Saturday, January 12, 2013

Gundam 00 A wakening of the Trailblazer Special Screening Event (Japan)

Gundam 00 A wakening of the Trailblazer Special Screening Event (Japan)
Location: Shinjuku Piccadilly
Date: Jan 31st, 2013 (Thur.)
Time: 9:00pm
Admission Price: 1500 yen
This special screening will be shown on 3 screens at the Shinjuku Piccadilly.  Tickets will be avaliable for purchase beginning Jan 18th at, and on-site ticket purchase will be avaliable on Jan 19th at the Shinjuku Piccadilly. 
Info via Gtoys Blog


  1. I would love to see this movie on the big screen. I heard its a very different experience than watching it alone on a computer screen or tv.

  2. Well well...

    I thought Bandai/Sunrise gave up on Gundam 00? It looks like they're trying to promote the series again? Interesting.

    Time for some MG Exia R2 (w/ parts for Exia R3) and maybe even a MG 00 Qan[t] Full Saber and or MG 00 Qan[t] ELS ver?

    Come on Bandai!! SUITON IS WAITING!!!

    1. Dude its a rerelease of the MOVIE that has nothing to do with Exia R2 from the SERIES. If anything we'll see MGs of the movie suits before any R2.

      Seriously man I adore 00 but your spamming only makes us legitimate fans look bad. Bandai's not reading any of this so why keep posting your wishlist here? Email them if you want it so badly.

    2. Good news!!
      rerelease of the MOVIE that has nothing to do with Exia R2 from the SERIES?
      We had MG 00 seven sword

    3. Pretty much what the Anon above me said. I doubt they will benefit significantly by re-promoting 00. It ended well and it should be left that way.

      Exia and 00Q FS never made it to the film so using the movie to hype their release would be .... ridiculous. 00Q ELS ver... Dude, have you seen the shape and colour scheme of this thing? Even disregarding all that, I honestly do not think it will sell very well.

      If anything, I'd say GNX IV would be a better choice. I would love to see an MG of that. :)

    4. Well, aside from that, I actually kind of curious if we will have PG 00Q in the far future because, the runner of PG 00 Gundam actually said GN Frame and not 00 Gundam. And according to the series itself, the 00Q is actually based on the frame 00 Gundam. Very curious

    5. Suiton has a restarted concept of wishful thinking. As this would influence a surge of 00 Gunpla. Awesome as that might be.

      Suitob, shut it.

  3. I thought the 00 movie was all right. It wasn't the ending I expected,but it was all right. I doubt that I could do any better

    1. Yeah I agree. Considering the amount of things that could have gone horribly wrong, I was pleasantly surprised it managed to avoid as many problems as it did.

  4. eh, re-release ??
    I thought it's finished with the movie..

    I hope they add extra material or another epilogue in this special show.
    Not worth if I have to watch the same movie twice.

  5. New MGs? Probably not.

    What I'm hopi for is that they dish out the rumored HGs they promised us, like GN XIV (regular/commander), transformable Seravee II, and even the Flag Setsuna used.

    Or better yet, update the lead Gundams to be on par with the HG Age line (which has some awesome mobility and detail) and release the tailboosters and extra Holster Bits for Harute and Zabanya respectfully.

    I just really hope the GN XIV would see the sunlight soon... I really like the IV's design and weaponery.

  6. Hey, so Sunrise and Bandai decided to dig up the movie? Cool? Oh, btw, is PG 00 worth the money? Im trying to choose between the PG S.Freedom and PG 00 Raiser. Which one should I choose?

    1. rrobbert184 has in depth reviews of both on youtube, check them out. I personally think the PG Strike Freedom is more stable.

    2. Yes, I checked them which make me even more confuse. I have to admit that PG SF have better and cooler propotion and it include a stand while PG 00 doesn't anymore. But I think that the lock mechanism in the 00 Raiser will make it better in term of time and I don't really like 3 types of gold on SF. Even if you paint the "puke gold", it won't be as shiny as the "Best gold" (Experienced from painting MG SF Full Burst. And the PG SF is a little bit more expensive than the PG 00....
