Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Lalah's Sazabi - Customized Build

Lalah's Sazabi
Modeled by batora
*A very nice customized build of the Sazabi w/ the Lalah's theme color paint job*


  1. Holy crap thats awesome

  2. IMO, too much Sinanju going on (even the emblem is that of the Sleeves'). He did a great job mixing the features of the original Sazabi with his own design which made it "uniquely Lalah's" but I would have preferred that he used a Sazabi for the base kit instead of the Sinanju.

    I have to point out that the head and rear skirt are freaking sweet. Best features of this build for me.

  3. Nice kitbash. I'm not too fond of the rear skirt + veneers. To me they just look a little incomplete but I do like the concept. I love the use of the marasai-like head for this sazabi. It's very gerbera tetra organic-like. Also the dual sazabi-shoulder mounted shields. The color scheme is nice and clean too.

    What I didn't like are the sinanju parts. Way too much sinanju. Good thing they didn't also use sinanju shoulders. If they were to stick with the sinanju legs, get rid of the overpowered sinanju side leg veneers, then slap on some styrene scratchbuilt armor plating, then it would've been better. It would've looked like it was indeed Lalah's Sazabi that way. A customized Sazabi with slim feminine features yet still a formidable foe.

  4. I'd say careful with the emblems and we've got a win win here. That's all I have any gripes with, but I'm in love with this thing, may even take a stab at such myself.
