Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Gundam Guy's Facebook Giveaway Mystery Prize Winner - Award Prize Received!

An image from our last month's Gundam Guy's facebook giveaway contest mystery prize winner, Mr. Vian Cheung (Illinois, USA).  Thanks for sending us an image upon receiving the package. We hope you enjoy the mystery prize.
- MG 1/100 Marasai, 2 X Green LED set & P-Bandai Hobby Shop Exclusive: Gundam DX Decal 01
Don't miss out on our giveaway contest for next month.  For more detail please visit this link below


  1. It would be great if I won the MG Age-2 Normal. =)
    I would definitely take a pic and email it over to GG Infinite and I'd also do an unboxing on my YouTube channel. =D

    1. Can you stop?

    2. Why are you so desperate for handouts?
      You even suggested to a new youtuber that he should send you an Amazon giftcard for your birthday.
      Did you blow all your money on all those $25 LEDs that you still haven't used because you dont build your kits?

    3. This comment has been removed by the author.

    4. Seriously? E-Begging again?
      That is so pathetic, first you e-begged on Gundam Eclipse for a MG 00 Quan[T], then this Amazon Gift Card, and now this? Get some self respect.

  2. looking at them beg really annoys me
