Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Comparison Image Of The RG 1/144 Zeta Gundam & PG 1/60 Zeta Gundam

RG 1/144 Zeta Gundam

Comparison Image Of The RG 1/144 Zeta Gundam & PG 1/60 Zeta Gundam
Images via Toysdaily


  1. pg looks somewhat ugly because it is very old. still with the sheer size, and superior inner frame (cmiiw) pg has lots of room for improvements. not to mention that previous kits were made to look like the anime while rg is made to look realistic

  2. RG : Realistic
    PG : Ugly, but have "hyper mega launcher"

    1. The PG does not have the Hyper Mega launcher thats the MG. Just remember the PG is coming up for 12 years old. Thats like compairing the Nu to the Nu ver Ka. there has been alot of improvements to CAD and plastic Tech since then. specialy with the newer perfect grade not needing screws to hold it togeather

  3. PG looks more faithful to the original anime design.
    RG looks to skinny. What's with the new trend of having small head and skinny waist?

    1. If you look at the mechanical line art, you'll see that RG is within machine proportions, that is, measured out and tapered to exact specifications.

      I'd say it was all just marketing crap but hey they finally got a plamo that size to look like its concept art, plus it transforms and is not a parts former too. Id say that is an achievement in itself.

  4. The PG has better proportions. The RG has a terribly disproportionate waist line and long torso and legs, even by human standards we're talking pseudo "Greek-god" proportions. Also, the guy saying the RG is within an acceptable range of proportions is wrong. The original design has a 2.2~ head long torso and 3.2~ head long legs (basically head+torso). The RG Zeta's torso is a full 3 heads long and the legs are 4 heads long (torso + head). The proportions are completely different and it's obvious to anyone who just eyeballs it too. This isn't even account for all the trimming they did around the sides to make the RG Zeta even thinner.

  5. MG Zeta 2.0 is still better IMO.

  6. dont be stupid. RG Zeta's waist opens up and you need to close it up right to make it look right. Whoever assembled that RG Zeta above is somewhat dumb. There's no point of arguing whether the PG is better than the RG because they are both excellent model kits.
