Saturday, April 28, 2012

Space Colony Art from the 1970s

Space Colony Art from the 1970s
A couple of space colony summer studies were conducted at NASA Ames in the 1970s. Colonies housing about 10,000 people were designed. A number of artistic renderings of the concepts were made. The anime series Mobile Suit Gundam uses these concept to despict the space colonies in the animated series.


  1. I love this old artwork... I had a book a long time ago filled with this sort of stuff and even odder material. The 70's had such an interesting take on the future of space travel and habitation.

  2. And where are we now? Nowehere near anything of this. I hope I will live till the day they build sth. like this.

    1. you understand that space colonization is science fiction dont you? and no we will not live the day to see space exploration neither space colonization, for the humans to be able to build a space colonie they 1º need to figure out how they will create an ecosystem capable of suporting life for long periods of time.

    2. Its not so much the technological barriers that prevent these sorts of ideas to become reality. With the proper investments both economic and political we can prob create something like this within a hundred years. The real problem is that it will take a long time and a lot of resources from several countries and private enterprise. Private enterprise is more focused on short term gains while political entities are only concernd with short term agendas that secure their re elections.

  3. I know...I got a feeling my grandkids' grandkids will be living in these.

  4. If there space colonization then we might get to see 1/1 gundam flying around. Hope I can live to see it

  5. what nobody knows is that side 3 already exists in secret, we were just never told about the colonies. IN A FEW YEARS, ZEON IS GOING TO START LANDING ZAKUS
