Wednesday, February 8, 2012

PS3: Mobile Suit Gundam UC [The Postwar] - Gaming Magazine Images

PS3: Mobile Suit Gundam UC [The Postwar] (Release Date: Mar 8th 2012, Price: 5040 yen)
Official Site (
Preview Game Coverage: HERE
Game Trailer: HERE
Screenshots: HERE, HERE
Namco Bandai's upcoming PS3 Gundam UC [The Postwar] video game will be issuing free downloadable contents. 
Some of the mobile suits that can be acquired via DLC:
- Geara Doga [Full Frontal Custom]
- Silver Bullet
- Delta Gundam Kai
- Delta Gundam Kai w/ Mega Particle Cannon
- Sinanju
Images from A.E.Media


  1. But that's a Silver Bullet, not Doven Wolf.


    Its based upon the Doven Wolf, so its an easy mistake. The giveaway is the "gundam-ish" head, white color scheme, Jegan-like shield, and Jegan rifle.
