Saturday, October 16, 2010

GUNDAM UC Episode 2 'The Red Comet' PV + First 14 Mins Segment (Better Video Quality)

Gundam UC Episode 2 'The Red Comet'
Blu-Ray (Release Date: Nov. 12th 2010, Price: 6090 Yen)
DVD (Release Date: Nov. 12th 2010, Price: 5040 Yen)


  1. More UC goodness awaits! While I admit I can feel a bit impatient for the several months' worth of waiting between episodes, it's good to know they'll be released regularly, and with consistent quality. I'd rather they make it as good as possible so that once the mini-series is over, we'll have a premium set to add to our Gundam video collection that we'll be happy to re-watch in the future.

    As it is, Gundam Unicorn is pretty much theatrical quality. I wouldn't be surprised if we saw a compiled movie edit of this come Gundam's 35th anniversary.

  2. Oh man. The first 14 minutes look amazing. I can't wait for this OVA to come out.

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