Saturday, March 10, 2012

Tokyo Sky Tree Lit in White in Tribute on March 10 & 11 [News via AnimeNewsNetwork]

Anniversaries commemorated by newly completed tower
News via AnimeNewsNetwork
The recently completed Tokyo Sky Tree tower is normally aglow with 1,995 lights in multiple colors at night. On March 10 and March 11, the 634-meter-tall tower is being illuminated with just the 444 white lights to mark the 67th anniversary of the World War II bombing of Tokyo and the first anniversary of the Great Eastern Japan Earthquake (Higashi Nihon Daishinsai) disaster.
News via AnimeNewsNetwork
Source: darwinfish


  1. So beautiful, yet like Gundam, reminds us of our conflicted past...

  2. So much left to do, but it's always things like these that bring people together. It has before, and it always will.

  3. What a waste of money. The money spent should have been spent on rebuilding, not erecting a useless tower.
