Saturday, February 18, 2012

MG 1/100 Gundam AGE-1 Normal - Review Images

MG 1/100 Gundam AGE-1 Normal (Release Date: Feb 25th, 2012, Price: 3675 yen)
Review Images from YellowSubmarine HobbyShop Blog


  1. look at the knee ... MG using sticker ??????

    BANDAI .... = epic fail

    1. Tons of MGs use stickers, dipshit.

    2. the only thing we should be disappointed about is no led in the chest even then t wasn't a given t just would have been nice if your wanna be like the 50 other ass holes that aren't happy with the grey plastic then paint it

    3. @anonymous : are you stupid or what ? do you know the difference between "decal sticker" and "sticker"

      -decal sticker = no need to put it to make it looks like in the anime or box art
      -sticker = you MUST put it in order to make it looks like in the anime

      come on bandai ... this is a Master Grade ... not a High Grade ... Y U NO MAKE IT A SEPARATE PART / color ? T_T

      a lot of LATER GENERATION MG didn't use STICKER except for eye ....
      example : MG OO (even OO doesn't even need to use a single sticker for eyes), MG wing series .... (MG unicorn verka , HD is an epic FAIL too .. consider its v-vin still using sticker)

      for me , i'll never use that ugly sticker ... it will ruin the appearance .... i prefer to paint it

    4. They're not black parts that much is true. They're grey parts on the J runner, as seen on these :

      So they're not black, but they're molded as separate parts, and the grey itself is actually dark enough that even on an unpainted build the MG AGE-1 still looks presentable. Not their best effort, but nothing worth raging about IMHO.

    5. @Anonymous 11:26
      Yes, I know the difference. No, this is NOT a necessary sticker to put on, as you say it is. In fact, from the way the sticker sheet looks, this is the exact same type of sticker as seen on MG The-O's rifle. It's simply there to enhance the appearance.
      I'd say that you're the stupid one as if you would have done some research, or even looked at the picture, you would have seen that there are grey parts underneath the black stickers. This grey appears to be part of the inner frame, so unless you want an entire black inner frame, you guys are just gonna have to live with it.
      What is really starting to irritate me is how you guys just consider this kit to be a complete fail just because of 2 measly stickers, even when you could easily paint over the grey parts yourself if you wanted to. In fact, you're saying that the Unicorn is a fail just because of its v-fin stickers. Is that all you look at in MGs? Do you completely ignore the engineering of the kit itself and make your judgement based on a tiny sticker sheet? Do you want a MODEL KIT to be completely perfect right out of the box? THE SINANJU has one of the biggest sticker sheets in a gunpla kit ever, and yet due to the level of engineering involved, it's considered one of the best MGs out there. Do you think it's a terrible kit just because it has a lot of stickers? Instead of going, "OMG it has 2 stickerz, its a fail kit," why don't you learn to appreciate the engineering and innovation that this kit has?
      Meh, why do I even bother, you guys are just hating on this because it's the AGE-1. If it was a Rozen Zulu, you guys'd be all over it, regardless of its endless white trim.

    6. stickers dont make a kit, if you don't like stickers, use gundam markers or better yet paint it over. To me its a great MG but ill wait for the AGE-2

  2. It would be much cooler if Bandai putted a LED in the chest.

    1. I think they don't make it as they have to remove the cockpit in order to make it work.

    2. maybe they should use something like the psychoframe in the Unicorn kits which glows when a blacklight is shown

    3. But they can put tiny lights on Gyan's beam saber, why not possibly for Gundam Age-1 . . .

  3. u guys are idiots the cockpit is at the chest if bandai put led at the chest there will be no opening cockpit.Think before u talk morons.

  4. The black part of the comes separated in another color (gray) but they give you a black sticker to make it more anime accurate. Those are the only black parts on the Age so I don't really have a problem with it.

  5. I'm really liking the chest and head. This is a great MG definitely worth picking up if you're a fan of the series or you like any gundam which is an homage to the original.

  6. Great, the one part i wanted to look at in detail [and inner frame of the leg] and it wasn't dissected properly.
    And if they can only mold clear plastic with fiber optic channels in them, we could have had an led on the back and just let the channels reflect light to the front.

  7. OMG IM IN LOVE!!!! If all the MG Kit's from Age Have this much of a Great engineering Then This new MG LIne will be Amazingly Fun and i can't wait to see the other 3 MG Age kit's coming soon Especially the Gafran and all other MG Vaigan Suits.

  8. At least they gave the knee their own separate parts. I was bitter with the MG Shenlong (all those grey areas that needed to be painted) until the MG Heavyarms came out. I really was worried they would cop out with the missiles.

  9. I believe that the stickers for the knee are made out of special stickers and not foil stickers cuz I remember seeing one image where the stickers on the knee are on a seprate sheet.

  10. Very excited about this release. Instead of nitpicking some very small detail(optional knee-stickers omfg someone burn Bandai's building), I appreciate and look forward to the engineering that goes into this kit. Refreshing, after the string of rehashes(the endless string of wing kits(yawwwnn), 00 variation(3x the same fucking frame !!!), the upcoming Seed rehashes, which are going to use a slight update of the ancient Strike frame ).
    This one may suck, but atleast it is something new, which is saying alot these days.

    1. The frame for the new SEED kits is brand new you nitwit.

  11. In the midst of arguing over a knee sticker, has anyone pointed out that this is a MG without an inner frame?

    1. well, Turn A didn't have a lot of frame too

    2. No, because we are no retards and see that this is a MG with an inner frame.

  12. Gunpla has the worst community. All you people do is look for any reason to bash each other. Chill the fuck out and go play with your plastic robots.

  13. Wow. The hips/skirt actually looks pretty complex, almost as complex as the Unicorn's MG and it seems to have a mechanism on it similar to Exia's MG to achieve the flexibility shown on pic 36. I like how the forearm is split on two and can be rotated.

    Latelly, Bandai has put some effort into making the head and other parts of these MG to conseal as much as possible the seam lines when built. I really appreciate that.

  14. An MG full of failures, lol. XD
    It didn't live up to expectation. Seems bandai rushed with this one.
    I'm not gonna buy for obvious, but I don't mind if someone giving me this. :D

    1. Rushed? They've had since October when the first episode of AGE aired to design this, thus its probably been thought out very well. Its probably aimed at the younger Gunpla builders as a first MG, but as far as I can see, this kit has by far some of the best looks and articulation on any MG model I've seen.

      Name said failures plox

  15. Why would there be a LED in the chest, then there's no cockpit. I'm impressed with how simple the build looks but how detailed and articulate everything is. I could nitpick and say they could have givven the head a more full inner frame so you don't need to panel line the face vents, also more of a inner frame for the other vents to show through. Other than that, the MG looks impressive

  16. but I love the anon response @9:12 wo says that he wont buy it but he'll take it if someone gives it to him

  17. Newer master grades these days tend to be aimed at a more younger audience, or those who aren't used to painting their kits. The part count or sticker count doesn't matter seeing that when you build the whole kit, it looks almost identical to the painted product. I loved older master grades, where there was painting needed in order to get a nice product. I don't know why everyone is complaining. Let bandai run their own show. Seriously though bandai, will we be getting any other universal century kits besides UC kits. (hinthint: G.E.B.E.R.A )

  18. when I saw the flint figure I think its a little bit big, I mean age 1 is an 18 m gundam but the sitting flint is almost as big as age 1 noraml head, anyway nice MG i will pick it when new images appear and hopefully prove me wrong about the size scale of the mini figures
