Friday, July 27, 2012

If You’re Going to Make a Game Free-to-Play, At Least Let People Play It [Article via Kotaku]

If You’re Going to Make a Game Free-to-Play, At Least Let People Play It 
[Article via Kotaku] has an interesting read about free-to-play games such as the recently released Mobile Suit Gundam Battle Operation.

Over the past few weeks, we here at Kotaku East have taken a look at several of Japan's newest free-to-play titles. First was Mobile Suit Gundam Battle Operation, a PS3 third-person shooter that was based around a six versus six game of capture the points. Second was the Vita title Samurai and Dragons, which mixed co-op dungeon crawling with 4X strategy gameplay. The final title was Phantasy Star Online 2, a typical MMORPG on the PC and sequel to Phantasy Star Online—the progenitor of the free-to-play model.
Among these three titles, the one that is most worth your time to play is Phantasy Star Online 2. This is for one core reason: you are allowed to play it as much as you want. The major failing of both Samurai and Dragons and Gundam Battle Operation is that you can really only play the game for a short period of time each day without paying. The dungeons in Samurai and Dragons—i.e., the most enjoyable part of the game—will lock you out after 40 minutes of gameplay. In Gundam Battle Operation you are locked out after a mere three games (30 minutes)...
To read the article in it's entirety... Click HERE 
[Article via Kotaku]

1 comment:

  1. I hate giving Kotaku hits because of their overall sensationalist tendencies. Especially after that vsFF13 rumor.

    They bring a good point here, but no, not giving them the traffic.
