Tuesday, June 22, 2010

My Gunpla Break Is At An End

So after my previous work on the HG Stark Jegan, Transformer Sideswipe Remaster, and HG 0 Gundam, which were all finish within weeks of each other, I was pretty burnt.  So I took a month long break to focus on other areas in life. But now I am ready to get back into the gunpla fray.

But right off the bat, I got myself locked in a few other projects aside from gunplas.  There are a couple of transformers that I need to repaint / fix for a couple of customers.  And I also have a remaster job for a Robot Damashii (Side AS) Savage that I would need to finish as well.  I am going to try to slip in my 1/48 Mega Size Gundam into things, will see how it goes.  Then there are other ones that I want to work on like the HG 1.5 Gundam & MG Musha Mk-II..... argh, the story of a gunplar's life.


  1. I want a G.G. customized gundam of my own! How do I get one? (You can bring it with you when you come this summer.)

  2. Seriously, I can definitely bring u one if you want. =) LOL But your skillz is pretty similiar to mine.

    If you really want one, I can make u one. U just need to pay for the kit price, my service is free for u. Just take me to Shizouka. =P

  3. Go go Go GG! Hope to see a master at work. :D

  4. That is one large bagful of work you got there :D Can't wait to see you start on another kit!

  5. Thanks cubbybots! I shall get to work soon!

  6. @LEon: A master is to high of praise for me ne. A Padawan perhaps. LOL
