Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Bandai Hobby Center - A look inside

A supposely rare look inside the Bandai Hobby Center

You can even see a hugh Anahiem Electronic logo on the front of the building. Don't you wish you work there?

Everyone is wearing a feddie's uniform. Now thats a dream job! Man I wish I was that dude on the left there....

Model making machine

Lots of gunpla on display

If I worked there, this is where I will spend my lunch time.

Images from ToysDaily


  1. nice, would have preferred you to take more pics of the feddies

  2. Damn,working there would be like working in Charlies chocolate factory, with Gunpla instead^^;

  3. The workers there probably get discount on Bandai stuff too.

  4. Awesome. Thanks for sharing that!

  5. As part of the gundam 30th anniversary, Bandai had their factory open to the public for a few weeks this summer.
