Monday, May 10, 2010

HG 1/144 0 Gundam - WIP Update (Almost But Not Yet...)

I am very close to completing my long overdue HG 1/144 0 Gundam. Here is a screenshot to show my progress.

Made some boo boo that needs correction. Previously, a mod that I did for the arms, I accidentally modded the wrong side, and now a re-work is in order. I will most likely finish this kit by Wednesday...


  1. Holy f-wk I can barely see any diffrence, but yeah pleased to see your close to beating Keita^^

  2. Wow!man that is extremely nice
    I want it hahaha

  3. admire the panel line job that you did.. i have this kit too.. but in clear color version.. my reborn coming up.. can be view tonight..

  4. It looks great even without the arms ;)

  5. Thanks for the nice comments guys. Today turned out to be busy day for me, so probably won't work on finishing this until tommorrow.

    @GunStray: I am a long long way from beating Keita... one disadvantage I have is definitely he owns the better camera. =)

  6. Man! You really give 0 Gundam a new good or should I say outstanding like G.F.F toy.

  7. Awesomeness, makes me want to buy 0 gundam now.. but i think ill wait for 0 FA gundam LOL

    great job.. keep it up! ^^

  8. WOWZA.....that 0 gundam becomes fantastic for me. My question is, how u make the extra panel line? using hobby knife?

  9. @Dennis: Thanks. Even though I build this kit. I still plan to buy the G.F.F. Metal Composite 0 Gundam, because I like the size of that thing.

    @Tsukinari: Thanks. The simple design of the 0 Gundam made doing extra mods to it pretty easy. I definitely encourage you to buy one. =)

    @mangyver: Thanks. The extra panel lines were created using G-temple chisel set. I had posted something about that previously here (you can see if this helps):
