Monday, November 15, 2010

MG 1/100 00 Qan[T] - Review (Head, Torso & Arms)

Review by YellowSumbarine HobbyShop (View HERE)
MG 1/100 00 Qan[T] (Release Date: Nov. 18th, 2010, Price: 4725 Yen)
GG INFINITE: Pre-Order Item


  1. OH. MY. GAWD.

    His articulation looks like it's better than I'd hoped it would be. There aren't any pics of the foot articulation though - I wanna see how far he can do the splits or if he can limbo like the HG 00 Gundam! Since his hip joint is almost identical to the Exia's, how far the ankles can bend the feet to the sides will determine how far the legs can be splayed apart.

    I also love how the shoulder segments help give the shoulders flexibility upwards and away from the torso, allowing the arms to raise up without having the shoulder joint directly connected to the torso like in the MG Strike variants, which would be impossible in this model due to the GN Drive LED unit taking up most of the space inside the torso.

    But what I really, REALLY love about the articulation is the wrists - they can bend sideways as well as up & down on a hinge. This flexibility is crucial to creating intimidating poses with the swords. The only other MG I can think of that has such a wrist joint like this is the Strike Noir/Strike E. With a little fiddling with the joint and the way he holds the swords, he can pose with the sword held straight in line with the arm, pointing directly towards an opponent. Honestly speaking, ANY kit that primarily uses melee weapons should come with this joint.

    And the 3 "GN Frame" runners also suggest the possibility of being used in a future 00 Raiser release - yet another cool MG to look forward to!

    Gahhh...still at least a week to go before my order arrives!

  2. Awesome! I want it right now °_°
