Saturday, May 19, 2012

Mobile Suit Gundam UC: Episode 5 'Black Unicorn' - Over 50 Theatrical Release Images @ Nagoya Midland Square Cinema

Mobile Suit Gundam UC Episode 5 'The Black Unicorn' Trailer (Theatrical Release: May 2012)
Gundam UC Episode 5 'The Black Unicorn' Blu-ray (Release Date: Jun 8th 2012, Price: 6090 yen)
Gundam UC Episode 5 'The Black Unicorn' DVD (Release Date: Jun 8th 2012, Price: 5040 yen)

Images from Minkara blog


  1. omg!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  2. Why don't see any Gundam Unicorn Ep 5 in ZUNE !!!?

  3. Anyone hope Riddle will die instead of the one who is supposed to be killed by him? When put into consideration these 2 characters' circumstances, Riddle has a much better life, he comes from a wealthy and powerful family, choose to become a soldier, be a spoiled young master, has no high sympathy for others. In contrast, when I look at the other one is a complete opposite, he/she does not deserve that treatment. I don't care what the fuck the novel author tries to follow's Tomino's story formula or whatever, just show a little bit of humanity for once and change the damn story.

    1. Nah I highly doubt they'll change it, that point is too important

      And no Riddhe is not your typical rich boy, your stereotypical rich boy don't leave the wealth and protection of their family behind to go be a soldier. It was even stated somewhere that he left his family to be a soldier so he could get away from them and their history (all politicians starting with ricardo marcenas, i think that was his name)

      AS for sympathy its hard to have any sympathy whatsoever if you're a soldier, especially for Riddhe, you've seen how his views and moral standpoints are against terrorists

      As for humanity, there's no humanity in war, so Marida is gonna die

    2. Actually I know what you mean, and I hate to say it but my one big problem with Gundam Unicorn (and most Gundam in general really) is that I do not like/nor feel sympathy for virtually ANY of the characters. They all come off like a big, glowing bucket o' cunts. I was never able to read the books, so I don't know when anyone is "supposed" to die (thanks for the spoiler, faggot), so I've wanted to see Marida die horribly since the 1st episode, and I can't stand Riddhe either. He is a worthless edition to the Universal Century character list, makes the SEED characters look masculine, and I've been hoping he somehow manages to get prison-raped since at least episode 2. And while I'm uncharacteristically letting loose a bit of hate, Angelo Sauper has gotta be the most instantly-irritating characters outside of Char's Counterattack. They should draw him with a tampon-string coming out of his mouth. I hope he literally gets his ass spread open by a MS and then violated with the barrel of a beam rifle. Was that in the books by any chance, Mr. Spoiler?

    3. That is not important whatsoever, why does Riddle has to HAVE the chance to learn something with the cost of such a great character. He knows shit about war, he runs away from his family with a sissy reason just to be all cool. And I am tired of hearing people say "war has no humanity" yeah so why doesn't Riddle die instead? if you want to really show the inhumanity of war, why leaving important character to continue living for a unreasonably long. Anyone has a chance of dying, Frontal could have died in ep 2 battle, Marida could've died in ep 2 also, Angelo could have died, Bright could have die. To sum up, there are possibilities for all character to die, it really depends on who the writer choose. This is a story telling mechanism that UC gundam writer tends to follow. Seriously, if they want to show war's cruelty, kill of Banagher or Minerva, stop following the formula and treat Puru's clone like a disposable key to enhance the tragedy of the story. Like what the writer's done to her wasn't enough already, he just have to go and kill her off, so MANY times. Be A BIT MORE CREATIVE SUNRISE! Com'on!

  4. And that my friends is how the Zeon forces do a drive-by
    repentanting for all renmant homies side 3 fo life

  5. A question for GG or anyone who might know: is there any way to get those goodies for someone who isn't in Japan and going to the cinema premiere?

  6. I wanna see the pictures of the episode. =\
    When we're gonna get it?

  7. Agreed on the swag part....nice as hell items >:O and can't wait to see EP5..
