Friday, March 30, 2012

Tamashii Web Shop Exclusive: Robot Damashii (Side MS) Bolinak Sammahn - On Display At Tamashii Features Vol.3 (Akihabara, Japan)

Robot Damashii (Side MS) Bolinak Sammahn  (Release Date: TBA, Price: TBA)
Image from Gundam.Info, CyberGundam


  1. Is this one going to appear in Unicorn?

    1. Look at the marking on the left shoulder - it's JU as in Jupitris. So this is Sarah Zabiarov's personal MS from Zeta Gundam. Just a pity of all of Scirocco's designs this was was the dud (then again why does the first "mass production" figure of this suit in a long time have to be limited release for?).
