Monday, September 10, 2012

Chara Hobby C3 x Hobby 2012 - Hobby Japan Booth Gallery 04 - Wallpaper Size Images

Chara Hobby C3 x Hobby 2012 - Hobby Japan Booth Gallery 04

Images via


  1. Any idea where the upgrade parts on the 3rd model (HGUC RGM-79N GM CUSTOM) come from? That's a really nice looking build, but I can't figure out where the vernier jets and the jet pack are pulled from. All I can find is that they're calling that the 79Nfb.

  2. Hey, GG (or whoever runs this blog) -- Just want to let you know that all of your front page's "CLICK HERE TO VIEW MORE IMAGES..." links are broken. Every single time I click one, it leads to a "Sorry, the page you were looking for in this blog does not exist." page. :-/
