - THE only really cool character from AGE (in my opinion) was Fram Nara.
    She was HOT, a pilot and heroic (in her way).

    So the formula is - HOT GIRL/GUNDAM PILOT/HEROIC STORY (as always)

    And bring back more of that "naked girl boobie splash" type moments like in original Seed series intro. :)))))
    That is what i wish would happen, but... will gladly watch whatever Sunrise blesses us with.


  116. An actual crazy ass crossover of ALL the existing Gundam series and multiverse. Some bad-ass powerfull Newtype (or equivalent) gets a hold of the Turn A and threatens universal domination!

  117. i want a gundam series with no mastubatory material like huge tits bitches, edward cullen protagonists, characters with super magikal shit sparkles and no jesus yamato shit.
    something really serious like victory gundam or better, with a 12 years old child with no magikal powers seeing all his loved ones dying one by one and slowly, Tomino style, or something really realistic like front mission.

  118. I think the next series should be a follow-up to Unicorn. Set in the U.C. 20-30 years down the road.
    Background: After LaPlace's box and the discovery of the U.C. charter, a time of restructuring occured within the government. Corrupt Federation officials were weeded out and removed and a representative house of colonists/spacenoids are added to the government. As the wars of the past begin to end with the restructuring, the production of mobile suits ceases (relax, they'll be back. This is a Gundam series after all) Facilities and active units are decommissioned and all seems peaceful for the time being.
    In the present: Most of the former mobile suit technologies have been lost and the armies severely reduced. Former radicals have been biding there time making there way into the new Earth government through elections and representation under the guise of a peaceful party for the advancement of all humankind. After gaining political majority with an elected president from their party, they make their move. An invasion of the capital occurs with remnant Zeon mobile suits they had hidden through political connections and the support of colonists with deep seeded hatred for the Earth government despite reformation. They assume dictatorial rule of the Earth government taking the stance that true reformation must be saved for those with the evolutionary means to further to human race. Newtypes are separated out from the population and the others are to be disposed of to form a new, perfect human race.
    We meet our main character, a young man much like Amuro was when he was drawn onto the battlefield of the first Gundam series. A normal human separated out from the Newtypes. He is imprisoned in a work camp where the normal are made ot live out the remainder of their days building the foundation for the new world. A small resistance faction has gathered in the colonies among those who sympathize for the normals. Former federation mobile suits are found in space on a disposal block hidden in the event of future government unrest. (GM's and grunt units for fun) Our main character is freed from his captivity after the resistance infiltrates and usurps control of the work camp.
    Rumor floats among the resistance of a lost federation ship sunken at the bottom of the ocean, left too in a safe hiding place for fear of future war. Our hero, with experience in excavation from the work camp, joins the resistance in their search for the ship. An expedition reveals it to be the Nahel Argama. While the ship is badly weathered and in need of service before it can lead the battlefield once more, its cargo remains intact. More importantly, our hero finds what will become the figurehead and rallying point for the resistance, the last GUNDAM, commissioned by the federation just before the Nahel Argama was hidden for the inevitable wars to come.
    Sorry for the lack of creative names here. What say the Gundam community on this one?

  119. Far, far across the universe, there lies a planet few have been able to find. The inhabitants however call it, Gundarion! The long lost race of cyber-bionic beings, collectively known as Gundams, have lived in piece for centuries, among few ancient humans who fled with their companion Gundam from the Dark Lord’s tyranny. However this balance is upset across not only their universe but many, for Gundarion resides where the fabric of many parallel entities cross, and the Dark Lords power already reaches wide. After many Centuries the Dark Lord Amatu has been re-awaken in one universe by accident. The Humans of a new Earth have rebuilt a resonant of the Dark Lord Amatu which beckons its spirit back, to maintain his true form. Now the Gundams must set out across space and time to find their fallen brethren from the last Dark war, as well as unite with their spirit companion in order to thwart the Dark Lords’ reawakening, or the very fabric of time and space will hang in the balance

  120. crossbone, frozen teardrop, advance of z, 00 prequel or seed astray series

  121. Let the Gundam AI go live (aka Skynet), and only way to defeat this new Autonomous Mobile Suits would be Clones of Amura, Char and Banagher DNA mix.

  122. Some sort like Code Geass idea plus some serious unexpected surprise for the ppl..war not limit to colony or eath but others galaxy etc..

  123. Hentai Gundam series with a female protagonist wearing the mobile trace system and fighting Goufs with whips shaped like tentacles.

    1. Gundam H.
      or Gundam HH (double Hentai)

  124. I'd like to see the OO Side stories animated, as well as maybe Gundam SEED Astray and for them to retcon F91 into a full-fledged series.

    Considering the likelihood of any of that happening is next to none, I'd say a change of pace with some older pilots, not so much 15-17, maybe early 20s or heck, another female protagonist.
    I'd like for it to be less of a "whiny kid in a giant robot" and more of a "responsible young adult making mistakes and learning from situations in a giant robot"

  125. My idea is to gather all the mass production mobile suits from all the alternate Gundam series (sans G Gundam) into one new timeline and take the story inspiration from MS IGLOO.

    No Gundam in my story except the M1 Astray which is a mass model suit. And many of those great enemy suits like Tallgeese and Gadessa.

    I think many of the grunt mobile suit is actually the real war machine.

    The story can go from the view of an engineer in training, involved in a new war machine development which is actually a mobile suit. Mobiles suits don't fly but they can hover thanks to the thrusters. The engineer is evaluating the performance of the suit with the help of a skilled test pilot who had his own issues with the military.

    The plot is revolving around the engineer who wish for a free world devoid of conflict yet is assigned to do research on destructive tech. And then the test pilot who was commissioned to be a test pilot because of his past action which cause some incident and was grounded from combat.

    The essence of war in this story will be the various terrorist and guerilla groups as well as civil wars. My major point is to bring the war as a result of merely showing how technologies can lead to chaos. Conflicts are a man made agenda to show the awesomeness of weapons. And to show that enemies are not always the bad guys.

    I also like to show the rivalry between conglomerates that build weapons. These companies are the ones who manipulate the worlds' conflict and war.

    I have yet to do a proper story but this is the idea I had for a while.

  126. A reincarnation/carbon copy of G Gundam set in a universal planet stye tournament unlike a country tournament where it will play slightly similar to that of G Gundam with a Big O style. The main Gundams will be based on the chess pieces similar to the concept of Gundam 00 as well as possibly the same mecha designer.

    If not, a continuation of Gundam Seed will be the Gundam Seed Movie which will most likely mirror in a fashion of Char's Counterattack or else there may be a side story OVA/ONA besides CE 73 Stargazer.

  127. 50 episode series on Doozy Bots please.

  128. Revival of Zeon. This manga have some interesting MS variations. The life of the common soldier in the front without the "famous Aces" of the war.

  129. Gundam Terminator.

    On apocalyptic future where world is ruled by machine, human are enslaved by machine. It's said that all evil machine are lead by evil huge giant robot called "Gundam".

    But no one has ever seen this "Gundam".

    Our hero, believe in his heart that this "Gundam" is not an evil machine, embark on journey to find the truth of "Gundam".

  130. probably a better series for gundam red frame and blue frame : a bio organic gundam against a nuclear gundam . . or a beast gundam

  131. SpinOff series that have all character and gundam into tournament-like battle royal. just think like gunpla builder but using all anime series character and gundam into "fun & idiotic" battle and chat. (yon-koma?)

  132. There's been a reoccurring trend in Gundam series over the years to default to U.C. story lines, especially towards the end of their run. For example, the entire 2nd season of 00 was a Zeta Gundam clone. The last leg of Wing turned into Char/Zechs trying to crash Axis/Libra into the Earth, a la Chars counterattack. Most recently, Age paralleled the abomination that was Victory, with loosely developed characters needlessly being killed left and right, along with a weak and undeveloped female supporting cast. Today, Unicorn is well received for its top notch animation, engrossing plot, developed and motivated characters, and most importantly the ability to present and execute new ideas by reflecting on the past without being bound to it. The next Gundam series needs to move beyond the limits of the U.C. story lines and take a look at the fundamental story that made the original series and its other popular incarnations great. At the heart of every Gundam series there is the basic story of a son/new generation piloting their father/forerunners mobile suit(s) for the sole reason of creating change in their world. There motivations, allegiance(s), and purpose can all be fleshed out with good pacing of the story, a pilot viewers can personally relate to, and a world with real people and real issues. Specifically a world that isn't the backdrop for beam spam and political shenanigans (looking at you Seed and Wing). Viewers shouldn't be forced to reach ep. 48 out of 49 to see all of the casts previous motivations, and personal development thrown out the window, then have it labeled as a plot twist; that's simply poor writing (Age). Regardless of what happens people will continue to watch Gundam anime and film, buy Gunpla, and make the trek to Odaiba to see the 1/1 size RX-78-2. Only by developing the world of a protagonist, and investing in the growth, maturity, and them and their supporting cast can the next Gundam TV series bring in new fans and retain the majority of older ones.
