Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Fight the Val Varo starting today, plus get CCA Amuro and Char cards in SD Gundam Operations! [News via Gundam.Info]

SD Gundam Operations
Supported OS: Windows XP / Vista / 7 Japanese version, MacOS X
Supported browsers: Internet Explorer 8, FireFox 11, Chrome 17, Safari 4
Namco Bandai Online's F2P browser game "SD Gundam Operations", available on Yahoo! Games, adds the Val Varo group battle on January 9th.
Amuro Ray and Char Aznable will also make their appearance in the Platinum Pilot Gasha.
■ The Val Varo approaches!
Between now and January 23rd, participate in missions for a chance to encounter the Val Varo.
Defeat it to earn tries at a Chance Gasha with the exclusive GP-04, or try the Ace Unit Gasha for a GP-01Fb that inflicts 6x damage to it. Don't miss these exclusive units!
■ Amuro and Char join the Platinum Pilot Gasha lineup!
The Platinum Pilot Gasha will also add Mobile Suit Gundam: Char's Counterattack versions of Amuro Ray and Char Aznable today.
News via Gundam.Info

1 comment:

  1. does anyone know where I can find a tutorial to make an account for this?
