Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Gundam.Info Survey: "What was Athrun's big moment in Gundam SEED?"

A recent survey hosted by Gundam.Info.  Asked their readers the questions, "What was Athrun's big moment in Gundam SEED?" .
Here are the most popular answers from the survey:
* Self Destruct - 66.05%
* With Cagalli on the deserted island - 10.13%
* Last fight with Kira - 6.67%
* Being the pilot for Justice Gundam - 5.45%
* Being Injured - 3.68%
* Being the pilot for Aegis Gundam - 2.78%
* Created the Haro & Tori - 2.36%
* Being the fiancee of Lacus - 1.91%
* Pointed his gun at his father - 0.97%
The most popular answer result from the survey was Athrun self-destructing his Justice Gundam.  Hmm.. I would've thought it was the night with Cagalli on the deserted island. And is a bit funny that Athrun being the creator of Haro & Tori made it on the list.

Info via Gundam.Info


  1. Where are the polls in regards the 00, Age, Wing, etc?

    Why so much attention for Seed/Seed Destiny? Both series were pretty damn boring to be honest.

    1. Probably because of the SEED anniversary. It was one of the most important milestones in the Franchise afterall, even though I have to agree, it was indeed a bit boring at times.
      And Destiny isn't getting that much attention as well. They are focusing on SEED alone right now.

    2. For now...They're focusing on only Seed. I am pretty sure they will spam out Seed Destiny next with HD episodes, HD BluRays, HG High Grade kits, and maybe some MG's they didn't release.


      Why can't they put focus on 00 and Age first?

    3. Probably 2 more years before the focus on Destiny.

      Age gets the same treatment as a currently running series.

      As for 00, maybe they'll bring back focus on 2017, the 10th anniv of S1.

    4. Are you kidding me? AGE is still having it's initial run and OO got a freaking movie! XD How much more attention do you want for them? More model kits? If people would actually still care about OO they would release models for it for sure...

    5. To be honest, SEED still have a unreleased movie promised since 2006. They still have more attention than any series

    6. sorry xxnike, can't agree with you this one, seed & destiny are still awesome to me.
      though I won't bother to watch the hd remake ....................... >,<

    7. If they are going to do the long awaited SEED movie, my guess is they'll announce the movie OR SEED Destiny HD, and then the movie after. If there is still no announcements or hints to the movie soon after the HD run, as much as I would like to see it, I don't think it's going to happen. Now I could be wrong as it's been almost 2 Gundam series after SEED/Destiny, but isn't SEED still popular? If so Bandai/Sunrise would be kinda foolish to let that cash cow die without milking it with a movie.

    8. Not everything has to be focused on OO and age.
      OO had tons of models and a movie. AGE already has tons of models out and MG's soon to be released. Plus, they're pretty recent series too. Not much point in celebrating it.

      Seed was a very entertain series, though this is my opinion. Although destiny got boring due to reuse of fighting scenes

    9. Gundam X didn't get ANY attention at all, now stop crying about 00 and AGE.
      and IMO, SEED wasn't bad at all, although Destiny was pretty bad :\

  2. Wait, are we talking about the moment when he blew up the Aegis or the Justice? Because I think the moment when he tried to commit suicide by self-destructing the Justice within the GENESIS to blow it up from the inside was a WAY more important moment! Both from a dramatic point of view and for him as a character.

    1. I agree, this was a guy willing to give up his life for his father's sins.

      However, the Aegis self-destruct scene was definitely more exciting, at least for me.

    2. i full agree with both! he's a man worth respecting indeed!

  3. No, the best should be when....

    "Oooooo yeah, i'll get a digital remaster!" :p

  4. i like SEED best where they shout each other's names everytime. so full of emotions.


  5. When he was brutally ripped apart by ravenous pit-bulls while crying and peeing himself....oooohh wait that was just my dreams.

  6. Probably when he was injured and Cagalli was pointing a gun at his head asking him if he was the one to kill Kira. Which wasn't included on this list, why?

  7. athrun still one of my favorite gundam pilot, 'cause he likes to self destruct, lol XD
    even heero yuy only self destruct once....... (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻

  8. every time he switches sides.

  9. There would be a prototype release of "MG Justice" this year.
