Friday, March 30, 2012

Robot Damashii (Side MS) Nu Gundam Fin Funnel Set - On Display At Tamashii Features Vol.3 (Akihabara, Japan)

Robot Damashii (Side MS) Nu Gundam - Fin Funnel Set (Release Date: Sept 2012, Price: 3000 yen)
Robot Damashii (Side MS) RX-93 Nu Gundam (Release Date: Apr 21st 2012, Price:4200 yen)
Image from Gundam.Info


  1. MegaMillions WinnerMarch 30, 2012 at 6:45 AM

    Okay I'm sold, looks like this will be my first Robot Damshii. This looks freaking unbelievable. Come on people, how epic does a product have to be to warrant some deserved comments?! Sheesh! Anyways, if a MG Nu 2.0 comes out with the same gimmick shown here with the fin funnel pyramid, it will also be an immediate purchase.

    1. yeah it looks good, I'm planning on getting the Robot Damashii Nu Gundam next month. then come September I can get my hands on this Funnel set. 6500 yen of my money's worth on these two babies. Pure WIN n this thing I mean really. The Nu Gundam on it own that will be released next month is great but you really need to buy this expansion set in order to complete the Nu Gundam. And luckily it doesn't look like a Bandai Shop exclusive. or else will be looking at over 100 dollars at this thing.

    2. Anybody who saw the first pics of the RD NuGundam have hoped like forever to see the funnel prism recreated.

  2. check out that prism of plastic

  3. From the funnel arrangement on its back, the second one seems to be the Nu Gundam Double Fin Funnel variation. That would explain the price diference.

    1. The first is just the funnel effect parts No actual Nu Gundam that's why its just 3000 yen. The second is the actual Nu Gundam and only the Nu gundam, no shield effect part like the first picute. Though its strange why they have 12 funnels at the Nu Gundam. I'm guessing first release edition just like RX_78-2 where it has double of every accessory. any way in order to pull of the first picute you nedd to have both the funnel set and the actual Nu Gundam, which I'm both getting of course.

    2. It looks to me like the Funnel Set is really almost a conversion set to make Double Fin Funnel. Take a look at how Nu Gundam's funnel arrangement in the second picture. He's mounting funnels on both the left and the right side of his back pack. Typically Nu Gundam can only mount Fin Funnels on it's left side. The right side is taken up by the beam saber holder. It does have an MSV with two sets of Fin Funnels so hopefully this Funnel set includes an extra six Fin Funnels, 3 or more Stand Attachments to display the funnels flying, and the Fin Funnel shield effects parts.

  4. I also suspect the RD Nu Gundam release is also due to the fact that SRW Z2.2 is coming out in April as well, and our titular mobile suit here will be featured in the game. Maybe the sighting of RD Sazabi means ingame Quattro gets an upgrade! One can only hope!
