Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Model Plus No. 008 (April Issue) - Modified GN-X Scans

A couple of scans from this month's Model Plus magazine. The scans shows a couple of modified GN-X. Very detailed and awesome!

Images from CyberGundam


  1. they look realy cool, the question is were can I get those scans? could you provide me with a site please? ordering magazine is kinda out of question...

  2. i love the extra details on the GN X chest area. Gaves it more bulk :D

  3. @Aulon: I grabbed this scan directly from CyberGundam blog. You can google it on the web. It looks really nice eh.

    @Chubbybots: Yeah the extra bulk really brings it out. A lot of time probably went into the production of this.
