Saturday, February 25, 2012

PS Vita - Took It For A Spin Today...

Is the weekend! Finally had a chance to have a brief run with my PS Vita.  Only took me about 10 mins. to set up the system w/ my PS account.  Loving this new handheld console thus far, especially the larger screen size. 
Currently, I only have 2 Vita games 'Uncharted Golden Abyss' & 'Ultimate Marvel vs. Capcom 3'.  Both plays very well, and it actually feels like I am playing my PS3 on a smaller screen.  
I also went and took a look at the PS store for the Vita, and it is not too bad... a lot of contents (game/video) are ready for purchase and download directly to the Vita.  Some PSP games that I had previously purchased via the PS Store were easily downloaded onto my Vita at no extra cost, since I already own those games.  But there are some games (ie. Metal Gear Solid Peace Walker) which are currently not avaliable.
App wise, the current library is quite limited.  The only one I deemed neccessary to download is Netflix, since I am already paying for it.   But I do look forward to seeing more Apps for the Vita down the road.
Battery life was just as they promised, it gives 5 hrs of continous play-time.  And I would shave off an hour or so if you continously use the network conneciton to play / download / view online contents.  I was a bit dissapointed that the system do not allow swapping batteries to extend play time.
I was also able to take my Vita out to lunch today using the sim card from my Ipad2 (with my AT&T 3G service), which means I do not have to pay an extra wireless service for my Vita. View this video for instruction on how this is done (HERE), and Iphone tethering works as well.
Well, I hope to get more playtime with my PS Vita... but for now I need to get back to work. And no, I am not going to do a review for the Vita. I just want to share some brief thoughts about it, since I am always excited about new gadgets & stuff.
Now, I look forward to the release of the upcoming PS Vita game: Gundam SEED: Battle Destiny this Spring!


  1. Congrats on your purchase! Please, can you tell, how long will it work on one charge?

  2. About an hour half to charge, I let it standby for a week I still play 5 hour, this baby really good at battery.
    @GundamGuy: I also got 2 game same like u, maybe we should have a match on Marvel VS Capcom 3 :)

  3. I heard the Vita is Region locked. Would it still be possible to play Battle Destiny?

    1. like the ps3, the vita is not region lock

    2. It's only region lock in that sense that a Vita can only be tied to a single PSN account.

      In other words, if you have multiple PSN accounts across different regions (countries), you can only use 1 and only 1 account only.

  4. Also, there's more PSP games playable on the Vita than what's on the Vita's store. Any PSP game you buy of the PS3 store, which has a bigger selection, can be played on the Vita.

  5. can you watch streaming and YT videos???
