Friday, August 13, 2010

Gunpla Builders Beginning G: Gundam Super Expo 2010 Trailer

When I visit Japan (1:1 Gundam) next weekend, I will be just like that kid in this video. LOL


  1. lol dude dat would be sick if u could do dat. i would go to japan rite away and bring everything i haf related to gunpla lol

  2. I'm kinda torn - on one hand the whole concept of "fight with the gunpla you built" is cool, but... Beginning Gundam looks like crap (triangles? Seriously?) and I'm afraid this will turn out to be just a huuge blatant gunpla ad (as opposed to other another recent Gundam anime, :cough:Gundam00:cough:, which was a huuuge *almost* obvious gunpla ad ;))

    I'll definitely check it out, but I'm not setting my expectations too high (the chances of any real/serious plot are slim to none... :/) At least we have Gundam Unicorn episode 2 to look forward to ;)

  3. Yeah this series has a lot of kiddy stuff in it, definitely not for serious hardcore fans like us.
    And Beginning Gundam is just crap! No way I would get that kit unless is free.

    Definitely Gundam UC ep02 is what we need. LOL Sinanju ftw!

  4. lol well u could always mod the beginning gundam and yes unicorn episode 2 is gonna be awesome finaly some actually fighting with unicorn and sinanju's debut and the custom geara zulu!!!!
