Friday, April 20, 2012

MG 1/100 AGE-1S Spallow - New Wallpaper Size Images (Updated 4/20/12)

MG 1/100 AGE-1S Spallow  (Release Date: Apr 26th 2012, Price: 3675 yen)

Images from Gtoys Blog, Gundam.Info


  1. am i the only one who noticed that bandai has stopped making movable fingers for MGs? not necessarily a bad thing though, in some aspects.

  2. I bet they going to reintroduce it as some kind of "new" breakthrough sometimes in the future. I would think most of us really hating this finger swapping. They really need to stop this trend!!!

    1. Just stfu and deal with it. There's a lot of advantages with the swapping fingers.

  3. Does anyone else notice the handle for the shiguru blade is white

  4. Fuck you. Finger swapping is better than faggot ass moveable fingers

    Fyi swapping fingers has been around since the first MGs

    1. No. Movable fingers is better. It's more adjustable when gripping.

      However for some kit movable finger might be quite big (like in Wing series), so finger swapping was used instead.

      I like Seed MG for their common use of movable finger.

    2. Real mature with the language, thought this blog had more intelligent folk.

    3. Yuri Barbosa OrdesteApril 4, 2012 at 3:48 PM

      It has, we just don't like to comment that often, since trolls love to nitpick ANYTHING you say, and since we don't comment, the comment section is filled with Y U SO TRASH BANDAI and UC 4LIFE, THE REST IS SHIT... This is sad...

    4. Understandable, people just love to bitch.

  5. so when are they going to realese some images of MG gafran? isnt these guys supposed to come out at the same time?

  6. This guy is Deffinately gonna be my first mg

  7. Typicaly, the smaller MG's have swappable fingers. Think about the wing mobile suits. They're about 12-20 feet shorter on average than your typical UC Gundam

  8. nah.... i like swapping finger method...... more rigid and less likely broken...

  9. Can someone please explain why everyone hates swappable fingers? I just don't get it, they hold the weapons better than at least the MG Crossbone Gundam.

  10. ugly kit. the series is shit, the mobiles suits are crap, the pilots are on grade 1 primary education, the viewers are kids who thought this series is zoids. seed destiny, then 00, after that unicorn, these series are great for me then they released gundam age for kids? the F. sorry guys freedom of expression. I believe we are democrats

    1. I know. Just dont say it in front of AGE fan like me.
      Next time, try to be polite.

    2. "The viewers are kids who thought this was zoids"

      Im 24. Don't make assumptions

      Perhaps you wouldnt be so quick to judge if you actually paid attention to the story rather than coming down here wasting your time and everyone else's trolling your anger on non existent works of fiction. There i said it.

      'seed destiny' is a great series? What planet are you on XD you dare compare seed destiny to 00, unicorn, heck why not compare it to Zeta while your at it, its the bloody show it ripped off in the first place.

      Don't like it, don't watch it, as for me i actually gave AGE a chance, and now its finished the 2nd story arc, which was pretty respectable apart from minor inconsistencies in the plot. Heck it even pays homage to Kira and Athrun's war torn friendship.

      And now the 3rd arc is beginning. Overpowered mechs and over the top action if thats what your looking for, as for US we also look for great consistent stories, not just heavy duty backpacks and lots of bright light effects going pew pew

    3. oh wow you are an imbecile man! read my comment again jerk. i did not compare seed to 00 and unicorn! and did i say seed is a great series? try to analyze. think before you type. you're so dumb go to school first

  11. Lots of pros and cons to the finger swapping thing guys. On a personal level I prefer the movable digits more than the swapping, simply because it gives the kits more realism and articulation as a whole, plus you get more posing possibilities than just what's given to you.

    The swapping hands is more sturdy, plastic-wise though. Individually jointed fingers get loose often, but so do the pegs on the swapping digits (to be fair though, the pegs are easier to tighten than the tiny ball jointed fingers...) But for some kits it just doesn't work so well...the MG Heavyarms is a fine example: it's rather frustrating trying to get the hand peg into the trigger while trying to peg the fingers onto the back of the hand...and when it keeps popping off due to the pressure of the bullet belt, one tends to tear their hair out in frustration.

    Spallow is lookin' pretty cool though; I'm just a little put off by the fact that it's single piece of armament is a tiny dagger/knife...

    1. Speed conquers everything ^_^

    2. Agree with you.
      As for movable fingers I would understand for smaller kit, BUT why the hell does MG TITUS didn't have movable digits? Its hand is as big as MG plus he doesn't have any weapons to grasp. Without the movable fingers it just feel incomplete and lazy on Bandais part. I'm sure we will have B-Club hand for Titus very soon, its just too obvious.
      I'm sure getting Spallow, anyone think "NINJA" color?

    3. me.
      but i will make it "CLOWN" or "JOKER" color first.

    4. So it really depends on the kit. I would think that the F91 is the smallest kit to have movable fingers on. If they do make a MG Crossbone X2 or X3, then those I hope have swappable hands, especially in light of the oddly shaped flintlock. The thing with the Titus is the unnecessary judo chop hands. I would say that its cheaper for Bandai on new kits to use swapping hands

    5. ...and cheaper and easier for kids who are aspiring to build their first MG.

      Remind you these kids are aged around 10+, so the usual technicalities of building an MG would be too difficult if Bandai didnt make it as simple as they possibly can.

      But i still think its lazy on Bandai's part. What about us, the adult fans market T.T

  12. Also, i'll take this instead of titus and normal.
    Anyway, no news about MG gafran??

    1. I know aye,
      didn't Bandai announce along with the 3 AGE 1s, that theyll be releasing a Gafran too?

      Looks like the HG sales werent exactly too posh to go ahead with its release.

      You know what i would really want?

      An MG Zedas, complete with Devil Boy in the head cockpit.

      Then imma get HG Farsia.

      Then MG Spallow. You can guess what will happen next...


  14. geez people why are you arguing bout the fingers? Can't you see that Yurin is in this kit? :3 I don't care bout the fingers, Yurin's all I want in this kit... :3

  15. I bet Yurin will be the sole reason people buy this MG ^_^
    Screw bandai, why they didn't include Yurin with normal age-1..

    1. It would be, if they made them both 1/20 size...
