Thursday, June 28, 2012

PS3: Mobile Suit Gundam Battle Operation - Took it For A Spin Today

PS3: Mobile Suit Gundam Battle Operation
Mobile Suit Gundam Battle Operation went live today on Japan's Playstation Network.  The game can be easily downloaded for free with the use of a Japan PSN account.  Yes, you can access and play this game even if you do not live in Japan. =)
For more info about the game, view HERE
Once the game was installed... I was able to get an online match going within minutes.
Played a few matches... and I must say this game ROCK!  Although I couldn't give a good critique of the game with the brief time I had with it.  But surely, heading into battle with a team of Zakus against a team of GMs is quite exhilarating for a UC fan like myself.   Will definitely be investing more time playing this... perhaps more thoughts about this game later.
Our sponsored site, had translated the menu and control interface.. and we took the liberty to make it into a quick card, as seen below.  Hope this help folks abroad get into this game easier.

More images:


  1. I gave it a try this morning too and I had a blast with it even though it was brief

  2. Thanks for the translation on the controls <3333333333333333

  3. How are the controls? Are they smooth? Easy to get into? Do the ms feel sluggish or too fast?

  4. Controls are pretty good, easy to pickup. But MS definitely feel sluggish, thats cuz you get the worst MS to play at the beginning. I am sure the later MS would play better.

    With my GM, there is a 3-4 seconds recovery time after I swing my beam saber. Quite annoying.

  5. So how do you unlock paints?

  6. its pretty good actually. i mean for a free game its not bad. still wish they would go ahead and sell something like this to the us market. its been a long time since a gundam games been released here state side.

  7. Ok so I had an idea and I know it my not work but support from the Gundam community would be helpfull. Bandai is basicly boycotting Gundam games from the US. Why not take a stand? Start a blog, post stuff on their forms. We have a voice. We should at least try.

  8. Hey there,

    So I'm wondering, if playing with my US account, what do I lose out aside from not being able to access the japanese psn store for energies? Any online

    1. You can't get it with a US account, I think. It's downloading on my ps3 now... can't wait to play.

    2. That wasn't the question.

      So far all I've seen in the store is exp-multipliers, things like that.

      I play on my US account now however, and you only lose things from the cash shop, however, cash shop item wise does not offer any item you can't get in game, besides the limit increaser.

    3. If you use US account to play it, you can't access anything that cause you money. That's about it.

  9. How about any limiters or so..?

  10. Plays like a mix of Starhawk/Warhawk and a faster Gundam Crossfire/Target in Sight

  11. lol thanks for answering my questions. I really want to play this.

  12. is their a time limit to how long you can play it or you can play it many times you want

    1. You can play 3 games right off the bat and after that you will be able to play once every 2 hours. If you want to play more, you need to pay.

    2. so can you play play 3 hours the next day too or that was a 1 time only

  13. That's kind of a crazy concept.

  14. Soon they will at least remove the 3 games limit. So if you want to buy 120 energys, you buy them. And if you dont play for 200 hours, you'll have 100 gameplays. That would be a great idea

  15. I would pay $10-$15 for this if they took out the energy system.

  16. Same, hate energy sistems

  17. There is no balance at all to this game. Instead of going the Tribes route and trying to make all the paid stuff either cosmetic or a sidegrade they allow people to buy dominance. Worst thing is you can't even just pay a one time price and get to play whenever you want. This energy system is garbage.

  18. Can we get a translation of the gundam Stats? i know the top one is Hp i would like to know the others too. thank you in advance

  19. Dude I played today, and somehow in every gundam game I am a great rookie.... I got second place in the frist match and alot better in points in other few I did. I feel like a newtype, but to the game I love it, in the fact that the zeon are more heavly defesive and the feds are more offesive... I say this because if u tinker around the custoization me.u under MS the feds GM has two weapon options vs the zeon who have better health and defese (I am guessing but it does match). I am a die hard gundam fan espically the UC timeline and this is a game worth playing.

  20. Got my first trophy tonight. Lol I have no idea what its for though.
