Monday, September 3, 2012

RG 1/144 MSZ-006 Zeta Gundam - New Images [Updated 9/3/12]

RG 1/144 MSZ-006  Zeta Gundam (Release Date: Nov 2012, Price: 3000 yen)
Promo Image via Eternal 

Images above from Gundam Front Tokyo taken by VAC
Image below from CyberGundam Blog:
(We only repost, and do not own nor did we scane these images)

Promo video images from Gundam Front Tokyo (Odaiba, Japan)
If you have trouble viewing video, you can view it HERE

Above images via
Above image via Toys Daily forum
Images via AE Media
New Image.
[Update 8/9/12 1:59 AM PST]
Looks like someone managed to grab a quick shot of everything around the prototype. If this shot is accurate, then it confirms that RG #10 is indeed the Zeta Gundam! Thanks to the intrepid photographer & AE Media for posting the pic!
[Update 8/8/12]
According to a japanese blogger ろあの~く雑記帳♪♪, the 10th gunpla in the Real Grade Scale series is confirmed to be the RG 1/144 Zeta Gundam, and the prototype is currently on display at Gundam Front Tokyo @ Diver City (Odaiba, Japan).  However, photo shooting is not allowed, and that is probably why we haven't seen any image of it online.  According to folks who have seen the prototype on display, the proportion of the kit if transformed into Wave Rider mode looks good. But is currently uncertain whether the kit support full transformation or not.  
The RG 1/144 Zeta Gundam is due for release this November 2012.  We will continue to provide more info as we find them. 

Previous Updates:
The next Real Grade 1/144 scale Gundam model kit will be on display at the following locations:
Gundam Tokyo Front (Aug 9th 2012)
JR Osaka Station - East Exit (Aug 15th - 21st 2012)
Chara Hobby (Aug 25th - 26th)
*A reliable source indirectly suggested that the next RG is indeed the RG 1/144 Zeta Gundam. But is probably best to wait for Bandai's confirmation*
Above new image via Gtoys Blog
Images via CyberGundam


  1. Yuri Barbosa OrdesteJuly 22, 2012 at 9:09 PM

    Before anyone jumping onto conclusions, the pictures above are from MG Aegis,... Just sayin' so there won't be missinformation...

    1. Wouldn't mind it anyway :)

    2. That is definitely NOT Aegis gundam. Aegis doesn't have a head vulcan. That is 100% Zeta.

    3. No fucking shit you retard. They mean the sneak peek to the next RG.

  2. RG Unicorn or RG Exia

    1. Yuri Barbosa OrdesteJuly 22, 2012 at 9:13 PM

      I don't actually need a RG Exia right now, but I would love to see a concept of it. And I think it's still early for RG Unicorn, IMO it would be hella brittle

    2. What does "early" mean? Do you honestly think Bandai gives a damn about some arbitrary schedule? They're interested in making money. If a RG Unicorn that can switch between modes in 1/144th scale could make a profit (and it would) Bandai would make it yesterday. People need to get over their irrational sense of sentimentality or respect that they attribute to businesses.

    3. the previous commenter is saying that a 1/144 scale unicorn might NOT smoothly transform without sacrificing other aspects of the model kit, given bandai's current technologies. people are more likely to buy good kits. bandai might wait to make a really good unicorn so it will sell to its potential.

    4. Ok...the Unicorn has green cameras. And the Exia doesn't even have that kind of camera. Actually, the Unicorn's NT-D camera is thinner than that as well.

  3. Exia it would be I think. Since they haven't made SF, and only the Mk II is the only 2nd generation gundam with regards to series. Maybe Zeta?

    1. Think first on how they are going to design the inner frame of a RG Zeta that INCLUDES it's complex transformation.

    2. Based solely on appearance...if it's not the Zeta, the only other suit it could be is the Gun-EZ.

  4. imo exia, zeta or maybe even wing

  5. Probably MS from universal century again. RG Gyan maybe? LOL

  6. From what I can read (it's japanese of course), There's a hint that it will be from UC 0093. Could it be Nu Gundam? I would love to see Nu in RG form

    1. Errr... I can read Japanese somewhat and I see no hint at UC 0093. Where are you getting that from? I could be wrong, but just asking

  7. Ah so that explains the RG picture of Nu and Sazabi that they show in Japan. Let me search it.

  8. Replies
    1. wing gundams cameras are green but other than that yeah i keep thinking wing XD

  9. Just going on a limb here.With the order of the series here from u.c to seed and then back to u.c. it may not even be a gundam. what if we see something else from the zeta series like a main grunt suit? again just a random guess. gentle...

  10. Please let it be the Nu... they need it to destroy the Gundoom and other bootlegs. Even better if they can provide conversion parts to make it in to a Hi Nu or HWS!


    NU or SAZABI

    1. Errr... I don't think they're RGs

    2. Yes They're not. But they make this during the Gundam Front in Odaiba. I swear I did saw a "Sticker Guide"-like picture in Odaiba. uhm
      I think this will help.

  12. RG Exia...

    if you want something far less creative... RG AGE-1 :3

  13. "____ New Evolution"

    I can't make out the first word... but come on... seriously? Is that not a massive hint? With all the other merchandise they dumped into the series, what ELSE could it be besides a RG AGE-1?


    Now tell me that this will not likely to be in RG form. :)

    1. thats the evolve version you dumbfuck noob

    2. Nu, evolve. New evolution - LOL

  15. it says form new evolution on the rg picture so maybe they are refering to a new inner frame such as a transformable one, therefore i am speculating for a zeta gundam.

  16. Wait what? .... to be on display this summer? SUMMER?!?!?

  17. THere's a picture of the new RG's eye in there. Surely that is not age nor exia

  18. I want a RG hyaku shiki or something from wing tallgeese but the RG line will end before we get that so either something UC or seed

  19. I can see a GN Drive so I'm guessing it's Exia.

    1. Are you fucking high or just incredibly retarded you fucking faggot!? Why don't you go eat a eat else where, huh cock breath.

      Exia doesn't even have blue fucking eyes you shit face

    2. lovely.
      but, he's right. exia doesnt have a light on top of his head, so that picture rules it out.
      too bad though, i'd love it.

    3. @anon 1105 I don't think we saw the same picture.

  20. My guess is between Nu Gundam or GP01.

  21. new evolution... nu evolve anyone?

  22. I really hope it's Nu. Better yet, the Evolve version of Nu.

  23. It might be a MS Zeta Gundam grunt suit. Like a Nemo, Marasai, or Rick Dias...

  24. guessing either GP01 or .... NT-1

    1. Nope, the main camera lens outline is too high for both of these. Zeta fits these much better.

    2. you're right !!!!
      well done haha

  25. This comment has been removed by the author.

  26. New Evolution: First transformable RG aka Zeta!!

  27. it is written : FOR NEW EVOLUTION...
    the only evolving Gundam is the Ultimate/Devil Gundam...

    but i do hope it's RG Unicorn & Banshee, released at the same time, like those Mk. IIs...

    1. ^
      man i cant stop laughing my ass off XD

  28. Common, its still too early for Exia. Bandai might go for Zeta or maybe even Gundam X because of all the stupid complains from fans, or they could go through the Wing route.

    1. please don't use "common" for "come on" or "c'mon"

    2. ROFL'd on common.

    3. One stupid mistake and I'm already getting hell.

    4. Sorry dude, can't determine if people who use common for c'mon are making small mistakes or don't really know the difference. The latter annoys me to hell and I've been seeing a lot of it lately.

      Also, that's not hell. Ask xxnike629xx, he might know.

  29. i am just gonna guest gundam dx

  30. It should be GP01, well I hope it is

  31. Judging by the picture, that is a Gundam (Not sazabi, or other enemy grunt suit.) So i'm guessing Zeta, GP01 or Nu gundam. I'm hoping it's one of those three.

  32. anything from UC would be great, RX-78GP's? hehe. surprise us bandai!

  33. maybe GP01,the only MS that have distance between eye and head sensor that far

    1. The most reasonable comment so far.
      If that picture is not just a trolling attempt by Bandai, I'd say the same.

    2. Only problem is the complete lack of red highlighting under the eyes which GP01 needs.
      Its not GP01.

    3. Doesn't need the color to that particular gundam. they could have just colored it blue for trolling sake

  34. Stargazer Gundam?

  35. I'm going to cast my speculation: RG Astray Red Frame.

    1. ooooooo Then they could make all the frames... :D and RG Gold Frame...preeetttyyyyy

  36. rg Zeta or GP01 FB.... I think...

  37. i can confirm its ZETA, the image is the head with fade out, the light is head light and eye.
    try compare to mg zeta head (

    and new evolution means something unique as transformable

  38. A thought occurs to me... I am going to laugh my ass off if it's just a GM.

  39. There's a high probability that it could be seed series seeing how it is seed anniversary

  40. does it matter??? I'm gonna buy it ANYWAY...

  41. it better be wing 0 custom.

  42. I think it would be RG Nu or RG Zeta.


    but I hope it would be RG Stephen Elop lol...

  43. Might be Providence.

  44. That camera shape reminds me of the Zeta but I can only confirm a standard V-fin

  45. I'm sure it's "insert-random-MS-that-nobody-has-mentioned-before-just-so-I-look-cool-and-screw-it-if-it-doesn't-look-ANYTHING-like-the-teaser-shot-here"!

    jeez, you ppl....

    1. Everyone's entitled to their own opinion, jeez SomeOtherAnon.

    2. mobile suit LEO from gundam wing LOLOL

  46. Opinion is one thing, throwing guesses based on nothing but pure wish even though it goes against the facts is another

  47. New evolution;

    Strike Freedom,

  48. Standard V-Fin, Blue eyes and camera... Impulse?

  49. It is fact (if I not wrong). Zeta Gundam will be 10th RG kit line... Looking for buy it..

  50. New Evolution could imply something that Bandai hasn't done yet in RG so I'm guessing it's finally a transforming mobile suit, Zeta is highly possible, which would be a big milestone towards the ZZ. To people who keeping insisting on the Exia, I don't think they would do something like Exia too soon right now simply because on a business perspective, 00 MG and Wing and Seed are selling well right now, Bandai wouldn't want to disperse consumer's purchasing from those kits by releasing RGs just yet. They would be more likely stick around something that's old but they now will sell well. For instance, RX-78, Zaku, Mk-II, Strike, Freedom, Justice are either highly demanded kits and their other grandes' counterparts sale would not be affected by the RG's hype anyway.
    Thus, Zeta, Quibeley, Hiyakushiki, Victory, Nu, Sazabi have pretty good chance of being released sooner than other kits. 00's? Another 2 or 3 years then maybe since Bandai hasn't finished releasing all of the 00's main MG yet anyway.

    1. 00 MGs are selling well right now?
      00 MGs? Right now? Really?
      Has it expand since MG 00 7S/G released September last year?

      Bandai hasn't finished releasing Seed's main MG yet they're released like 4 RG model already.

    2. Just remember how long did it took Bandai to release a MG back in the day even though those were popular.
      Just because Bandai has a tendency to marathon release a MG line of a series now doesn't mean the other ones are having bad sales. Series that are and were being marathon release lately were Seed, Age, and Wing which is simply because those are being either aired on the TV or having some sort of anniversary going on. Arguing 00 MGs aren't having good sale because they...haven't released another in less than a year is just shallow really.
      Bandai is releasing Seed's RG BEFORE the MG because those kits (Strike, Freedom, Skygrasper) are having old MGs but they knows, based on previous sale record and demand, that those would sell well. Hence, they seizes the chance to make profit. They probably won't release a Ver 2.0 of those kit anyway. They aren't releasing 00's kit because they are prioritizing other things right now, not because the series have bad sale. That's also the reason why they made those kits with excellent quality, Why? to keep fans satisfied while they release other things.

    3. I'm not saying that 00 MG' sales are bad, just want to point out that saying they sell pretty well aren't exactly right.
      If not, Bandai will definitely make one after another, for sure.

      And I just can't think Bandai will release 00 MG anytime soon, hell, I don't think Bandai would take the risk creating non-Setsuna MSes in MG version.
      (Maybe when 00 celebrating its anniversaries like Seed)
      So, your 'another 2 or 3 years since Bandai hasn't finished releasing all of the 00's main MG yet' feels a bit...weird.
      00 series' RG maybe coming years from now, but definitely not after they finish 00 MG line.

    4. I don't see anything that's exactly weird in here. Bandai will not be prioritizing 00 kit since they are focusing on other stuffs and that's the reason why they won't likely be releasing any RG of 00 soon and that's NOT because they aren't selling. And just so you know, whether if you would agree with it or not, 00 is pretty popular internationally; thus, if there aren't that much MG of 00, you bet the ones that do have MG releases would be selling pretty damn well.
      And you have already restated just my point so why even pointing out it's weird when you've pretty much agreed with it...? Weird aren't you.

  51. Hoping it's Nu or Zeta, but leaning towards Nu more lol. Also optimistic with Nu and Sazabi RG art from a few months ago to come to fruition.

  52. GPO1 with FB conversion parts! That will be totally different for the RG line. Crossing my fingers! Nu will also be epic in RG form! MG Nu Gundam sucks bigtime haha so maybe in RG it will be fantastic and awesome.

    Please Bandai I want UC love so please I'm begging you no alternate century units (Too much Seed units already...)

    GP01 or NU!

  53. from the word evolution you would think age...?



  55. My guess..

    RG Exia
    RG Age-1 Normal

    One of those.
    If we get RG Exia, I suspect more 00 Master Grades soon. If it is RG Exia, I also hope that we get a MG Exia R2 and a RG Exia R2.

    1. Needs more RG Seed Destiny and 00 MGs though.

    2. Don't forget RG Qan[T] ELS & MG/RG G-Exes Jackedge, Dark Hound, etc.

      *face palm*

    3. I like how both of your guesses dont have that eye or censor

  56. Given the secondary camera lens on the head it is definitely not AGE or Exia.

    Can't say for sure what it is. Most likely a UC I think.

    1. i agree its not alternate century and its close to uc

  57. @xxxnike629, or suiton, or w/e, how far are you willing to go to prove how stupid you can be? Do you get a kick out of showing the internet how stupid, dumb, thick and obnoxious you can be? Is there no end to your quest to show the greatness of your stupidity? Are you actually capable of some form of rational thought, by any sense? Why do you take the time out of your very busy (or so you say) professional life to show the net that you are indeed a stupid little troll, capable of adding no rational argument to ANY discussion? Real life too scary for you? No real friends, that you need to resort to the internet to get some iota of attention, even if it means making yourself look ridiculous? How about building something, instead of taking time to look stupid?

    1. that's too many questions for someone with half a brain to understand... :))

      chill bro, don't mind the trolls remember...

    2. How about you? Do you get a kick out of showing the internet what a big jerk you are? If don't like what people are posting then don't read them. If anyone is obnoxious around here it's you.

    3. SomeOtherAnon just tell us how miserable his/her life is. how pity.

      just ignore him guys..

  58. I don't see any mouth vents but I do see the chin... and it does look like Zeta. The chin isn't pointy so I think it's not Zeta. LOL! Can't really tell. I guess we really have to wait.

  59. Probably Stargazer, look at the eye and the sensor and the fact that there is the sun glare behind/next to it


  61. From this pic here:

    We can safely assume that it is Zeta Gundam indeed.

  62. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. Never mind. It's a Zeta Gundam head... But the light placement looks a bit off on the upper camera. Oh, well. I'd be happy either way.

    2. White shapes? You mean the oh so obvious eye and forehead cameras?

  63. By the way, why people like Zeta gundam so much? I just don't know.
    I want to like zeta but I can't find any reason to like it. Please, be gentle. Be a normal person and no bullying. >_<

    1. I think the Z Gundam is one of the best (if not THE best) Gundam series, but I'm not too fond of the Zeta Gundam either. It's a different Gundam design, but not so great. I prefer Hyaku Shiki over Zeta any day.

    2. Transformation: Check
      Giant beam launcher: Check
      Beam Bayonet: Check
      Newtype-specific super equipment: Check
      Giant beam saber powered by rage: Check
      Final attack is to CRASH into the enemy surrounded by newtype energy: Check.

    3. Before I answer why I like Zeta the best, as a series and as a design...are you a SEED or 00 fan?

    4. being a normal person as he claims, it's better to assume he's neither a SEED/00/UC fan or any of those. Think of him as either a novice to gundam (or anime even) and just watch gundam to pass time by.

      and the same with 00collector, not a fan of Zeta either. for me, its too over rated even by UC fanbase standards. I kinda like the Messala and Hyaku Shiki better... :3

    5. IT's funny how people always lump Seed/00 fan against UC these days. Seriously, Seed was good, Destiny is worse than horrible, 00 is okay, 00's movie is meh, and some of the UC series have sub-par design AND story. It's a shame people tries to take UC's glory as a whole thanks to some (not all) of UC series being great against other Universe that doesn't even have nearly as much sequels as UC...May as well add in Wing now.

      And to answer your question, Zeta is excellent but as I say, I don't worship UC as a whole, I like a selective few out of UC.

    6. Thanks for answering my question so nicely. I appreciate it.

      I grew up liking Wing series & their mobile suits. I do like SEED/SEED DESTINY, 00 & Unicorn but I'm not a fan of any of those. I collected several master grades already from different series depend on the MS design regardless which series/universe or how bad the series the MS belong to. I'm talking about Seed Destiny.

    7. No problem, I just don't like how people tends to have pretty extreme responds to either things that they like or dislike. When I like something, I say I like it and vice versa. I dislike stereotyping, stuff like Universal Century is bad or Cosmic Era is bad just because one of the sequel are bad is the most ludicrous kind of comments.

      You can take as much advice as you like before watching a series but in the end, it's up to you to judge whether you like it or not, don't let other influence your enjoyment. It's just entertainment.

    8. Zeta is a Super-robot-esque unit in Kamille's hands, it's attacks are cool for a lot of people and it has quite the complex transformation, not to mention being the first stand-alone transformable Gundam used by a protagonist.

      And yes, if you have the time and resources, you might want to watch every series, movie, or OVA to appreciate new things to enjoy as well as find your favorite series, scenes, etc.

  64. Gp01fb

    The new evolution is Separable inner frame,dont forget GP01fb can separate its torso

  65. An evolution would be a transforming MS.

    The eye kind of reminds me of Zeta.

  66. if it's zeta, wonder how they're going to make the transformable inner frame.

    it'll indeed a evolution in gunpla technology.

  67. Since it definitely looks like Zeta, I have to wonder: how are they going to pull it off? Transforming kits are infamously fragile, and this is a grade that's infamously fragile. We can't have a parts former, because there would be too many complaints. I hope Bandai pulls it off, though they've done a great job with RG so far.

    1. I totally agree with you, man!!! At first, since the day RG RX-78 has been releases, I couldn't and never though that Zeta can have a RG version, due to its complicated transformation and scale if done in RG!!! However, the camera lens and eyes on the picture persuade me a lot.

      New evolution??? In complexity of the transformation or in the improvement in inner frame size (Nu???). As I knew, until now, all RG have nearly identical size (that's why MkII is as small as RX-78), so I think it may be Nu indeed (if they want an evolution is size of RG frame)

  68. Yes there's a high probability that it is RG Zeta, if not Age-1. And probably it's not Exia, it doesn't has head sensor like that. But this is just a guess, thought :p

  69. It is Zeta. Been confirmed already.

    1. Where??? When???

    2. source or it never happen sucker,dont try to be a attention whore :)

  70. Would have been great if Zeta was released as the 6th RG, and ZZ as the 10th. LOL

  71. You guys are retarded. Everyone knows RG No.10 is going to be EX-S. Duh!

    1. Only one eye is visible, it should be the Sisquiede LOLOLOL

    2. If an RG Ex-S is to be released, the poster eyes will be staring into your souls cause Ex-S has the most sexy, vicious, manliest, streamlined and evil face of all Gundams.

  72. Seems like the Zeta Gundam, It would seem right since they released the Gundam MkII.

    Then, to me, they might release Providence and then ZZ Gundam.

  73. Going by how they keep switching between SEED and Universal Century. I'm gonna guess that it's gonna be the Hyaku Shiki since the Zeta with transformation is going to be complex as hell for a RG. But with the "new evolution" thing. I'll really be surprised if they really do pull off the Zeta with good transformation without little pieces flying everywhere.

  74. ZETA BABY, or at least HYAKU SHIKI look at the camera! Is gryps all the way.

  75. did a quick overlay for fun

    1. that looks sick, hopefully that'll get some people to see it.

    2. pretty good job!!!

  76. I'm thinking that it could possibly be the 0 Gundam. At least i really hope so...

  77. Hi-Nu Gundam / Zeta Gundam! Hopefully ^^

  78. if it was zeta could you imagine how small and delicate some of the pieces would be?

  79. Its the Zeta. Derringer from Bluefin (bandai supplier) said so.

  80. No doubt it's Zeta.

    It has the two tick marks above it's eye and everything.

  81. My head says Zeta. My heart says Nu...or Zeta lol. With Zeta I can see at least another color variation, which Bandai seems to like with their RG line so far (RX-78 and Zaku). My guess is a RG White Unicorn Zeta Gundam, which I DO WANT ha!

  82. Just gonna throw this out because I'm sure it would tickle GG... O Gundam... Looks UC, but camera is taller.

  83. They could really have just done it in only blue so its harder to get and also there are A LOT of gundams that have their eyes like this. I would LOVE it to be Unicorn...but GP01, 2 or possibly 3 xD. would be awesome as well or RX-78 Ground Type or EZ-8 (wishful thinking) but I am thinking it could be a transformable suit. Like Epyon or Wing, or Zeta, or Delta Gundam. But I say they just colored the photo to a more general color just so speculation can begin!! xD =]

  84. I'm hoping for a RG Ground Combat Gundam or GP01

  85. Its the zeta gundam

  86. seriously?that much speculation?XD
    how is the picture GP01,exia or even age-1?where did that come from?xD
    it's too obvious with it's facemask..that's the zeta gundam.."for new evolution" most probably mean they finally made the very first transformable RG..
    man, people and their wishlists..xD

  87. I get mixed feelings about Bandai's feat on this one. Bring on the Zeta!

  88. This comment has been removed by the author.

  89. definitely a zeta. look at its facemask and v crest

  90. that's zeta face !. . .the identical sharp white chin . . .!

  91. [Trolling]



    Like everyone, I think it Zeta too, but it anything goes and I'm all for it.

  92. That image got around quick. I used a random image of the PG zeta to overlay it on top. I thought it did fit pretty well though

  93. Just to clarify EVERYTHING:

    The teaser photo shows two conflicting things: a MS with two eyes, and a tall, trapezoidal camera sensor on top, all of them having a blue hue. That means casting off guesses of any non-Gundam MSes AND other Gundams pose-SEED.

    It sure as hell will not be Wing though, for two obvious reasons:

    - first, if they're gonna build that SOB, they'd go for the EW type due to the Glory of Losers manga; meaning the suit would have two camera sensors: one on top and another ON the quad-fin; and
    - if it would be an RG Wing, they would not bother announcing a HGAC variant release for August (which I'm still hoping...)

    Nor would it be the X for the same first reason as Wing.

    Which means the next RG would be from the UC timeline. Which brings me to the tagline "New Evolution" that Bandai is using for this. Right now, the only thing they haven't made would be a transforming RG.

    This leads to the conclusion of many that a RG Zeta may be on the horizon. But to be honest, given their current tech, it will be very hard to replicate, even if they have to re-size the MG Zeta Ver 1.0 (Yes, the old one)

    Another guess would be the Nu. Given the excellent trolling skills of Bandai's marketing boffins, "New evolution" sounds about like "Nu Evolve" so it could happen. It could also be the Hi-Nu evolve version, judging from the recent flow of demand to the MC Hi-Nu Gundoom, coupled with the bad rep the HGUC Hi-Nu is getting (they may be still feeling cross about the critics bleeting on the HGUC Hi-Nu's fin funnels...)

    So there's my few cents. Deal with it.

    1. A RG Hi-Nu? I don't I can contain myself...anyway preach on brother!

    2. good analysis but why do you sound so mad!?

    3. let's just say I'm tired of blokes bleeting on about things without doing proper research. Some decent gundam/gunpla bloggers also share this sentiment with me...

      Or maybe it's because of my student writer spurges kicking in... XD

    4. like you said in your long post, deal with it

  94. Believe in a sign of Zeta beyond the hard times from now.

  95. They are turning all the PG's into RG's the "Oddball" being the Justice, but you can just take the Freedom PG and Change via the Justice MG.

    So, yeah... it's the Zeta. Which means we will get a 00 Raiser (maybe the exia too) and the Wing Gundam too (Wing CUstom with Changed Wings to regular Mode). And that logic Confirms the GP01 too and the Red Frame.

    Once they are done with all the PG's they will probably move down to the MG's

    1. dafuq you´re talking about????

    2. Um... I don't think they're going for PG models. You know why they've done what they have? Because the RX-78 and Zakus are the most famous mobile suits of all time. When they went to Seen, it was for the anniversary. Then they took the logical choice, and went for Zeta Gundam mobile suits. Doing the 00 Raiser would be a poor choice. It's far too new, and the MG and RG sales would cannibalize each other.

    3. List of all Real Grade Models:

      Rx 78 2
      Mk 2
      Aile Strike

      List of All PG's

      Aile Strike
      Mk 2
      Rx 78 2
      00 Raiser
      Wing Zero
      Red Frame

      What's the trouble you're having to understand this?

  96. judging from the first picture the V fin and the mounth area i am pretty sure that's Zata Gundam.

  97. yup, no question its the zeta, it will be pricy though. RG WZC, Nu, and Sazabi are what im waiting on

  98. if it is zeta I think it would be fun if it included the RG Zaku head!

  99. It's not that I'm not a fan of zeta but a transforming MS is quite a hassle specially in it's scale and the color variations. I'm pretty sure that it's gonna be a partsformer or if it can transform w/o changing parts or replacing pretty much most of the parts will fall off.
    it's only my opinion. maybe I'll just say pass on this real grade if it is Zeta.

  100. OH MY GOD!
    IT'S ZETA!

  101. I still believe it'll be RG Zeta, for me, I have two reasons to believe:

    1st. Each Gundam series have 3 RG MOBILE SUIT (Mobile suit, not add-on kit like Skygrasper), Original: RX-78, Zaku II, Char's Zaku; SEED: Strike, Freedom, Justice; Zeta Gundam: RX-178 Gundam MK-II AEUG, MK-II Titans,...the third is...50% in the Zeta Gundam line (that would be RG Zeta, or Hyaku Shiki or Methuss..,etc..who knows?)

    2nd. The words: "For new Evolution" - New Evolution something "new" had never done/made before of bandai, that would be a transformable, a first transformable RG Kit, or an Evolve version of some gundam in the Zeta line...(hm...maybe in UC line)

    (the 3rd: this is my guest, not reason: the picture, the first preview picture showed the "flat-type" (I called it....) eye, I saw the Zeta have the eye similar.., and the sensor too... true or not, my brain alway suggests me that's zeta, that's zeta dude, that's zeta, zeta..zeta....ze...t...

    (sorry for my bad english know what I mean/talking about, right?)

  102. I believe in a sign of Zeta.

  103. New Evolution ?

    RG 00 Qan(T).

    Only 00 Qan(T) that evolves. nuff said.

    1. You are a complete idiot.
      Did you even compare the shape of the forehead cameras between this picture and the 00 Qan [T]? Obviously not as they are totally different shapes.
      Evolution of the RG line has nothing to do with 00Q, it doesn't evolve it gets assimilated.
      The evolution is something new the RG line, transforming kits.

      Its been confirmed as the Zeta by someone who works for Bandai's gunpla distributors in the U.S.

    2. "Its been confirmed as the Zeta by someone who works for Bandai's gunpla distributors in the U.S." >>> ARE YOU SURE???? If the answer is...."yes".... I...I.........OMG OMG....@@ @@ @@

    3. I am sure. Derringer from bluefin confirmed it on the gundam eclipse forum.
      He has access to info on kit months in advance of them being announced. He probably knew about zeta for a while now.



    For those who still don't believe, refresh the page and scroll to the top ;)

    1. Trust me, there will still be some retards who will say "It doesn't look like Zeta!!"

      That photo 100% shows the head of Zeta (the new photo).

      Now, I'm waiting for some troll to come and say it's Exia (Whoever guessed it was Exia was fucking retarded. Exia doesn't even have head camera lens --->> xxnike629xx {stupid 00 Gundam fanboy} )

  105. Replies
    1. Pudding!

  106. why is everybody exited if its going to be an RG ZETA. Trust me its going to be flimsy!! - Emonem

  107. Well, seeing that they release 3 main suites from every series, and they made mk 2 and going 2 make zeta, I guess hyaku shiki?

    1. yes, 3 main suits from each series as I said, I still believe the third will be RG Zeta

  108. Whatever it is it needs a MG.

  109. definitely zeta and i wouldn't be surprised if bandai manages to make a rg zz in a year or two

  110. List of all Real Grade Models:

    Rx 78 2
    Mk 2
    Aile Strike

    List of All PG's

    Aile Strike
    Mk 2
    Rx 78 2
    00 Raiser
    Wing Zero
    Red Frame

    Here is the future release list...

  111. @amonymous OMG, all the RGs also exist in MG form!!! (except skygrasper and justice, but who cares about logic?) That's the future release list!
    Also, why do ppl keep comparing RG freedom to PG STRIKE freedom? Hello? IT'S NOT THE SAME FRICKIN MS!!! I mean, making up stuff is one thing, bending the facts so your farfetched theory sounds true is another one...
