Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Bandai Hobby Online Shop: MG 1/100 Unicorn Gundam 02 Banshee Ver ka [Final Battle Ver.] - Official Images

Bandai Hobby Online Shop: MG 1/100 Unicorn Gundam 02 Banshee Ver ka [Final Battle Ver.]
(Pre-Order Begins: Jan 25th 2012, Release Date: Mar 2012, Price: 5250 yen)
 Images from Bandai Hobby Online Shop


  1. Oh look, its original Ver.Ka mold.
    No improved knees, no head vulcans.
    So many people going to complain.
    I hope to pick one up though. Would look good beside my other 2 Unicorns.

    1. Nope, the knee improvements seem to be a permanent change to the unicorn mold.
      But I doubt it will have the head vulcans with that big V-fin on its head.

  2. great!! change few plates and here's a new model!!

  3. dont know if yuo have notice it but the psycoframme is the wrong color...

    1. Notice the brackets that say "Final Battle Ver"

  4. shut up and take my money already!!!

    1. take this! MY LOVE MY ANGER, AND ALL MY MONEY!!!!

  5. Is there any way to order from the website for international orders? Or is it domestic only??

    1. They will not ship outside of Japan.
      GG might get it in stock, he has previously gotten exclusive items.

    2. i do hope GG gets some, i prefer this version over the OVA but have no way of ordering it out of japan

  6. its like full armor unicorn black version?? LOL

  7. if i'm not seeing things........the frame.......it's glow?????
    and i remember saw other images of this MG but with OVA weapons and golden frame as usual, so, they release two version of it simultaneously????

  8. Whaaaaat ? Really ? Com'on Bandai it's the 5th Gundam Unicorn Model ! The RX-78-2 didn't had so much model in a so short period of time. I'm not a fan of the Unicorn but this is a bit too much I think especially when the Unicorn is not the cheapest MG around

    1. Then don't buy it. Buy other MGs.

    2. And I won't, but that was not my point. It's just that Bandai gives so much love for the Unicorn when they could be, IMO, doing something else like maybe a MG Jegan, Jesta or a Geara Zulu I don't know. We have so far 9 MG ( released and announced ) from Gundam Unicorn, and 5 of them are just Unicorn.
      Plus there is around 10 MGs a year ( it depends and it seems like 2012 will have more MGs ) and it's already 2 MG taken by the same mold.
      I know that they're making money with the Unicorn and I understand that, I know that if I don't like it I don't have to buy it but it stills kind of pisses me off because they could give sme other MS some love ( without too much effort for some kit, Gouf Custom 2.0 ? )

      I'm not mad at BANDAI because of that, I won't boycott or anything I love them, it's just that the Unicorn isn't my thing and it's been everywhere lately.

    3. yea...i agree you with you there..

  9. a few months ago, they release the FA unicorn. and now, this reindeer... wew.

  10. I wonder if the psycho frame can really glow like the first pic, or it's just photoshopped... =S

    1. The MG Unicorn frames glow under black lights (both pink and green, but we don't know about the Banshee's yellow/gold frame yet).



  11. they said that the glow is just a photoshop effect come on...

  12. I personally prefer the OVA Version more. At least that one has some unique weapons...

  13. so i guess this means that the banshee OVA version won't have the shield and beam magnum? nice

    1. It does have a shield, though I doubt we can attach it to the forearm with so much bulk. Besides, both custom Banshee weapons are permanently built into the outer armor of the unit itself, so unless you paint some random Unicorn parts and replace them with the Banshee unit you won't be able to just have the usual arms.

      And even if you happen to do that, you're still bust cause Banshee doesn't come with a Beam Magnum, just the shield.

      At any rate though I find it redundant, as Banshee OVA is a pretty sharp looking Uni and I'd rather have it with it's unique features than another set of beam magnum/shield equip.

      I do get your point though, that the scheme itself is getting just all over the place. I won't be complaining though, since I'm expecting a soon arrival of Uni OVA plus MS CAGE and the Banshee, on top of already having a Ver.Ka unit :].
