Thursday, February 2, 2012

PSVita: Gundam SEED: Battle Destiny - New In-Game Screenshots

PSVita: Gundam SEED: Battle Destiny (Release Date: Spring 2012, Price: TBA)
Game Official Website:
More Previous Screenshots: HERE
Series to be in this game:
Gundam SEED, Gundam SEED Destiny, Gundam SEED C.E.73 Stargazer, Gundam SEED Astray, Gundam SEED X Astray, Gundam SEED Vs Astray, Gundam SEED MSV
Images from Famitsu


  1. if by any chance they will release this game in English, I will definitely buy a PS Vita

    1. same here. pity they had to switch to ps vita, not the psp,

  2. This will be another DLC cow for Banco...

  3. Considering that this game is supposed to be for the PSVITA, the screenshots look really disappointing with the mediocre models and textures for mobile suits.

  4. AnonymousFeb 2, 2012 08:57 AM, you damm troll, for god´s sake its a PSvita, what do you expect... ultra realistic mobile suits? still the goddamm game looks cool man...

  5. AnonymousFeb 2, 2012 08:57 AM

    you wouldn't expect a PS3 graphics quality on PSV right? lol..

  6. I agree with the other anon, I mean you could at least expect better graphics than that on the PSV. They kinda look like PS2 graphics, but I'll wait till I actually get it on the PSV

  7. The models are nice but, don't you guys think the models lack texture mapping or something?
    They're poppin' out, maybe its just me or that they're too shiny?

    I can't put a finger on it but they seem to have overdone something or lack something.
    Lighting I suppose...

    Hope for a Enlgish release.

  8. Yuri Barbosa OrdesteFebruary 2, 2012 at 10:05 AM

    Gundam games never had the most amazing graphics, even for Ps3, japan doesn't care for ultra high detailed graphics much....

  9. well actually it would be nice to improve the texture a little bit, like adding panel lines for extra details (just like on gunplas, lol)... but for me, the most important thing would be the gameplay, I wouldn't mind the graphics being not so good as long as the gameplay is nice...

  10. the PSVITA is more than capable of running games that look like MGS3 or FFX, Saying stuff like "for god´s sake its a PSvita, what do you expect..."

    Look at the games like Little Deviants, Dynasty Warriors Next, Uncharted. They look good right? On par with some of the nicest looking PS2 games.

    The models look great so far, they need to do something about the plastic kit look, thats all.

  11. Yea I agree, those plastic looks seems bland, need richer texture.
    For me MS of interest is only Astray Red Power Loader. The rest feels like deja vu :P

    Unless they come with unique touch-screen controls or something (like infinity blade), chance is slim for me to buy this game.

  12. Does look bland, but GOLD FRAME AMATU!!! I want this!!!!!!!!!!!

  13. Destiny Impulse AND create a pilot? I'm assuming custom BGM is in there somewhere too.. All great reasons for me to actually get a PSVita.

  14. Gold Frame Amatu?! Destiny Impulse!? O_O

    What else are in here? O_O

  15. i rather have gundam extreme vs which graphically its more amazing...

  16. I'd rather have both, IN ENGLISH. Bandai apparently gives petition some time recognition. If this is so It would be a nice thing to try out at least.

  17. No online multiplayer :( just ad-lame

  18. what the heck is this looks like gundam assault survive but crapier what the heck is this for gameboy? PSX i mean its PSV for god's sake i WAS waiting for this game but not I...I.......i...t. :( why? this what happend to PSV . wipeout pulse has better graphics than this why what the hell .sayd all that there is still time for bandai to make the game better but still it look's like crap at the MOMENT i hope they make this in english and have online multy play............... END OF POST ....the post will be delete in !) ( * & ^ % $ # @ ! BOOM!!!
