Thursday, February 16, 2012

Mobile Suit Gundam L'ombre Du Front - Preview Images [Updated 2/16/12]



  1. Oh my God!
    I HAVE to research this more!

  2. You guys don't recognize Kazuhisa Kondo's work when you see it?

    1. Is he that doofus with the skirt-armor fetish? The guy who is so self-indulgent that he draws mobile suits with little t-rex arms and skirt armor down to its ankles, then uses terms like "high-mobility" in its description? Yeah, I recognize his work, and it blows.

    2. No more self-indulgent than every other redrawn designs. No body cares what you think.

    3. If you didn't care what I think, then why'd you reply to my comment? Sit on it and spin, and at least defend an artist who deserves it, little fanboy twerp.

    4. LOL! I agree. Defend your artist!

      *sits and watches another flame war erupt*

  3. Personally, I adore Kazuhisa Kondo's work. So idiosyncratic and distinctive. Has lots of personality.

  4. Would love to see another msv in this manga. When is this series taking place?

  5. Looks like a continuation of that one Zeek propaganda trash manga. The Ground type sazabi really gives it away. Also, LOL Kondo, how does this guy even still get work? They must have hired the lowest bidder

  6. Mmm, more Kondo. Always nice to have variety. It would be a sad world if every artist drew things the same way and told the same stories.

    I'll be looking forward to the rest of this.
