Monday, September 17, 2012

Gundam AGE Episode 49 'The End of a Journey' - Preview Images

Gundam AGE Episode 49 'The End of a Journey' - Preview Images


  1. To be honest, I keep having this strong feeling that Flit is going to be killed in the end.

    1. LOL
      You don't say? =P

      I mean Epi 48 had people dying basically the entire episode. I feel like Flit is going to die and then Kio is going to somehow master the FX Burst Mode, X-Rounder powers, and also become a SOOPA PILOTO at the same time.

    2. No. Flit lives and becomes the hero of both Earth and the Vagan people (for finding a cure to mars rays).
      All kio does is behead the Vagan gear+sid hybrid that was beam blasted into submission by the combined forces of Vagan and the federation.
      Kio is shit, Flit and Asemu are boss.

    3. Feels like Asemu owns the series.. his development reached farther than Kio and Flit.. i guess what Zeheart said about X-rounder power is true, they did not advance but rather regress to being an animal..

    4. Yeah, but you can't deny Flit is one of the more unique characters of a Gundam series. He started out as a kid but we saw character development, which is rare for most gundam protagonists. I mean did Kira (makes warding sign), Heero, Kio and about half of the other leads really change?

    5. Heero did change and yeah it wasn't a drastic change as Flit's. However, he was tired of war and no longer wanted to take life. Even in the middle of the series when he confessed to all the families his humanity was starting to come back if that made sense.

    6. Physically, you get to see Flit develop. But all other main characters (Kamille and Kou aside) go through "character development. It may seem subtle, since you don't "see" any changes, but character development is a recurring key theme in Gundam. Hell, in most anime, in general.
      Amuro went from being a spoiled kid who thought could pilot Gundam better than anyone to someone who knew he could but took responsibility with it.
      Heero was a programmed killer who was trained that the mission was everything. However, even though his emotions never truly surfaced, his humanity did.
      I could go on and on. But the is quickly approaching tl;dr status already...

    7. I think Flit is the best protagonist in Age. People like to identify with Asemu because he's older and not an x-rounder but I would hardly call him a well developed character. He was just as much a retard in Age 2 spouting drivel like "duh can we find a way to fight where people don't die?" and stealing x-rounder helmets. Not to mention his whole justification for abandoning his family to play pirate.

      I dunno why people have an automatic preference for grunts and non-newtype characters. To me its character development that counts.

  2. I have a feeling this episode is going to be rushed as fuck.

    1. Well~ Considering how rushed the anime is in general, that wouldn't be too surprising.

      I get the feeling that Bandai wants to rush out the last 2 episodes, pump out a ton of MG's from AGE (low cost & low price kit anyway), and then try to get a new 50 episode Gundam series out.

    2. Clearly the final arc was rushed. Too many subplots and charachters introduced too late to really care about. What's the point of having Zera be only in the final episode?

    3. @nike629. There is only 1 episode left. Age was confirmed as a 49 episode series. Nothing more.

    4. to be honest nike, I haven't seen episode 48 or really any episodes of the series since gundam info wont stream age in the US. I only know about gundam age from what I've read sadly. :(
      Yet I have to say that Flit had lived a long life for a Gundam protagonist.

  3. Well I think Flit is going to be the main character of this episode, though I suspect I am not alone in thinking this. I do want an HG AGE-1 Gransa or whatever the hell it is supposed to translates to, and the Genoace O custom. Considering what happened last episode, I think Flit either dies or severely injures/cripples himself for Kio/Asem , and the big enemy is Sid, 'cause Sid aint' dead.

  4. They should play this song at the end of the final episode..

  5. No, they should play the first ending again for the last episode

  6. what a terrible journey it was. Lets forget this ever happened and move on with life

  7. Ugh hated ep 48 so idk if I wanna watch the last episode. Zehart acted completely out of character the whole episode. I expected better. But still after watching 48 I might as well watch the 49th.

  8. So many subplots are going to be unfinished my god. One i can definitely see is Kio and Wendy's "relationship" being thrown to the garbage.

  9. Honestly, I like the idea of Flit's life portrayed in the series (the scene with the window where his reflection was his you get self nailed it)....there was just too much other BS taking away time for the main characters to develop.

    The AGE-1 Gundam is also a representation of Flit in a way.
    It's survived almost 4 generations of mobile suits and it's still kicking, despite needing a little help from add ons and very minimal change to the suit itself.

    Sadly, like Flit, the AGE-1 is in an era past its time and hasn't changed much since. It just gets beat up to the point where it's just an old machine always ready to die.

    I'm just impressed at the AGE-1's longevity. Could you imagine if the RX-78-2 was made constantly viable up the 0096 era and still hold its own?

    1. Despite the arcs, Flit is the main character. Speaking of the RX-78-2, I can see your point but certain mobile suits are portrayed to be about equal in performance in 0096. I think the Loto was mentioned like this. Also ep. 4 of Unicorn shows how they can be just as effective against slightly more advanced suits. Incompetence of the Federation notwithstanding. :)

    2. Flit's Age 1 upgrades are more than just addons I think. Considering the versality of the Gundam's ability to switch out parts it makes sense it can stack up to new units.

      As for UC4 even factoring pilot skill the feds should have wiped the floor with zeon easily who were using 30 year old suits. It was just an excuse to drag out the mecha porn.

  10. You know, I thought I saw the AGE-FX using that big gun of his and then it exploded. How freaking incompetent of a main character is Kio. He's the true villain in this series and if Ezelcant wants an Eden filled with people like Kio, I rather die with the Diva.

  11. I've been thinking this for a while now and Romary really should have had an abortion while she had the chance. Kio is just a terrible waste of a character.

    1. But if she do that, you'll never see Asemu's badass action like kick AGE-3 Orbital in the back, or bluffing Ezelcant that he's going to crush Second Moon. And then he'll have almost NO reason to team-up with Flit again, and yes.... NO Super Pilot action more. Can you accept that?

    2. Actually I liked Kio at the beginning. He just became an idiot after meeting a sick little girl. Don't blame him, blame the writers lol.

  12. flit values justice highly, rather strict.
    asemu is rebel-type character, more flexible.

    kio is peaceful-loving character.
    peaceful future always the final winner btw, if you remember past gundam series.
    also younger generation is the future, so kio should alive.

    not sure about flit or asemu. I think their role have been completed, so no reason to keep them alive..

    btw no colony drop in this series ? :D
    strange because gundam age supposed to be a homage of previous colony drop, err.... I mean homage of previous gundam series :)

  13. One last episode and almost nothing is accomplished. While previous episode was glorious, there's no way they could cover everything in a single episode. High chance AGE's ending will be rushed, forced and abrupt.

  14. I hope they find some way to link both Zera and Sid/EXA-DB plotlines. They wasted so much precious screen time introducing these subplots so I want closure.

    They should have just stuck with the main vagan war from the beginning of gen 3. At least then the story wouldn't be such a jumbled mess of ideas.

  15. All in all though, the best thing about a Gundam series ending, is waiting and wondering what the next series is going to be about. I bet the next Gundam series will be awesome too. Can't wait for the next series Gundam's, and the next series characters. So until that next Gundam series drops, we should be a little easier on Gundam Age.

    1. true that dude.....but like always there will be those fanboy/girls that will complain about how the newest gundam series suck and a copy of the other gundam series. In my opinion, i like gundam age. t was a pretty good show overall with cool gundams

    2. You can bet fans will ruin any anticipation for the next gundam series with:
      - I want dark, gritty gundam with ugly old men!
      - I want woman as the pilot!
      - I want no magic powers!

    3. so you want wing!

  16. Hmm I do think Kio might pull out an Amuro (CCA) in the last episode, with Second Moon already close to Earth and thing
