Friday, September 25, 2009

HG 1/144 O Gundam Worklog Preview & The Story of My Finger

So I have started working on the HG 1/144 0 Gundam. Basically I needed to build this kit to repay the local import games store owner for the PS3 Gundam Senki game. He was probably expecting a straight build & a clean paint job. But I just couldn't resist giving this kit a bit more detail, as the kit has a lot of potential.

So here is a preview of my first worklog, is incomplete... but I thought it would be a nice preview post, while I heal from my recent injury. (Click on the image to blow it up for better view)

Now for the story of my finger. So a week ago, I had a lead pencil (the lead portion) broke off inside my finger. Yeah It was an accident done to me by another person. So I had an operation yesterday, and now I can't do any harsh work with it for the coming week, since it is still bleeding. So the 0 Gundam will be delayed by one week.


  1. 0_o, was it a big portion of the lead or a small one?

    Anyway thats some fine detailing youve done

  2. Did you punch him out for doing that? or at least charge him for your surgery?

  3. @GunStray: Thanks for your comment. The lead was about 4cm long, the doc showed me after the surgery.

    @GaiGun: Nah.. I don't even know him, it was a gardener solicitating business at my house. When he handed back my lead pencil, he accidentally sticked it into my finger. And I only need to pay 15 co-pay at the doc, while the insurance covered the rest.

  4. sorry to hear about your injury! sucks how it happened too! silly gardener.

    i have to admit you have a great eye for adding extra details that i think a lot of us dont have. this is my true weak point of gunpura. adding extra panel lines and details. just not really sure what to do sometimes. cant commit! that and the the fact that i've traumatized myself with terrible mistakes in the past that took forever to correct.

    it's going to look VERY good when it's done. i know it.

  5. Wish you a speedy recovery mate. Can't wait to see you get back to work on your O gundam! Love the details you added, by the way what chisel are you using to get that effect on the shoulders. Would love to try that out ^^.

    Anyway love the way you present your works in progress with the b4 and after pics.

  6. @BB: Thanks for the kind words. But honestly some of the ideas are from other 0 Gundam builders that I've found on line, and I just implement the ones that I like. So some are original ideas while some are other's ideas. Either way, I will do my best to make it as nice as possible.

    One thing I learn from modding, is that theres no going back. So before I do any modding, I spend a bit of time thinking about it, drawing ideas on paper, and most importantly to come up with a method that will make the mod as simple as possible without too much effort.

    @chubbybots: Thanks for the comment. The chisel & saw that I use are these:
    I've recently ordered more modding supplies from MechaSkunk. A fellow japanese blogger told me G-Temple Engravers are pretty good, so I ordered them to do panel linings.

  7. damn love the detail that u did to ur 0 gundam it looks really nice. hope u recover quickly but is it really bad if lead is stuck in ur body??? other dan da fact it is poisonous???

  8. I really like the details. Hey, what happen to your FA Astraea? I've waited for the complete model for so long.

  9. @A1S: Thanks for your comment. The doctor assured me that I don't have lead poison, as he shared that lead pencil nowadays uses graphite. I am very eager to get back to my gunpla. Just a few more days.

    @Anon: Thanks! Gosh the FA Astraea is currently being overshadowed with all the kits that I need to finish. And I am kinda slacking to pick up on it, since there are lots of tedious sanding involved to correct my spilled paint accident. Perhaps after I finished my MG Sinanju.

  10. oh is dat so ok cuz i also haf like lead in my thigh stuck in dere so i was thinking was i gona get lead poisoning lol but good to know lead now uses praphite and cant wait to see da final product of the 0 gundam

  11. Your the wound seems to be painful. Y(>_<、)Y
    I wish your wound is restored early.
    And I hope to advance to the next work.

    Still, it is the panel line where the feeling is good.

  12. Dude that's bad luck, but what a story! Get well soon. I've been looking for chisels for a minute now.. I'll have to check those out. That is some fine scribing btw.

  13. @A1S: Lead in thigh?! Woah. I am looking forward to working on my 0 Gundam this week.

    @Zeta_pla: Thanks for your comments. The panel line was very hard to do. Hopefully the new supply from G-Temple will help me more.

    @Tonzo: Yeah some luck eh... I think the G-Temple chisel will be the best, since it comes with a variety of sizes.

  14. waw nice detail
    I would have that skill to do the same with my gunpla T_T

  15. nothing..anyway can you teach me? xD ihihihi

  16. @zero87: Doing the detail is not that hard. All you need is the right tools.

    For panel lining, I suggest this:

    When doing panel lining, is hard to keep a straight line, so to do so, buy this to help keep your chisel to make a straight line:

    For sawing/cutting plastic cleanly:

    For getting rid of plastic to create details on the plastic:

    Hope this helps.

  17. @G.G. thx for the link. I try to find the g-temple in an european store becouse if i buy it from outside of eu I pay to much tax <.<

  18. @Zero87: You might already know this site since you live in europe:

    They carry some model accessories & tools. Althought they don't have g-temple chisel at this time, but I think you can ask if the store can order for you. Hope this helps.

  19. thax g.g. Ill' try with your link ^_^
