Thursday, July 19, 2012

HG 1/144 G-EXES Jackedge - Build Images & Quick Review

HG 1/144 G-EXES Jackedge (Release Date: July 26th 2012, Price: 1200 yen)
Images via Yellow Submarine


  1. Replies
    1. English fail again, retarded toddler. They have no existing MG yet, so why 'need more MG'? Stupid loser.

    2. Anonymous..."Stupid loser"...


    3. Look you bitch. Just fucking shut up. We all have enough with you shit. If you wan MG then go fucking work and earn money, oh perhaps you're still living under the basement of your dad's house? If you would pull yourself away and fucking find something to do, the MG would be out before you know. You whining doesn't help anyone and Bandai doesn't give a shit about your wishlist. Shut the fuck up and get a life.

    4. Anon 9:12 AM I salute you.

    5. Wow what is with this cyberbullying? you need to check in with a therapist or something

    6. No, I quiet agree with the other Anons. Just shut the fuck up we are here to read news and hear peoples opinions not your pointless banter about the need for an MG when and even if they made one we'll see it here. So just sit tight shut the fucking hell up and let we viewers enjoy our boggers in peace.Oh and BTFW learn your damn Gundam information or don't bother blogging at all because you dear child don't know jack shit about the series that were made that this show is based off of.

    7. not everybody gets what they want dude

      i wanted a MG G-Bouncer and CB-001 1 Gundam but im not gonna spam my wants in every god damn HG news post

    8. Nada nike. You're the stupid loser, not me. You failed your English. We know you want MGs, but really, you post shit like 'needs more MG' in posts about the Jackedge? What the fuck is this, there's not even an MG in existance yet!!

      And you failed your Gundam knowledge too. Now go take your medicine before you end up in a mental institute(which I think all hope you end up in there).

    9. where's the freedom of speech anyone ?

      I don't like Jackedge, so personally I don't want an MG of it.
      But I don't offend people who want an MG Jackedge.

    10. It's because Nike keeps spamming need mg of this and that

      It can get annoying to alot of people

      Plus I see he's been insulting people that post as anons

    11. I take back what I said before on the other post that I should mind my own business and leave you alone, Nike. But seriously, you're getting more annoying dude.

      Please, do us a favor and stop spamming. We can't give you respect if you keep on spamming.
