Wednesday, November 3, 2010

GG INFINITE: Robot Damashii (Side MS) 00 Qan[T] In Stock!

Will be doing a review of the Robot Damashii (Side MS) 00 Qan[T] after I take care of a million other things that are on my plate right now... =(  But on the other hand, just thinking about unboxing this guy and setting up the Tamashii Stage 5 display stand for it brings me a bit of excitment. =)
Photo by G.G. 


  1. Damashii has been quite a hit these days and it's a good thing for fans to see more of other MS from Gundam series.

  2. @Dennis: I am just glad that RD usually include rare MS type in their line, and also extra accessories.

  3. Im agree, was waiting for gm sniper to show up for ages!
