Friday, September 2, 2011

MG Gundam AGE Gunpla Goes On Sale In Spring 2012

Bandai will be issuing their MG line for the Gundam AGE series next Spring with their first offering being the MG 1/100 Gundam AGE-1 Normal, follow by the MG 1/100 Gundam AGE-1S Spallow & Gundam AGE-1T Titus.
Also, according to Bandai's marketing/sales plan below, they seems to put a lot of faith in the upcoming Gundam AGE series, and really aggressive with their projected sales growth for the HG AGE line. 


  1. Putting a lot of faith in their new series, Bandai is.

  2. Announcing 3 MGs before the series even begins? Bandai must really believe in it. I guess this makes up for not having a regular 1/100 Age

  3. they make MG's of this car looking piece of crap but not the good ones like Gerbera? or the 1st Generation 00 mecha?!

    and where the fuck is the HG 1/144 Seravee Gundam II?!

    Dammit BanDai, get your shit together. Gundams are NOT cars. ffs, next thing they'll be designing is a gundam with rims.

  4. i seriously doubt this post

  5. i am definitely not buying everything from the age series. Sorry bandai 2012 your revenue will go down if you continue your mg plan. Listen to me, make mg jagd doga, hguc gerbera tetra, rg rx 178-2, mg gundam origin, mg marasai, mg zaku f2 ver 2.0, and more mg from uc.

  6. well there are stuff that gonna catch my attention before this but I might eventually get the AGE1 Sparrow in the future

  7. only thing i can say is BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!

  8. Spallow is the only okay one... wouldnt mind seeing a custom that makes it look more ninja or samurai looking. Other than that, the rest are rather gay. They're just so, BASIC and under realized.

    AGE seriously looks like knock-off robots you see in the crap toy aisle of a dollar store.

  9. What if...Gundam Age turns out to be one of those...Closet Best Sellers? 8| would surprise the poop out of me

  10. Really?


    Did Bandai just decide to give up on the 00 series with the LED sales and MG kits, HG kits, etc?

    We still need..

    SD Astraea*
    MG Astraea*
    MG O Gundam (Type ACD)*
    MG Exia Repair 2*
    MG Exia Avalanche
    MG 00 Qan[T] Full Saber

    * = really need

    Besides, more LED sales, Bandai..?

  11. i just hope their not expecting such success by targeting the younger generation with AGE, since it looks like a kids show afterall.

  12. I seriously doubt that this will go well at all. Unless you're an absolute must-collect-them-all gundam hardcore fan, I don't think anybody's gonna pick one of these up.

  13. I definitely will NOT be buying any of those kits. As soon as I discovered the lead gundam had a car spoiler on his back, I pretty much dismissed the entire show.

    And what kind of kid kid has ¥3500-¥5000 to burn on Master Grades?! If even adults are hesitant to spend that kind of money, what makes Bandai think they'll have any shred of success with this crappy line?

    Solution: Give us Perfect Grade Sinanju, and many more MG kits from Unicorn.

  14. Looks like that will be 3 months of MG's I ain't buying. And as others have said, little kits don't want nor have the patience to put together a MG kit. And I know the internet doesn't speak for all but most people that would buy MGs seem Against the Age kits.

  15. many hated Seed, but it's still successful merchandise wise. I'd say it'll be the same with Age

  16. You're all a bunch of butthurt faggots, i fucking hate you people

    And xxnike629xx AKA suiton, get the fuck over Gundam 00 you stupid faggot

  17. I think maybe Bandai wants to get younger fans into their franchise. We know that Gundam has this politic/war theme which why the older people like it, so the main fanbase of gundam is consist of these older people.

    So Bandai must've known that if they made a Gundam series for kids, many people in the fanbase will dislike it, so they think "Why don't we do all-out promotion instead? Our fanbase will still dislike it but we can reach our target more effective this way."

    Well this is only my opinion thought :p So instead of ranting/angsting/raging/whatever you name it, why don't we give a chance to the younger ones so that they can enjoy Gundam franchise too and regenerating our fanbase :)

  18. people who raging/angsting at this: their soul still trapped in gravity

  19. i hope Age is a huge FAIL, both in TV ratings and merchadise sales, i seriously dont want gundam to turn into a kids show PERIOD

  20. perso anonyme tu n'ai qu'un con car tous fan de gundam aime n'importe qu'elle serie gundam alorsarrete de les critiquer car tu n'a meme pas 1/3 de leurs talents

  21. You guys are just being too judgemental and jumping straight to conclusions. I mean, i just finished watching the first 3 episodes of Gundam Age and it doesn't look too bad. The plot and the animation look just like the one's used in 00 and such. It's well thought out and a nice series to watch.
