Friday, August 17, 2012

Tamashii Web Shop Exclusive: Robot Spirits (Side MS) ELS Qan[T] - On Display @ Tamashii Feature's Vol.4 Hong Kong [Updated 8/17/12]

Tamashii Web Shop Exclusive: Robot Spirits (Side MS) ELS Qan[T]
New Wallpaper size image below via Premium Bandai Hong Kong
Other images from Tamashii Feature's Vol.4 Hong Kong

Images via CyberGundam


  1. no weapon watsoever... :P

    1. It's an ultra-powerful ELS infused twin drive unit. Pretty sure that if Setsuna needed to shoot something, it'd just be able to morph a giant cannon out of one of the arms.

  2. well, before nike-san starts his MG wish list, i would say it looks pretty okay! dunno if i will scratch build this one for fun though

  3. Needs more MG along with MG's for all the 5th generation Celestial Being suits. The HG's just don't do the designs justice.

    1. MG kits are really overrated, not worth the time or money. I've given up on them. There are some really nice HG kits and that works for me.

    2. shut up poorfag

    3. 5th generation CB units?

    4. Oh, ok... 5th generation units were the units from the movie.

      3rd Generation:
      Exia, Dynames, Kyrios, Nadleeh & Virtue

      4th Generation:
      00, Cherudim, Arios, Seravee & Seraphim

      5th Generation:
      00 Qan[T], Zabanya, Harute... err, Raphael is still considered as a CB unit, right? Even though it was using a GN Drive Tau

    5. Yeah, you're wrong as fuck asshole. Exia, Dynames, Kyrios, Nadleeh & Virtue, Cherudim, Arios, Seravee & Seraphim, Zabanya, Harute, and Raphael are all third gen suits.

      at least do some research if you're gonna be a total fag about a shitty show

    6. @Anon 4:45

      Ooooh... and you think you sound so smart for calling me an asshole and a fag? Ok, so they're 3rd generation suits because they're piloted by 3rd generation CB pilots.

      I just said what I know... Your parents sure are nice for teaching to talk sh*t like that, huh? That's good parenting. Sheeesh!

  4. Ppl just like to pull stuff out of their asses. There will never be a MG of this, unless bandai starts to prepaint parts on their kits a la kotobukiya, or expects ALL buyers to be able to afford an airbrush to paint the gradient effects... Come on, ppl, actually think for a bit!

    1. It seems like the gradient issue is the big issue that people usually bring up. You know, they can just give us the wings in a new color that is close to the gradient effect.

    2. You know, they really can't... Firstly, the gradient effect appears not only in the wings, but croch and feet as well. Secondly, it's a GRADIENT effect, were one color fades into a completely different color. Please explain how they can create a color that is close to both of two DIFFERENT colors... And please, don't even mention "oh, they can just give us parts like the wings of the destiny". That is a whole new kind of dumbness. The wings of light are made of PET, the same plastic used in plastic bottles, which is in no way a suitable material for parts of a model. Also, sparkling effect is in NO way even a passable substitude for white fading into clear green fading into blue, let alone that it would look just plain wrong in the feet and croch pieces

    3. Too much rage for a MG that may not be made, who knows? Bandai knows how to pull shit out of their asses to make money (trans am kits, de-active mode kits, hyper mode kits, etc.) but you got your point how they can make the gradient parts, well I'm sure if they can make a figure (which is made of plastic) to have that effect, they could do a kit with the same method (and I'm talking about the torso and feet parts too) still if that is a exclusive is obviously is expensive to reproduce, so the chances of a MG, 1/144 or even 1/100 model kit is slim. Again why so much rage if you know the answer already, to make xxnike629xx mad or something, he can wish for a MG of this as much as he like, as you maybe have a wish that Bandai makes a kit that maybe never be made, but AGAIN who knows?

    4. Er... this is an action figure. Action figures come painted.... As I said, the only way for bandai to do this in kit form, would be to give you pre-painted parts, which I don't see happening, do you? They have tryed before to inject two colors into the same part, but the result was very bad, and they soon gave it up. And you are right, I have some models I would like to see made, but you don't see me spaming everywhere against all reason for them

    5. Yeah, take for instance the Hi-Nu Gundam. The original design uses gradients instead of solid colors. Bandai had to redesign the color scheme into a more solid pattern and then used in in the MG and HGUC releases...

  5. This looks absolutely fantastic, but the obvious seams lines detracts from it.

    1. Yeah agree with you there those seam lines stand out so much

  6. Is it just me... Or the tag actually says S.H.Figuarts?
